1.6 || I Will Wait

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PART 1.6
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"I will wait for you."
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     "Though remains unclear why such a skull would be found on your planet, its presence reveals all too much about the Predacon which Megatron recently sent in pursuit of us." Ratchet explained as he circled the bone.

   "You mean that dragon bot we put on ice?" Miko inquired, looking up at the old mech.

   "Except Predacons have been extinct since, well—" Smokescreen cut the Doc bot off.

   "Since most life began on Cybertron."

   "They're like Earth's dinosaurs." Raf pointed out, walking up on the scene.

   "Which means you guys running into one would be like us meeting a T-Rex." Jack said while crossing his arms.

   "So, then what were dinobots?" Miko said to her guardian.

   "Totally different." The wrecker corrected her.

   "With Megatron seemingly interested in the excavation of prehistoric skeletons, and a certain scientist back among the Decepticon ranks . . ." Ratchet stated clearly.

   ". . . It would stand to reason that Shockwave cloned the beast from one such find." Optimus Prime concluded. You stared at the dirty object in slight confusion. So the metallic dragon had come from something like that, huh?

   "And now Megatron is looking to clone another." Ultra Magnus added on.

   "What makes you think Buckethead would stop at just one?" Wheeljack pointed out. Bulkhead suddenly realized, "We could have beast wars on our hands!"

   "And if Shockwave only requires a single strand of CNA of which to clone a beast," Airachnid thought out loud, finally trying to speak up without insulting any poor soul.

   "He already possesses what he needs to engender one." The Prime told them. "Autobots! We must become Beast Hunters."

   "One thing still doesn't follow!" You finally spoke up too, without any stuttering. "If Predacons went extinct on Cybertron, how are they here?"
^ ^ ^

"From our historical text," Ratchet showed them the pictures and words on the screen.

"But those are mechanical versions of our mythology and literature!" Jack said as he observed the pictures.

"Not dinosaurs." Raf pointed out the obvious.

"It would stand to reason that Predacons did indeed walk among the Earth in ancient times, as they seem to be the base for much of humankind's folklore. Illustrating again, that the paths of Earth and Cybertron are inexplicably linked." Optimus told them. His explanation did good to satisfy their theories.

Later on that night, the humans were asleep in their own human area. And the bots, were asleep as well. Some of them. Ratchet and Ultra Magnus busily typed at their designated computers. Optimus walked up on his old friend's work, confused as to what he noticed.

"Synthetic energon?" The Prime inquired suddenly.

"Yes. I am concerned that we haven't had any energon reserves since our base was destroyed." The medic turned around to face him. "Your ability to handle severe crisi will be hampered."

"A wise decision old friend."

"Just please, manage your expectations. I am working with more rudimentary hardware than before." The old mech motioned to the scraps of metal nearby.

"PRIME!" Guess who, Autobots. "Satellite surveillance picked up two signs of Decepticon activity. One by an oil peel out by El Passo, and the other near the Hiberdes Bluffs in Scotland, so don't forget to pack your kilts." You and the team walked up to him as the man listed them off. The humans slowly woke up, hearing the booming voice of an annoyed Agent Fowler.

"We must divide our resources. Ultra Magnus, lead the wreckers to the bluffs." Optimus turned to Magnus as he said this. You assumed he meant you too, considering how much you worked with them already.

"Yes sir." The lieutenant answered firmly, before walking closer to the leader. "Uh . . . What's a kilt?" You almost laughed at his obliviousness to what the garment was, but hid your amusement well. Airachnid sent questioning looks over to you, but you waved her off.

"You don't want to know, sir." You answered for Optimus as you shook your helm unnoticeably. The Autobot's second-in-command sent you a questioning gaze as well before walking off. Whatever. You were still unhappy you couldn't work with Airachnid, but a small part of you hoped that she would try to patch things up with Arcee in your absence.

"Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Y/D, let's roll." He commanded. Jackie let out a groan. You inhaled and exhaled, even though you didn't need to. You were only trying to calm the anxiety that attempted to lash out at you.

"Optimus, I know there are many emotions tied to the Forge," the SIC started to say. Alas, there was no time for a ceremony or whatnot. "I would be honored to put this to some practical use."
^ ^ ^
   Turns out 'Cee wasn't gonna be on the mission, but whatevs!

Optimus drove through the ground bridge, slowing to a stop. With him were Smokescreen, Airachnid, and Bumblebee. They had been teleported on what seemed like a very tall bridge. Optimus turned around to his fellow comrades.

"I will search this quadrant." Was all he said before taking off into the sky with his awesome jet pack. The ex-Con ran towards him and transformed into her helicopter mode mid-jump, following the remaining to mechs as they drove the opposite direction.

The oil plant seemed deserted but fully automated. The three transformed back into their bipedal modes. While the mechs turned their servos to blasters, Airachnid went into her spider-like form, readying her sharp legs.

Smokescreen started talking to Bumblebee, but the stubborn femme didn't really care to listen to the words and beeps. Soon enough, her wandering optics snapped to the Decepticon troopers that surrounded them abruptly. The trio nodded to each other, as if reading their minds, and then hopped into action.

Smokescreen and Bee exchanged blaster shots with the other mechs while the femme decided to go up close and personal. The 'Con soldiers were no match for her high jumps and webbing. As much as Airachnid wanted to savor the feeling of the kill, she wouldn't waste the time on something so pathetic. Soon the battle was done, and she scurried back to the other Bots on her many spider legs.

Footsteps approached. Out of the dust clouds and smoke that had risen up, the Decepticon scientist emerged.

There was no time to wait anymore. Sorry Y/D.

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