0.25 || That's My Girl

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PART 0.25
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   "Good girls better get bad."
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It had only been a couple days since Arachnid arrived on the Nemesis, with you in her cockpit.

As far as anyone knew, you did not exist. Especially Soundwave. Still, Arachnid wanted to be 100% sure, but she still took you on missions from time to time. After all, how else would she keep an optic on you? She sure as the pits couldn't trust Starscream or Knockout! Not Soundwave, and most definitely not Megatron!

She would take you out secretly for bathroom brakes and food, and though some may be suspicious, she was just being Arachnid to them. She was weird! An anomaly to most, and terrifying to many. You asked her to tell you war stories, though the huntress believed that they may be too gruesome for you, considering what she was and who was. But, alas, you always pushed for them.

You also inquired about the whole 'partner-killing' deal with Arcee, and why they were such bad enemies. They were arch enemies for Primus' sake! The femme gave her honest, and surprisingly not-gloated answer! Telling you about how she had tortured the two-wheeler and her partner for information they didn't have. While she didn't feel bad about it, she felt bad about admitting it to you.

"Maybe y-you could—I don't know—h-hold off on the killing sprees?" You suggested as awkwardly as always. Your guardian, who acted like a mother when it came to your safety.

"What if they're trying to hurt you?" She argued.

"Then teach them a lesson! But don't kill them." You quickly added the last part. You were mainly a pacifist, but you could fight when necessary! Well, you couldn't fight a robotic titan, but that's what she was for.

"What if an Autobot captures you? What if Arcee takes you from me?" Now this was something you had to answer carefully! Then again, you were always careful about what you said near people.

"There leader is a Prime, right? Primes are honorary, aren't they? I'm sure their leader would understand if I just tried to reason with them!" You argued back. The spider-femme became more worried as more scenarios rushed into her processor. Why was she so worried? This was such an out of the ordinary characteristic for her, much less for a Decepticon in general! Now she understood the ups and downs of having a partner. Arachnid immediately cursed herself for relating to Arcee and the other two Autobots so well.

"But-" You cut her off.

"No buts, I'll be fine!" You declared.

"But what about Megatron?" It had to be said.

"Well, he deserves to die, but it's not your job to kill him! Even saying that first part makes me uncomfortable, but I don't even want to think of what would happen if I lost you!" That's what the femme really needed to hear. She held you against her chassis, feeling guilty for caring at all, and guilty for that previous thought. The huntress didn't know how to feel about you, and she didn't like situations that she felt she had no say in.

There was no winning in an argument against you.
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Cobwebs (Suggest nicknames in the comments please!) eventually agreed she would attempt to lower her psychopathic tendencies. Much emphasis on attempt. While you loved that she would try to try, you were incredibly worried that she wouldn't. Then again, from what you've observed, the femme has become increasingly subconscious about your opinion of her.

The relief didn't halt your concerns though. Not that you didn't trust her! For your first friend, you were very proud at how far she'd come in a matter of weeks. But for her to make a full transformation from good to bad would take some serious time and effort. Especially trying to reason why it wasn't a wonderful idea to brutally murder the Autobots second-in command or her human pal.

You began to call her new, more annoying nicknames to scold her for certain things. Some of them included the most commonly and casually used, which was Cobwebs. Others were Spiderwebs, Hissyfit, and Lady Legs, for what reason neither of you knew, or could even comprehend for that matter.

Other mini misadventures included when you messed with some of the troopers that stalked the halls. You acted like a ghost or some sort of haunting poltergeist that came for revenge. Your guardian spider cursed you for this, but found it so enjoyable, she sometimes joined in the fun too.

"Commander Starscream! I think we're being . . ." One would gulp, and another would interrupt with, "Haunted!"

The Decepticon SIC would growl at this and scold the soldiers for believing such. . . Until you messed with his helm as well. Then, it got even more amusing to watch as the cowardly mech's fearful fantasies took over. You always felt a pang of guilt when you engaged it, as you never enjoyed messing with most people. You kept in mind that theses were murders that did much more than start a prank war.

The nights weren't all that bad either! You would sneak out of Arachnid's berthroom as she slept heavily. She would snore and mumble sort-of-quiet, incoherent words as her body hogged the entire berth. You would point out constellations and stars to yourself, all the while being entirely careful in case someone decided to come by. Your insomnia kept you up late, leaving faded bags under your eyes.

You would go to sleep at one in the morning, wake up a couple hours later, and sleep in again, only to find the disappearance of your friend, and the explanation as to why on a note. She never joined you, or even knew you did what you did! Arachnid fell asleep much to quickly, and thanks to the sound-proof walls, nobody came to investigate the disturbing noises.

What fun, but totally odd, misadventures you had on the Nemesis! You would just laugh and play with her thinking, That's my girl!

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