0.9 || Two Birds

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PART 0.9
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"I'll believe it all, there's nothing I won't understand."
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"W-who are you?!" Airachnid spat out as she raised up some of her razor-sharp spider legs in defense at the new arrival. The crushing reality that it wouldn't do her any good was pushed aside by her anger. The wound pained her too much and was to damaging for the ex-Con to battle anyone.

The new arrival was a somewhat bulky femme who was well built and good-looking, for sure. Her optics were pale and unusual, holding a confusion of depression and joy. She held the medical kit in front of her with both servos, looking almost surprised at the rogue. For whatever reason, Airachnid didn't know, but she didn't exactly care. This wasn't the femme she was asking for at all!!

Or was it?

"Cobwebs?" You used a nickname your former guardian would recognize. The expression on her face went from infuriated to puzzled in mere nanoseconds. You knew your new look would have thrown her off, so you would have to prove you were you by jogging the femme's memory. That wouldn't be too hard.

"H-how do you know that name?" The rogue let down her guard a little bit, but dropped it entirely when the wound increased in pain. Luckily, you had come in prepared with energon cubes for her to consume.

"It's me Y/N! Though I'm going by Y/D now, actually." You told her as soon as you rushed over to her slumped figure. You went over the medical procedure Ratchet had taught you under his tutelage. Thank Primus for that!

"How do I know you're really her? Prove it!" The former Decepticon yelled at you, but immediately groaned at the pain it caused her. It couldn't be you! You had been with MECH for so long! You were a human! A shy, suicidal human with [short/long], [hair color] hair and [eye color] eyes that showed your darkened soul. You weren't a cybertronian that knew professional medical procedures and medicines or tools!

"I'm saving you. That should be enough proof Lady Legs." You said softly, giggling at the last part. You always loved giving the femme more nicknames that she loved to hate. That's what you thought, at least. Really, Airachnid had cherished every nickname you gifted her with ever since your capture, and she would never take your kindness for granted again. Because in reality, she had. Even in the beginning weeks you stayed with her, with you warming up to the first person that even bothered to keep you around, she found your kind nature to be something natural and given to all. Once she learned more about your past and you learned little about hers, Airachnid began to understand in ways she hadn't been able to before.

"Okay okay, I get it." The spider-like femme rolled her optics as you did your best to patch up her midsection. Airachnid sighed, staring at your faceplates as you were with a determined yet concerned look on them. "But um, it's . . . good to have you back." You paused your work at this, and responded with a sad smile.

"It's good to see you too, Airachnid. Though, I do wish it could have been under better circumstances." You let out a soft giggle that complimented your naturally quiet voice. You were just about done with the injury. The only thing that worried you was the nearly infinitesimal amount of time you had left. You had used the majority of it to catch up with your best friend and assure her it was truly you. The rest was you trying your best to save the former 'Con with the materials you currently had on you.

"I'm, I-I'm so sorry Y/N—I mean, Y/D. I killed him! I killed Breakdown! And then I almost tried to kill Megatron with an army of Insecticons, and—" The ex-Decepticon confessed quickly. She did her best and succeeded in not crying in front of you. Her words caught of by surprise as you finished your job. You cleaned up your things and packed the medical kit, making a mental note to dispose of it later so no one would get suspicious.

"You killed one of the other Decepticons?" You asked her, tilting your head to the side. Breakdown, Knockout's best friend and partner in crime on the Nemesis. You had barely known him, but you could vividly remember the vicious battle between him and Airachnid.

"Yeah," she gulped, "but I wasn't thinking, and I truly apologize for that." Well, at least she was attempting to make up for it. Suddenly, the ground bridge opened up behind you!

"Ten minutes to catch up." You grumbled, standing up. You wiped off particles of rock on your legs. "At least your okay. I'll return tomorrow with more energon to drink. For now, have those." You motioned to the two cubes that sat next to your friend on the ground. Then, without a second glance, you exited through the ground bridge with it closing behind you.

Well, the rogue thought, at least I'm forgiven. But how limited are the rest of my chances?

At the same time your former guardian was pondering her seemingly pathetic existence, you were getting rid of the evidence. Now, the chances of any other spark finding out about your secret were slim, and you were free to retire to your own berthroom. You cast on last, saddened glance over at the bridge before strolling to your room, you helm hanging low in shame.

You were two birds on a wire! One just didn't want to fly away.

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