2.4 || Until We Go Down

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PART 2.4
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"I need that fire just to know that I'm awake."
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   "Soundwave superior, Autobots inferior." That was all the Decepticon had said before crashing his own systems to protect the data.

   "Is he . . .?" The green Wrecker began to ask. Ratchet scanned him for answers.

   "His vital signs remain functional. It seems he has simply severed all communications, by crashing his own drives." The medic announced to the team. You didn't even realize that cybertronians could do that! You desperately hoped there wouldn't be a time where you would ever need to do that.

   Later on . . .

   "Prime! These recent 'Con heists have General Bryce breathing down my neck!" William Fowler complained in his call to the Autobots. "So I gotta get back to the barbecue today for another grilling."

   "Understood, Agent Fowler. And rest assured, should our prisoner return online, we will resume our interrogation." Optimus responded, looking over at the captured Decepticon.

   "Sounds like a plan. I'll get back to base as soon as possible." Fowler said. He continued to drive on the seemingly empty road, unaware of the danger that lurked nearby. A little bit later, he called back. "I'm on my way to base, but I just got word: The 'Cons busted into the Solaris Particle Collider Project at the South Pole."

   "Autobots." Optimus turned around to face his team. Ultra Magnus turned his claw into a fist, but Ratchet sputtered out, strongly against the commander getting back into action. Next thing you knew it was almost the entire team going through the ground bridge, leaving you and your best friend with only a few others.

"Can't we throw a tarp over him? He's creeping me out!" Bulk commented as he stared uneasily at Soundwave.

"Yeah! It's like he's looking at you wherever you go!" Smokescreen moved around to make his point.

"Would both of you stop focusing on what Soundwave can or cannot see, and help me figure out what he did not tell!" Ratchet barked at them. "Like why Megatron would be interested in something believed to generate enough power to create a black whole." Your optics went wide at this. You felt that was happening a lot these past few days. You sighed. Why couldn't things get any better?
^ ^ ^

"Black wholes! So Megatron's looking to swallow up the known universe." The rookie guessed.

"And everything in it." Bulkhead concluded. That didn't exactly sound right to you.

"No, no!" Airachnid scolded them for their idiocy. "He would want to harness the power of something able to swallow worlds." She stopped, realizing the real reason, but the old medic was kind enough to finish for her.

"In order to . . . create one. Oh my!" The sudden realization hit him like a freight train, and the Doc and spider-femme exhanged fearful looks. You could barely listen to the conversation that went on between Optimus and Ratchet over the comms. Bulkhead and Smokescreen were doing their best to comfort you, as you were less used to the war that raged on between factions.
^ ^ ^

"Ratchet, we may not be with the Forge or the Omega Lock, but we're gonna find a way to get our planet repaired." Smokescreen told him optimistically. Fowler walked through his small door at the back of the base, silently reading the files in his hand. Laserbeak abruptly crashed through window and began blasting at the Autobots.

"Oh no!" You squeaked. Laserbeak found your base! The minicon shot all of the restraints of its carrier. Smokescreen managed to land a hit on it's wing, but it easily managed to dodge everything else at it was reattached to Soundwave's chassis. Before you knew it, the silent mech had inclined and shocked you into unconsciousness with his tentacles.
^ ^ ^

   "Ratchet, we require immediate transport back to base." Arcee called in through the comm. You awoke suddenly, the sound of her voice waking you from your unconsciousness. You were a light sleeper. Fowler did the same, but he was worse than you. The other two bots in base, Smokey and Bulk, awoke as well.

   "Ratchet, do you read?" The two-wheeler said louder.

   "Arcee?" You asked, successfully standing up without falling down.

   "Y/D! Is everything alright? Where's Ratchet?" She questioned. You looked around the base for the old medic, but failed to spot him anywhere.

   "H-he's, he's gone! You squeaked in surprise. The doctor had been kidnapped! You activated the ground bridge in replacement of the old mech who wasn't present anymore. Smokescreen showed the paint he had accidentally peeled off of Laserbeak when Soundwave attacked.

   "If I were a better shot, Ratchet would still be here." He pouted, staring sadly at the ground.

   "Chin up, soldier. We've comed the entire floor. For the moment, that remains our only clue." Ultra Magnus tells you and the bots. You nodded and sighed, staying as quiet as usual. Airachnid would have tried to comfort you, but any pain you went through, she would never be able to understand.

   "Nothing in the ground bridge log. When they bridged Ratchet outta here, they used theirs." Bulkhead reported to the commander with disappointing news. "Not ours."

   "Why take Ratchet prisoner, but leave these three behind?" Arcee asked, motioning to you and the other two mechs that had been with you.

   "If Megatron intends to hold our medic hostage, I find it curious that he's made no demands." Magnus told them in confusion. Optimus walked up to him, his deep voice echoing in the base.

   "It would stand to reason, that Ratchet must possess something the Decepticons want."

   Whatever the enemy wanted ever-so-greedily, you knew quite well that the medic wouldn't give in so easily. He would never go down without a fight!

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