2.7 || Losing My Mind

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PART 2.7
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"Feels like I'm losing my mind. Feels like a dream of me all the time,"
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   Smoke trailed behind the rocket. Optimus Prime was on its tailpipe, flying as fast as he could possibly go. The flying vessel made whirring and beeping noises as it lead him to his destination.

   "Prime!" Fowler said through the comm. "Haven't heard from you in a while. Everything alright up there?"

   "So far, Agent Fowler." The Prime replied.

   "What happens when the 'Cons ID Laserbeak's signal?" Jack asked nobody in particular.

   "We're counting on Optimus to make visual contact with the warship before its radar can detect Chip." Raf explained, adjusting his red glasses.

   "The boss'll be fine." Wheeljack assured the bots around him.

   "It's not Optimus I'm worried about." Arcee replied to the Wrecker next to her. Their servos accidentally bumped into each other. You noticed that detail and definitely planned to tease her about it later.
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   The Prime continued to pursue the rocket. During time that he had chased it through the cloudy sky, the Autobot leader had found absolutely nothing. Within seconds, it flew off into a  gigantic, dark grey cloud. He narrowed his optics, his battle mask over his mouth, and flew faster after the rocket.

   Thunder boomed, and lightning lashed out from different areas around him. Optimus scanned the storm for the rocket he had lost sight of. His aqua blue optics continued to search the area until he spotted a certain jet: Starscream.

   "Optimus Prime! How dare you continue to live!" The Decepticon SIC cursed the airborne Autobot. The jet shot a missile straight at his enemy. It narrowly missed the Prime's pedes, before he took out his cannon and shot at Starscream.

   "Blast that Autobot into oblivion!" The seeker yelled to his subordinates. They came out from above Optimus and attacked him at once. The Autobot leader shot his blaster when he could, and skillfully dodged any shot aimed at him. Screamer shouted more orders at the troopers before flying away to follow the signal he was receiving.

   Once Optimus finally finished off the second-in-command's armada, he headed after the seeker. It had taken some time, due to the many soldiers that had been taken care of, and the Prime began to worry that Starscream would get to the vessel before he. The large, flying bot boosted his speed once he spotted the seeker.

   "No!" The leader shouted, his optics widening. He shot rapid fire at the jet until the 'Con escaped through a ground bridge. Now, he was alone in the storming sky. Optimus Prime's battle mask retracted as he stared into the dark clouds.

   Chip had been annihilated.
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   "Optimus to base!" The Autobot leader said through the comm link.

   "Have you determined the warship's location?" Ultra Magnus' voice asked his superior.

   "No, Ultra Magnus." The airborne bot answered his lieutenant sadly. "The transponder has been destroyed. We are no closer to finding Ratchet than when we began."

   Then, a sudden but relieving call came in on the comm.

   "Ratchet to base, do you read?" The medic's voice broke into the Prime's audio receptors abruptly.

   "Loud and clear, old friend." Optimus smiled as he said that. Hearing the old mech's voice melted away all of the leader's worries about him. Everyone in the base jumped for absolute joy, knowing their medic wasn't dead.

   "Listen to me, Megatron has managed to rebuild the Omega Lock onboard his warship. I've managed to deactivate the Decepticon shielding system. You should be able to get a fix on my coordinates!" Then, quieter and more urgently than before, he whispered, "Optimus, you must hurry! Megatron is preparing to cyberform Earth as we speak!"
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"Ratchet?" Optimus Prime said. His oldest friend had logged off of the comm link. With a determined look on his faceplates, he ordered, "Autobots! Lock onto those coordinates, and prepare to storm the warship."

"You heard our leader! We're going in, and we're going in heavy. Gear up!" Magnus commanded his teammates. They didn't need to be told twice! You all got ready immediately, taking out the awesomest of weapons.

"They can't leave without saying goodbye!" Miko exclaimed with a frown. Fowler placed a hand on the Japanese girl's in reassurance.

"No time for that, and no need. They'll be back." The man stated confidently. The agent knew this without a doubt that your friends would return. You would return victorious.

"Initiating ground bridge!" Raf clicked a few keys and a swirling green portal opened up for your team. Knowing what lay ahead for the rest of you made you less scared and actually prouder about what you were doing for your planet.

"Members of Team Prime, Autobot and human, it has been my honor to lead you. On this day, the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance, and the battle to come may very well be our last. But for Earth, for Cybertron, for our comrade Ratchet, we must take the Decepticon warship!" Your leader announced with pride and inspiration. And with that, you walked through the ground bridge to save the planet you call home.

You were already losing your mind.
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A/N: Please comment on the next A/N update! I really need answers to these specific questions so I know you'll enjoy the story more. Pretty please with rainbow sprinkles on top??


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