2.1 || This Is War

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PART 2.1
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"To the soldier, the civilian, the martyr, the victim: this is war."
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   "Beast Hunters! May I ask why you are not currently scouting Grid 305 for Predacon bones?" Ultra Magnus asked the group of soldiers at the computer, you included.

   "Because we just returned from searching Grids 301-304?" Airachnid answered it, making the reply sound more like a question as she inpected her claws beside you.

   "To log out field reports, per your protocol! Commander Magnus, sir." Bulkhead added in. He was always one for respect to superiors, but not fearful to speak against them when needed. Another reason it would be hard to choose. Not now Y/D! you scolded yourself.

   The Autobot SIC walked over to Wheeljack, scolding him for leaving the base without permission. The wrecker covered in bright green coolant told him off with his productive work. Then, the Prime flew down, and everybody ran over to greet him.

   "Decepticon activity is at a low. I fear that Megatron may have collected the specimens he requires to—" Optimus cut himself off, seeing the lone commander still at the back of the base. "—clone his army." You noticed too, but knew that your leader would handle the problem. Though, that didn't stop you from feeling incredibly guilty inside.
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   ". . . The members of Team Prime have grown into something more than an army." Optimus Prime told the commander as the chatted at the front of the base. "They have become—" The Prime's sentence was cut off by an alarm and Ratchet calling him over.

   "Our scanners have detected exposed energon." The medic explained. The bots turned to their leader and commander for orders on what to do.

   "With our reserves at a critical low, we cannot afford not to investigate." The Prime said as his battle mask came over his face. The decision was made!

   When you were all in position at the exposed energon site . . .

   "DECEPTICONS!" Your esteemed leader called out, catching the guards' attention. "Step away from the energon, and surrender." The 'Cons saw him from his perch above, surrounded by you and the other soldiers. Of course they wouldn't go down without a fight, so the troopers began to shoot rapid fire at their enemies.

   You, Ultra Magnus, and the Wreckers slid and ran down the steep, rocky hill with your weapons ready. You attacked the vehicons with great force, especially you. All that girl-time-training really paid off! Smokescreen, 'Cee, Bee, and Airachnid ran in from the other side with blasters a-blazin'. Optimus landed on the ground, crushing a Decepticon trooper. The battle seemed like it was over before it even started.

"Look at all that sweet, sweet fuel." The rookie commented as he walked up to one of the carts filled with the shining blue crystals.

"Stealth team, transport our cargo back to base. Wreckers, reconnoiter the mine." Optimus commanded, motioning to the entrance of the cave.

"I've always wanted to roll with the Wreckers!" Smokey announced as he rushed up to his superiors. The two stared at him. "Uh, sir." You giggled at his behavior and earned yourself a suggesting look from Wheeljack. Ew!
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You, Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Smokescreen wandered quietly through the tunnel.

"No energon signals." Bulk notified you all as he glanced down at the portable scanner. Wheeljack added, "And no additional security. Something doesn't smell right." The commander came to a halt in front of you, and you almost ran right into his backstruts. You continued on though, and all five of you took your weapons out just in case.

"Pair off!" Magnus ordered. "Y/D, you're with me." You gulped, uncomfortable with the thought of being away from the blue rookie and the green wrecker. Oh whatever, you were already on a different team than Airachnid. You followed the large mech as him and Jackie ran, taking cover behind the rocky wall.

From what you could see, there were a bunch of large test tubes filled with Predacon bodies in yellow liquid. The sight frightened you as you began to stroll through it with your comrades.

"Well, this is a whole lot of ugly." The renegade notes as he got a closer look at one of them.

"Megatron's cloning operation seems further than we anticipated." The Autobot SIC said as he observed the area. His loud footsteps echoed through the humongous cavern, and he suddenly noticed Shockwave at his computer at the very back. The scientist noticed him at the same time, and started shooting his arm cannon at the three of you, while calling someone over his comm.

"Soundwave, I require an immediate ground bridge." The cyclops announced in his robotic voice. You took cover behind one of the giant test tubes like your teammates had. Your well-done shots didn't seem to reach the purple mech as you used your blaster.

He pressed a few buttons on his keyboard that made the lights go electric, with a sort of electrical chain connecting the tubes. Shockwave made a few last shots before escaping through a ground bridge. The tubes seemed to be emptying and spraying out the yellow liquid that was inside them. Ultra Magnus got his hammer ready, while you and Wheeljack exchanged worried glances.

"Grenade," you whispered. "GRENADE!" You then shouted it to the friend at your side.

"Permission to deploy a grenade in a confined space, sir?" The Wrecker asked the lieutenant.

"If you two and I are the only thing that stands between these things and the natives of this planet, then by all means, blow these beasts back to the Rust Age!" He answered. Jackie grinned before activating the explosive and tossing it away from them. You and the two mechs transformed and rolled the heck out of there as fast as possible. Going just a little farther, a ground bridge appeared in front of you, but it was not an Autobot's.

Out walked a bipedal Predacon. It had learned how to transform, you guessed. The mechs with you didn't catch on as fast as your intelligent lady-processor did.

"Who's this guy?" Wheeljack asked. You know who he his, you thought worriedly. This was not good, this was not good at all, for anyone! This thing was smarter than it had looked the last time you faced it.

"The very same who had previously allowed you to live, but will not today."

   You were certain he meant war.

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