2.8 || C'mon

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PART 2.8
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   "With everything falling down around me, I'd like to believe in all the possibilities."
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   Shots from blasters all over the deck were exchanged in the fury of the battle. Decepticons in their alt. mode were shot down and crashed, followed by a painful explosion.

   "The Omega Lock's control station is located on the lower deck." Ratchet notified the team through the comm link. Arcee made a motion with her helm to you, Bee, Airachnid and Smokey.

   "C'mon!" She yelled over the blaster fire. Your small group ran swiftly for cover.

   "I am making my way there now!" The medic said quickly after.

   "Copy that, Ratchet!" Optimus replied through the link. "We will rendezvous at the objective! Arcee, lead the Stealth Team to secure the Omega Lock. Ultra Magnus, you and the Wreckers storm the bridge. Prevent the Decepticons from targeting the device if Stealth Team is delayed."

   "Optimus," The two-wheeler called, "if we fail to secure the Omega Lock before it's ready to deploy, do we destroy it?" She hid behind a beam to cover her before talking.

   "I do not intend to squander a second chance to restore Cybertron." The Prime answered, flying through the air as he dodged more blaster fire. This time, instead of going to be with the Wreckers like usual, the Autobot leader had asked you to go with the Stealth Team. Why? You weren't sure, but it had to be for some good reason. Something like getting a tactical advantage over the enemy or whatever. Airachnid had gone with the Autobot SIC, like you were swapping places or something.

   "Wreckers!" The lieutenant called for the mechs as the went right on the intersection.

   "Bee, Smokescreen, and Y/D with me!" 'Cee ordered as she headed left. Wow, that was an intake full! Smokescreen was delayed in his run as he watched Megatron ride from a platform in the hall they had just exited. After being called after, the Elite Guardsman sprinted back to his group.

   "Go on without me!" The young mech said, transforming into his bipedal mode. You and the other two transformed as well.

   "But that's not the mission!" You interjected, quickly becoming confused. He turned on his Phase Shifter.

   "There's something I need to do!" Smokescreen announced before running straight through the wall. You sighed and Arcee groaned. The three of you kept running towards your captured friend.

   "Ratchet, we're approaching your position." The motorcycle informed him over the comm. Theeeeeeen . . . You ran into Starscream.

   "What?!" The seeker yelled, a troop of vehicons standing behind him.

   "Scrap." You femmes cursed. This would not go well!

   "Attack!" The skinny mech commanded the soldiers. They began shooting in a fruitless attempt to kill you all, but you, Bee and Cee knew you could take them down. It would take a little while though!
^ ^ ^

   "Would you ever want sparklings, love?"

   "I-um-er, maybe? Yeah, it'd be great to have a family with you some day!"

   "Great! Because uh, that some day seems to have come early . . ."
^ ^ ^

   "Actually Y/D, I would like you to accompany the Stealth Team, and Airachnid, you will go with the Wreckers."

   "May I ask why, er, Optimus?"

   "I think your abilities will be of better use if you and her switched for now."

   "Alright, Optimus."
^ ^ ^

   Soon enough, the Omega Lock was activated. Soundwave was sent to the Shadowzone, while Megatron and your beloved Prime were punching the living daylights out of each other. The Decepticon warship shook as Jack attempted to figure out how to fly it.

   "Oof!" You hit the wall behind you with a painful slam as the Nemesis tilted itself. Arcee was sent onto your chassis, where you cushioned her landing.

   "Special delivery!" Smokescreen called out. He had the Starsaber slung over his shoulder as he ran past your trio. "That way, right?" He activated the Phase Shifter and sped straight through the blaster fire, plus Starscream, through a wall, and right to the Lock. He spotted Optimus and turned the Shifter off.

   "Optimus, catch!" The rookie shouted as loud as he could.

   "Smokescreen!" You shouted fearfully, watching a shot from Shockwave hit him. Smokey was sent backwards and the large sword flew from his servos. He hit one of the tanks of energon, but the two-wheeler ran over speedily to cover him. She spotted the saber in the floor and went right after with Screamer close behind. Bumblebee managed to kick off the guards that were onto him and sprinted to the weapon too. You and a few more trooper s followed.

   You and your fellow femme started to finish off the soldiers chasing after you, while the scout continued after the Starsaber. He managed to grab hold of it and break Shockwave's single optic. Arcee struggled with the seeker, but smiled at the sight of the mech. You went after him for backup, not wanting to lose the Prime's weapon. You and Bee quickly climbed down to the bottom of the Omega Lock where the leaders of both sides were beating the scrap out of each other.

   "Optimus, you must use the Saber to destroy the Omega Lock!" Ratchet called down to his old friend over the comm link. "It is the only way to save Earth!"

   "The Star Saber!" Megatron shouts in realization. The yellow and black camaro jumps from his perch, determined to deliver the weapon to its rightful owner. You would've jumped after him, but the events that transpired almost immediately after stopped you from doing anything at all. Three shots were fired from the warlord's arm cannon before Optimus stopped him from making any more at the scout.

   One went straight through Bee's spark.

   The second went straight through Bee's spark.

   The Saber slipped from the lifeless mech's servos.

   The third shot hit his spark.

   Your team watched it like a movie, with wide, unbelieving optics as the scout fell towards the bottom of the Omega Lock. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Bumblebee's corpse hit the Synthetic Energon that had pooled at the bottom. C'mon Bee, don't do this!


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