1.9 || The Greatest

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A/N: Please read and comment on the mandatory Author's Note. It is important and in CAPITAL LETTERS.
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PART 1.9
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   "I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive!"
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Wheeljack landed multiple successful hits on the Predacon's neck before dodging a blast of fire from it's throat. The same thing happened to you and Bulkhead, one after another. The beast swung its head around to blast fire at the area Ultra Magnus had been standing. Luckily, the Autobot lieutenant was quick to react and bashed the creature's neck with the hammer.

The big, green mech saved your commander by grabbing his tail as it came down. Unfortunately, he ended being thrown onto Magnus as they hit the wall and landed on the stone floor. Wheeljack stood on higher ground while you ran in front of the mech pile to cover them.

"Hey hothead!" Jackie shouted, immediately grabbing the Predacon's attention. He continued shooting at the Decepticon pet until it got close enough for him to pull a different stunt. The renegade tossed a grenade at the open intake of the metallic dragon as it charged up its fire. But with one quick swipe, the grenade ricocheted off of the cave wall and landed right in front of you.

"Oh scrap," You and Wheeljack muttered as you watched the light on the explosive go red. You covered the bodies of Bulk and Ultra Magnus to protect the mechs from further damage. The explosive went off, sending debris high into the sky.
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The Wreckers plus the commander punched their ways through the gigantic rocks that had covered them. Bulkhead lifted up your half-conscious frame, guilt and fear showing in his wide-open optics. You groaned in pain, and attempted to smile at the wrecker to show you were okay. You couldn't do it.

"Well that didn't go exactly as planned." Jackie said, as if it were a simple mistake.

"That's because any first-cycle cadet knows not to detonate a grenade in an confined space." Magnus hissed at the mech while he stomped out of the rubble.

"Even if I intended the confined space to be the belly of the beast?" Wheeljack shot back at the lieutenant. They were both so annoyed with each other; it was hard to tell who hated the other more.

"Um, sir?" The green Wrecker held up your battered body. He was brutally ignored, and so were your injuries.

"Your actions seem to be one step away from getting us all scrapped." The lieutenant stated angrily.

"With all due respect sir," Bulk intervened, "the Predacon is loose, Y/D just got scrapped, and Miko is out there alone." He shoved your scratched and blackened frame into his commander's arms before turning away to rescue his charge. He ran off into the tunnel.

"Permission to provide cover, sir?" The renegade asked, turning to the larger mech. He narrowed his optics at the grade-loving Autobot, subconsciously pulling you closer to his chassis.
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Ultra Magnus had you slung over his shoulderplate like the sack of potatoes that you really are. Him and the two Wrecker pals climbed up just in time to watch the amazing Miko swing Starscream around like he was a rag doll. She beat them up with punches, kicks, and moves her guardian had no idea she could pull off.

"Miko?" Bulkhead said in shock, his jaw hanging wide open as he stared.

"Maybe you were right about the human after all." The commander told Wheeljack quietly as he put you in a less uncomfortable position. He made you go from shoulderplate to a safe, bridal style. Miko finished up her battle with the drones, who were unsuccessful in their attempts to take the girl in the Apex Armor down.

"You do know that I vanquished Cliffjumper." The Decepticon SIC flaunted the victory as he bared his claws.

"Big whoop," the Nakadai scoffed, getting into another battle-ready stance, "I snuffed Hardshell." The others ran over to the girl to back her up, even if Ultra Magnus would have a bit of trouble doing so.

"Retreat!" Screamer yelled at the silver drones, before running and transforming to jet mode midair. The seekers did the same and followed their commander through the blue sky. Miko let out a disappointed, "Awww."

"They got away with the bone." She grumbled as the mechs caught up with her, pointing a servo the direction the 'Cons retreated in.

"Hey, you brought your A-game kid. Just like a true Wrecker." Wheeljack complimented her, along with a genuine smile. He lightly punches her shoulder, and the human girl smiled right back. "And I want to remember us just like this, before the rust sets in." He glanced at Magnus in annoyance before taking you and turning away. He'd take a ground bridge, but he should probably take you along to get patched up ASAP too!

"What? Where's Wheeljack going?!" Miko asked her guardian as she motioned to the mech that was sprinting away with your injured frame.

"Solo." Was Bulkhead's one-worded reply. He was just as disappointed as her.

"Again?!" Miko cried.

"Jackie just broke up the band." He told her sadly, a frown as clear as day on his faceplates as they watched the other wrecker depart. Though it was tough to watch, as least you would get fixed up quicker than a ride on the Autobot SIC's ship.

After all, you were one of the greatest."

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