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PART 0.3
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   "I turn to you. You're all I see. A monster with two heads and one heartbeat."
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   It was a little bit after the whole 'Airachnid tries to scrap Team Prime but got scrapped by Bumblebee' incident. You scolded her mercilessly for her idiotic actions, knowing Megatron wouldn't be entirely pleased either. You almost got completely knocked out in her cockpit again, only because she seemingly forgot the entire conversation you had the day before.

   "You left Starscream with the Autobots?! Do you have any notion of the consequences of your blunder?!" Megatron yelled at your guardian in absolute anger.

   "But my lordship! It was Starscream's incompetence that cost us the Immobilizer!" Airachnid objected, motioning her servos around.

   "Told you he'd be mad!" You grumbled, putting your legs up on the controls in front of you. Your arms and legs were crossed in annoyance, and your face held a frown your friend didn't need to see. Airachnid heard your comment, but tried her best not to react.

   "I don't care about some trinket! My second in command is a prisoner of the enemy!" The warlord growled, shoving his face closer to hers in frustration. "Which means all Decepticon intelligence is at the mercy of the Autobots!"

   You knew it! She done screwed up.
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   Megatron made sure Airachnid stayed away from Optimus' work station while the former Autobot leader believed he was a Decepticon. He believed that she would accidentally give something away and put them in jeopardy. While she was 'appalled' that he would put that little faith in her, the two of you weren't all that surprised.

   You took the time to go over your 'No Killing' or 'No Going Completely Psychopathic' lecture with her. The huntress, as much as she didn't want to, listened carefully, not wanting to hurt your feelings or betray your trust once again.

   Days went by, and so did the collection of multiple Decepticon relics. Starscream was rogue, Megatron stole the Forge of Solus Prime, and Bumblebee's T-Cog was stolen and replaced.

   Though you acted like some weird-aft monster with two heads, you and Airachnid made a pretty good team.
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   Late that night, you went on a food hunt. Your guardian protested, saying it was unsafe! You didn't care to heed her warning though, as hunger drove you to get something to fill the empty hole growing in your stomach.

   "Fine, but I'm not going with you." The spider-femme announced, not caring to even argue. She was too tired. "Just wake me up when you want to come back. You have my comm number, right?"

   "Yep!" You told her. You said if anything was amiss at all, you would give her a ring. You even patted your phone in your sweatshirt pocket. After all, the only way you getting out was if you could assure her!

   You used the ground bridge to teleport you a mile away from a gas station where you could purchase semi-healthy snacks. You payed the old man at the register for your things, and then you began wolfing it down like a savage. Unfortunately, your poor soul was unaware of the dangers lurking on the patch ahead. You dialed Airachnid's number and waited.

   "Yo, Lady Legasus, I'm ready for my ride home." As if you could call the Nemesis home! You inwardly sighed, and patiently waited a little longer.
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   "Is this her?" Silas questioned his followers.

   "Yes, this seems to be Airachnid's pet, sir." His colleague confirmed, showing his leader the tablet full of information.

   "Perfect. Capture her and return to base." Silas had learned enough about Cybertronian life forms and T-Cogs to know how to create one and have it transform. So, he would use his knowledge to, not only his new transforming puppet, but create a female cybertronian from the mind of a human.

   As soon as he heard your scream, Silas immediately knew his plan was being put into action. While the series of events that would take place with you as there prisoner would be dangerous, he would never give up on this. Airachnid arrived as soon as their helicopter left the vicinity. She searched for you, immediately concerned as she placed her pedes carefully, deliberately in front of one another.

   "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N (M/N) L/N!" The huntress screamed in a desperate attempt to confirm your location. It was no use, but there was one thing that was for absolute certain!

   You were easily to be his greatest creation.

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