0.8 || Decode

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PART 0.8
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   "How did we get here? I used to know you so well."
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Airachnid lay in a dark cave, her dentas grinding against each other in reaction to her agonizing pain. She was practically face-planting in to the rocky ground. The cave was dark and quiet, excluding her pained groans as the rogue 'Con rotated herself onto her back. She stared over at the entrance of the cave with her amethyst-colored optics. It was almost as if she was expecting somebody to walk in on her.

The femme kind of was! She cursed the small part in the back of her processor that hoped your tiny human frame would stroll in and stay with her until her death. Airachnid unfortunately knew that she would not be granted that luxury by Primus, or any stupid cybertronian god. You were with MECH still for all she knew, or the 'Cons had captured you and made you their own pet, or tore you open slowly to hear your pleading screams. The scenarios rushed through her mind in a horrible attempt to keep the injured femme awake.

Though her sickening processor was doing a good job of it, the ex-Decepticon reminded herself that she had also broken her promise about killing. She had promised herself—not so much you—that she wouldn't disappoint you. And you wouldn't! You'd probably be furious if you found out, lecture her more and cry, or-or something!

Airachnid didn't want any harm to come to you, yet she already managed to fail at keeping you safe. You were still a secret from the other Decepticons as far as she knew, and she hoped that hadn't changed in the time she was absent from your life. What was she to do?!

As for the Insecticons, Megatron was able to get to them before Airachnid could do anything with them. Though it was a saddening thought to the rogue, at least she couldn't do anymore harm to anyone else that you wouldn't approve of. She was aware you were a pacifist unless fighting was actually necessary. You would try to solve anything with words rather than violence, unlike her guardian, who was more fight now and ask questions later.

If you weren't so kind, the femme may never have decided to befriend you. Though she may have said she hadn't cared, you intrigued her more than anyone else. Your willingness to die would be more than disturbing to most, but the fact that she didn't mind you murdering her was out of the ordinary. You weren't like any Autobot or Decepticon that was oh-so-willing to die because of the loyalty to their factions. Oh no, you were just dead behind the eyes and not bothering to hide your sadness. You were so used to neglect, you did it to yourself, and in those first weeks Airachnid had you, where she considered you a pet, she had to take care of you herself.

   The ex-Con let out a shaky sigh as she hoisted herself up. The rogue crawled over to the wall in absolute agony and sat with her back against it. The injury continued to gush out energon, but it lessened a little when pressure was applied. If she wasn't given medical attention soon, she would die. Airachnid was beginning to feel lightheaded and empty. Then, it hit her.


   A rock ricocheted off of her helm and onto the ground, knocking the stone onto the cave's floor. The idea she had was risky, and the theory she had may as well be wrong. But! If you were at the Autobots, and most of them had retired to their berthrooms, you might get her message! The rogue knew very well about your insomnia and plaguing nightmares and raging night terrors. You were smart enough to figure out how the computers worked, that was for sure! And so, the plan was set in motion. Oh Primus . . .

   How did we get here?

   It was getting difficult to tell anymore.
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   For the past week, you had been residing with the Autobots in your new, metallic form. You enjoyed every small joke and entertaining escape you had and made with the bots and human kids. They were all very nice, and you were super happy they trusted you this much within the small amount of time you'd known them.

   Ratchet had been working late, but you promised you'd wrap up his work yourself if the old mech finally got some rest. He had reluctantly obliged, and you were just about to shut down the system until a message popped in. An embedded message, and the person was asking for a med kit. Your first thought was: Starscream! Call the team!

   Taking a closer look at the notification, you noticed it was from your one and only: Airachnid. But, she wanted a med kit! She was hurt! Was she going to die? Did she still care? Why was she messaging the Autobots? You shoved these questions aside and activated the ground bridge. You were so worried about that femme the entire time MECH had held you active! You quickly grabbed a medical kit and rushed through the ground bridge, reminding yourself to work quickly. You had programmed a short timer on the bridge to open up in the following ten minutes.

   Hopefully, you would be able to save your greatest friend in time.

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