1.1 || Rise

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PART 1.1
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   "You're out of time, but still I rise."
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   "Jaaaack, it's time to come out and play!"

   "Go ahead, the Bots'll sacrifice themselves for my planet, I'll do the same for theirs!"

   "Me too, creepy!"

   "Perhaps we should oblige them?"

   "If my decision dooms the Autobot cause on Cybertron, so be it. But I will never forsake out human allies."
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You woke up to someone feeding you processed energon. Surprise surprise, it was friendly ole Airachnid. She seemed shocked when you woke up, but her expression quickly turned into a relieved one.

"Y/D! You're awake!" She cried. You let out a grunt and sat up straighter against what appeared to be a mountain that his your frames.

"Why was I-" The rogue cut you you off with a shake of her helm.

"You fainted due to lack of energon. Luckily the road seemed deserted, and you were the only one driving on it. If you had been monitoring your signal, I wouldn't have had to transform and haul you off the road." Airachnid explained grumpily. The attitude reminded you of Ratchet, and the air around you suddenly got sadder.

"Oh. Sorry Hissyfit. Didn't mean to worry you." You used one of her annoying nicknames to assure her that you were just fine. The femme rolled her eyes and got out a cube for herself.

"Yeah yeah, thank me later." The ex-Decepticon said between sips, waving you off. You smiled at her reaction. At least your best femme friend was still up and kicking. At least you were were alive, and trying to survive on optimism. Unfortunately, that optimism was running out.
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   "The communications link needs further calibrating to be compatible with Autobot frequencies. The ground bridge however, is fully operational." Ratchet told Ultra Magnus, knowing this explanation would be seen as exceptional by the lieutenant.

   That would've come in handy when robo-dragon was trying to eat us for breakfast." Miko spits out. Jack almost face-palmed for her disrespect.

   "The indigenous population of this planet, do they all share the same disregard for authority?" Magnus asked in annoyance. The medic beside him scoffed.

   "No, it's mostly just Miko." He answered without regret. Almost immediately after that conversation, a jet came flying into view. The larger mech transformed his servos into guns and ran closer to the plane. These actions caused the other Autobots to yell out in surprise, telling him that the jet was on their side. It came closer to ship and landed, and the cockpit revealed itself to hold two familiar humans: June Darby, and Agent William Fowler.

   June charged at Jack, hugging him tightly. A few tears of joy had even slipped out of her eyes.

   "I'm okay mom." Her son responded to her silent, unspoken question. June pulled Raf and Miko into a tight hug as well.

   "Your families are safe. Agent Fowler saw to it that Jasper was evacuated in time." The mother assured the two with a kind smile.

   "The only signals Ultra Magnus managed to isolate are standing right here." Arcee explained to the team.

   "So, now word from Y/D?" Bumblebee asked sadly, his shoulder plates sagging downwards.

   "Maybe the scanners faulty!" Wheeljack suggested, still filled with as much attitude as always. "Also, who's Y/D?" Unfortunately, the wrecker's question went unanswered for the moment.

   "So the kid and her are unaccounted for." Bulkhead concluded.

   "Smokescreen bridges out unaccompanied. Only Optimus knows where." Ratchet informs them. "And Optimus remained behind, to destroy the ground bridge. To ensure that everyone else made it to safety." Fowler sighed at this with his eyes downcast.

   "I . . . watched the base go down. No one or thing walked outta there." The agent reported.

   "Not that we could see." June added right after Fowler finished.

   "Even if Prime survived, I'm not sure we could afford to wait for him. Not with Megatron holding the planet hostage all high and mighty at Darkmount!" Agent Fowler told them pessimistically. The Autobot lieutenant walked forward.

   "I would be inclined to agree with the native life form. We must stop Megatron, with or without Optimus Prime." Ultra Manus announced. This was something the other Autobots silently agreed with. They couldn't afford to wait much longer.

   "We must stop Megatron at all costs," He continued, the commanding air around the mech growing stronger, "but we will need to be smart about it."

   "Woah, who put Shoulderpads in command?" Wheeljack complained.

   "Temporary command." The teenage boy assured him. This time, it was Ratchet that stepped forward to explain.
   "Ultra Magnus is the only logical choice. He was trained by Optimus, and served as his commanding officer throughout the war."

   "Now unless there is any further objection, soldier, please follow me."

   The Autobots were to try their best to track you down before they arrived at the Decepticons citadel. Whatever obstacles they would face, whatever dangers would threaten them, they would rise to the challenge.

   You would rise to the challenge.
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A/N: Wooh! Two updates today! Sorry this one is shorter, but be glad it's out. I'm working on it. Airachnid will join Team Prime with you, don't worry. Hope you enjoyed!



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