1.0 || Dear Agony

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PART 1.0
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   "Dear agony, just let go of me."
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You were out cold.

The reason? You weren't sure. The events of the past few days had disappeared from your processor. Your helm was trying to hide the horrors that tried to return as answers. You cursed your unconscious self as you tried to recollect your thoughts.

"Megatron has finished his first phase of cyberforming Earth."

"The Decepticons have discovered the location of our base."


The memories rushed at you in waves. They pounded on the inside of your helm as if they were trying to escape it. You realized it wasn't the terrifying memories of the confrontation on Cybertron, or the discovery of the Autobot base, but somebody. That somebody was the spider-femme you knew so well attempting to wake you up.

"Y/D! Y/D wake up! Wake up!" Airachnid yelled at you, slapping the sides of your faceplates in distress. You mumbled incoherently as your optics tried to get used to the lighting. The memory of you being ground bridged to your old friend's location rushed in. When you were all evacuating from base, you had used Airachnid's coordinates, not caring at the time that anyone else might see them. Not that it mattered now . . .

"Mm . . . Huh. Airachnid?" You blinked your optics a couple more times, making sure she wasn't an illusion. You sighed and hugged her abruptly, begging to sob uncontrollably.

"Y/D! What did they do to you? Why I oughta—" She was only cut off by you sobbing even harder, and pulling her even closer.

"Th-the Decepticons! F-f-found base! Destroyed it! Humans and Autobots! I-I-I!" That was really all the former Decepticon could get out of the words you choked on and stuttered. The femme wasn't used to comforting people, so figuring out how to make you happy again was going to take some thought.

"The other 'Cons found your friends?" Saying the Autobots were your friends made the ex-Con cringe. "They're probably alright. I mean, you made it out alive!" Truth be told, Airachnid didn't care for the Bots, though it's not all that surprising. She was just glad you made it out of the commotion. Though, she figured the only way to make you truly satisfied was to find out if they were all alive.

"We, w-we n-n-n-need t-to—" Airachnid shushed you and pet your helm, rocking you back and forth. You did that for just a little bit longer before she broke the hug and placed her servos on your shoulders.

"Find the Autobots, I know. Whatever makes you happy. But um, how exactly are we going to find them?" The rogue asked you skeptically. You shook yourself, trying to get your helm in the game. You stood up and helped Airachnid up too.

"We need to head for Jasper. We just need to keep going until we find the others, and I know they're doing the same." You answered. You were determined to find them, as long as it didn't cost the only friend you had right now. The spider-like femme stared at you, surprised at your newfound bravery. But she knew you'd be fine. She knew you would both persevere.

There were no doubts there.

"Very well. You got an alt. mode?" Airachnid inquired with a smirk and a servo on her hip plates. You smiled back with the sudden happiness your old guardian filled you with. You transformed into your flashy, sports car and revved your engine at her. The ex-Decepticon ran and transformed into her helicopter mode with you speeding on her tail.

Time for some good, ole fashioned, Autobot hunting.
^ ^ ^

Smokescreen waited next to Optimus, patiently and quietly. The Prime had just fallen back into unconsciousness. The young mech hoped the situation wouldn't get much worse than it already was. If the Prime died . . . he didn't know what he would do. Or how the team would react! They would hate him, wouldn't they!

The Elite Guard member shook his helm. Those kind of thoughts definitely wouldn't help anything; he was only making the problem worse in his processor. He looked up at the ceiling of the cave with a stoic expression, wondering how you were faring right now.

Smokescreen could only hope you were okay, as well as many of the others. Him and the Autobot leader were down so deep, there was no chance of tracking their signal. Which meant . . .

Could he send a message to you? He had to let you know him and Optimus were alright! He had to know if you were alright! The 'Cons wouldn't be able to pick the message up from where he was, and they could only try to intercept the messenger, not the receiver. You would be safe from their optics as far as he knew!

. . .

. . . . . .

.:: SS here. Me and OP are OK. Stay safe, keep smiling!::.

. . . . . .

. . .

"Airachnid stop!" You suddenly cried out. You speedily drove into a forest area—similar to the one the Bots found you in—that was by the road you had been on previously. The rogue followed you into the woods as soon as she saw you turn that way.

"What is it? Did you see a Decepticon?" The femme questioned you worriedly. You shook your head furiously with tears of joy coming out of your optics.

"He's alive! Smokescreen! Him and Optimus are okay!" You squealed in excitement. You squeezed her in extreme joy. Airachnid was completely confused. Who was this Smokescreen? Your teammate? Your mechfriend? She'd scrap him if he was the latter.

"Great. Not sure who he is, but at least your not leaking out of depression." The former 'Con said to you. You giggled at her statement.

"Thanks for caring." You told her sarcastically. "But we have to get back on track about finding them."


   Why your dear agony might actually let you go this time.

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