0.5 || Feint

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PART 0.5
^ ^ ^
"There's a reason she's alone, you can't pin her down, because no needs her home, and needs her around."
^ ^ ^

"The Autobots are persistent, time to meet their match." Silas declares, settling himself in his chair. He activated Nemesis Prime, and sent the metal titan puppet out for battle.

Bumblebee drove into the premesis, transforming out of his vehicle mode to his bipedal form. Doing what he did best, the scout observed and scouted the area for suspicious activity. It was only a few seconds until any conspicuous activity revealed itself.

"Bumblebee," the silhouette of his leader appeared, grabbing his attention. Bee made his servos into blasters, aiming them at the mech. "Be on your guard. My double could be anywhere." The scout let out a series of kliks and beeps, something that the fraud would not understand.

"I'm sorry, what?" This confirmed his theory, as Bumblebee began rapidly firing at the fake Prime. After a short but epic fight, he was flung away from Optimus' doppelgänger, hitting the ground with horrendous, follow-up pain.
^ ^ ^

"Bumblebee, come in Bumblebee!" The real Optimus Prime called through the comm link. He sighed, succeeding in not letting his worry show.

"Fan out?" The two-wheeler suggested, walking onto the strange base beside him.

"Yes, and beware anything that might resemble me." The Prime warned Arcee and Bulkhead. They acted as quietly and carefully as possible. But, before the wrecker knew it, he was being trashed by the so-called Nemesis Prime.
^ ^ ^

"Optimus Prime, we meet again." The Autobot leader approached his double with utmost caution.

"The deception ends here, Silas." He announces, raising his blaster to his opponent.

"Does it?" You could hear the smirk in his voice as the MECH leader charged at Optimus, and they engaged in a ferocious battle. All while they fought, Fowler was taking down MECH agents one by one, and Silas was taking the time to gloat about his newest build. Suddenly, from behind the control chair, Silas heard the voice of a new arrival.

"Ah, Agent Fowler, in the flesh at last."

"I'm here to pull the plug on your video game!"

They engaged in skilled, hand-to-hand combat. Fowler was definitely doing a good job at distracting the man from the real objective. Once that was pointed out though, Silas returned to his control panel and got his but handed to him by Optimus. The situation was a rush, and felt it was almost over before it started.

MECH was defeated!

Or was it really?
^ ^ ^

". . . And we found no trace of Silas." Fowler said, explaining the aftermath of the destruction of the MECH base. The Prime's optics narrowed as Ratchet finished fixing his wounds. They had no idea how the organization would work while their leader was 'gone'.

"Thank you for telling us, Agent Fowler." As formal as he always was, Optimus ended the conversation. But then, a new, just as pressing matter came up.

"While I was fighting Silas though, I discovered something you might want to hear about." The man said, only signaling more bad news.

"Uh oh, what did they do?" Miko questioned. "Did they steal more tech? Kidnap another 'Con?"

"Close. They kidnapped a human." This was a shocker. Or was it? MECH, as they had learned, was completely unpredictable when it came to their schemes.

"Why would they want another human?" Bulkhead asked, just as confused as the rest of them.

"A woman, to be more precise. But whatever the case may be, keep an optic out for her, will you? I'll be doing my part as well."

"Will do, Agent Fowler."
^ ^ ^

"How is our leader doing?"

"There was massive damage to his internal organs, and a few limbs may have to be taken off."

"What about the girl? Y/N, was it?"

"Because she has sustained little to no damage, we can simply transfer her mind to the cybernetic body. We'll get rid of her old body afterwards."

"Will we do the same thing with Silas?"

"No. Because of his intensely injured state, we'll have to put his current body in the cybernetic form. Fortunately, he'll work just as good."

"That's good. Should we begin the procedure?"

"Yes, start with the girl. If we fail on her, we can learn from our mistakes with our leader."

"Sounds like a plan. Roll them over here!"

You would go from feeling good to great! A zero to hero sort of thing, if you will. Well, of course you will.

What do you have, a choice?! Oh, please. You would only be a feint blow, a deceptive soldier.

   A magical, revolutionary creation.

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