0.1 || Mr. Blue Sky

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PART 0.1
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   "Welcome to the human race!"
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It was fair to say: You had become good friends with Arachnid! It was unusual for someone so set on hunting humans to befriend one, but she did it. She kept you around telling herself and you that she didn't care, but you knew she did. Whatever you had to say, she didn't ignore or yell at you. You were both respectful and fond of each other, and it had only been around two weeks since you had met up!

Though the huntress had been hungry for revenge, and you were weighed down by your depression, both weights were ever-so-slowly being lifted by each other. Many would be surprised at the ex-Decepticon's friendliness towards you, but after all the interesting conversations about your pasts, interests, personalities, etc., you weren't ever going to be on her hit list again.

   While you didn't have many things in common, such as one of you being a giant, metal, spider woman and the other being a small, lonely, peaceful human, you were always able to see past that! You two still lived in the woods, but you had both grown quite used to it. Arachnid had made you a hammock with her webbing, as well as an expertly-made blanket for cold nights. You were quite thankful for that!

   Arachnid, not too long ago, had taken you relic hunting. The huntress was grateful her wonderful, new, alt. mode allowed her to get to places faster and carry her human companion. I was ordered to stay away and out of sight from any Autobot or Decepticon in sight.
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   "Jackpot." Breakdown chuckled, tearing into the rocks to get the relic. A metal tapping sound passed by him, but did not raise any suspicion. Suddenly, Arachnid attacked! She rammed into him, and as the relic fell to the ground away from them, she scurried over to grab it. You were hiding behind a rock in defense, just watching the seen unfold.

   "For me? You shouldn't have." The femme smirked, holding the relic up.

   "I didn't." The unknown mech growled, attacking her in return. He slammed a hammer into her, knocking her back. "I heard a rumor about a rogue Decepticon. How 'bout I hog-tie you and haul you back?" When he put like that, it wasn't much of a question.

   "Hmm! The primitive type." Arachnid observed, dodging another hammer strike. The bulky Decepticon let out a battle cry and rushed towards her. You knew it was a big mistake.

   "Not much for depth perception, are you?" She asked him, flipping backwards onto higher ground.

   "Not much for looks, are you?!" The mech yelled at her, a cannon coming out of his shoulder. He fired A missile at her, but she managed to dodge it. The spider femme dug underground and attacked him from behind. At this point, you've decided to go adventure and explore the area. You heard the surprised yells of the new mech slowly getting buried by your best friend.

   "Ah ha ha ha ha ha! It was a lovely burial." Arachnid laughed, taking the relic for herself. She continued to walk off, but realized she forgot something. "Y/N? Y/N? Y/N!!"
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   "Don't take it personally Arcee. Jack's mother is just . . . Protective." Bulkhead told his teammate.

   "I've been protecting Jack for months before she knew. Suddenly, she wakes up, and I'm not enough." Arcee complains, letting out a frustrated sigh.

   "Yeah! No kidding. Can't we ban her from the base?" A new voice inputs. The two turn around to find Bulkhead's human.

   "Miiiiiikooooo." The big green mech drawls. "How did you-" The two-wheeler cuts him off. "Gonna need a ground bridge-" This time Miko cut her off.

   "Wait! Don't send me back to helicopter mom!" She pleads them. "It's just that, I wish things would go back to the way they were."

   "Scrap that Ratchet, it's only recon. We can take care of her." 'Cee says, walking away.

   "Sweet! Turn up track seven, Bulk!"
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   That was an interesting conversation to watch. You stealthily ran away, wanting to check back with your own guardian. Even though you clearly knew she could take care of herself, you still worried something may happen to her. You weren't going to be the one to miss it.

   Arachnid and the other mech were still going at each other by the time you got back. You saw the bulky green mech, his human pal, and the blue and pink femme hiding atop the battle ground. The relic slid on the ground away from the two 'Cons, and closer to the Autobots.

   You noticed the Autobots hide their human away and prepare for battle. You couldn't stand there and let Arachnid get shot at! You had let her get pounded already by the loud, orange-faced mech with the missing yellow optic.

   "ARACHNID! WATCH OUT!" You screamed at her, ducking behind a different rock to keep your location secret.

   "Y/N . . ." The huntress' optics widened, realizing it was you. You were safe! But the Autobots noticed too.

   "Arcee. Look! You've brought me a new partner to snuff." The rogue femme hissed.

   "That would be Bulkhead." The male 'Con told her, standing back up again.

   "Who asked you?" Arachnid hissed at the mech beside her. Her optics were still scanning for you, but her search had to be put off again when Bulkhead launched Arcee at her and Breakdown. You fearfully watched the fight as the femmes and mechs tried to rip each other apart.

   Suddenly, your ex-'Con guardian was tossed at the yellow-optic mech, and slammed into some more rocks. You sneakily sprinted over there, terribly concerned for her. The mech, who you heard in the trash-talking was Breakdown, picked up and turned on the relic.

   "Do you even know what that is?!" Arachnid growls. "It isn't a toy!" She ran off with you in her servos, holding you protectively against her chassis. She didn't get far, as Arcee began to shoot at her once again. So, the huntress used her signature escape tactic and drilled her way out of the fight, with you still safe in her servos.


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