2.6 || All Around Me

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PART 2.6
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"I can feel you all around me, thickening the air I'm breathing."
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   "The frequency modulator keeps shorting out!" Raf complained, kneeling in front of his laptop. You and Wheeljack were working at the table him and Miko were placed on. You frowned, taking a closer look at what the mech beside you was doing.

   "Let me try uncrossing some wires . . ." You said to the boy, taking the thing out of Jackie's servos. He chuckled at your actions. No wonder Bulk found you so cute!

"Now there's something you don't see every day." Smokescreen said to Bulkhead as they walked up on the scene.

"Jackie wasn't always a loner, you know." The green Wrecker told him. "Being a Wrecker was all about the team."

"Y/D wasn't always so outgoing with people either, though that was probably a given." Airachnid added, placing her servos on her hips as she and Arcee strolled up next to them. Her and the two-wheeler had been patching things up with the help of you, and things were going on better than expected. A sudden crash echoed throughout the base.

"Miko! I needed that!" Raf scolded the teenage girl, who seemed to be the culprit behind the anonymous, now-broken utensil.

   "I was just trying to tighten up the thingamajig." The Japanese girl tried to excuse herself. The small boy made a 'Pfft' noise and waved her off, before continuing to work. Jack walked up to the agent that was watching the two from his walkway.

   "Agent Fowler! Everything alright?" He asked in concern.

   "Just preoccupied. Thinking about the close calls we humans have had with the 'Cons lately. Smacked down by Soundwave, stuck in Knockout's trunk with your mom." The old man listed off.

   "Moving on . . ." The boy said.

   "The uncomfortable reality is, the 'Bots might not always be here. And even if they are, they can't be everywhere at once, as we've learned." Fowler told the teen. He stared at the Apex Armor as he talked. "This armor is the only thing that stood between Miko and that Predacon. The reason she came back without a scratch. Cyber-tech like that could be just what we need to give our agents on the front lines a fighting chance. Agents like, maybe you someday." Jack's eyebrows rose in surprise.


   "You'll be of age soon, and you're Prime material, son. Your mom thought you might be a good fit, seeing as you've been wishy-washy about future plans." Fowler explained, facing the boy.

   "Wait, you've been talking to my mom? About me?" Jack questioned the old agent. The sound of machinery whirring was heard, and the two faced the flying vessel that flew at and over them.

   "Custard's mustache!"

   The rocket was flown back around and towards the area where you were. Raf landed it on the sort-of-table by his location. It was cybertronian size and remote controlled. You didn't hear the few sentences that were said by the humans.

   "I'm still fine-tuning Chip's remote." Rafael announced sadly, messing with the controls a bit.

   "Chip?" Arcee inquired about the name.

   "So we're gonna let this doohickey fly back to 'Con central . . . " Smokescreen attempted to add two and two together.

   "And lead us right to Ratchet." Jackson finished the sentence.
^ ^ ^

   "You sure we can't add a GPS to our scout here?" William Fowler asked you and the Wrecker. You shook your head. It was late at night at the Autobot base, and your team was just about to put their plan into action.

   "Too risky, sorry!" You apologized with your usual innocent expression.

   "Both side are gettin' real good at rootin' out that kind of trick." Wheeljack explained to the man.

   "Besides! We don't need a tracker." Smokescreen told him.

   "We have Optimus." Raf looked up at the 'Bots optimistically. He held the tiny remote in his hands and against his chest. The Prime walked up to his teammates, looking majestic with every step.

   "But won't the 'Cons see you coming, big guy?" Miko asked the Autobot leader.

   "Not until it's too late." Bulkhead said, smiling up confidently at the larger mech beside him.

   "We'll be prepared for immediate mobilization upon your command, sir." Ultra Magnus promised his superior.

   "Good luck, Optimus." Smiley sent a smile the Prime's way as well. He stood next to his commander with a proud expression.

   "Be safe." The two-wheeler said. Bumblebee beeped and whirred something to his leader.

   "Don't die." Airachnid told him with a seemingly bored look. You noticed a smile was trying to sneak its way onto her faceplates though, and you knew she meant what she'd said.

"Whatever the outcome, know that Ratchet would be most proud of your contribution." Optimus Prime said to the child prodigy. Raf smiled, feeling happier with those words.

"C'mon kid. Let's light this thing!" Jackie interrupted. The boy nodded, and turned the machine on, letting it fly high into the darkened sky. Optimus activated his jet pack and flew after the rocket, determined to bring the old medic home.

   Home: Where he'd be safe from harm, and with friends all around him.

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