2.75 || Bleeding Heart

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PART 2.75
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"How long must I cry? Till you know that you really tried."
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A/N: I'm sorry it's short, but don't worry! This is important! Keep in mind, these are flashback conversations you had before you and Team Prime set off to take the Nemesis by surprise.
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   "A-are you sure, Y/D? About this? About us?"

   "N-no, n-n-not really. But right now, we don't know what'll happen. Even Optimus isn't really sure! At least we'll know we've showed how much we love each other."

   "Yeah, y-you're right. I just don't want to you to be disappointed or anything, that's all! I mean, I-I—"

   "I'm unsure about this too, b-but um, w-we don't have to do this if you don't want to!"

   "No no no no! I . . . I'm sure, I'm sure. You're the first person I've ever felt this way before towards. Bonding with you? It's an absolute dream come true."

   "Maybe we could . . . we could try to be start now?

   "Yeah, l-let's do this! Erm-er, Y-Y/D?


"I love you. More than you'll ever know!"

   "I love you too! Till all are one."

   "I'll love you even past when all are one~❤️"

   "Awww! Aren't you a charmer! Tee her hee! ~❤️"

   "For you, forever and always."
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   "What will the others think of it? What will Optimus think? What will Airachnid say? What about Wheeljack?"

   "Hey hey! Just c-calm down. It's gonna be alright! We'll be okay."

   "Yeah, you're right. I'm-I'm overreacting, I'm so sorry."

   "Optimus is a reasonable mech. Airachnid will be fine as long as you don't break my spark, and Jackie'll probably just tease you about it."

   "Haha! Yeah, he probably will. Primus damn it, I must be the luckiest mech alive."

   "Darn right, you are! I must be the luckiest femme alive to have met you. To touch you, to kiss you, to love you, and everything!"

   "And here I thought you'd be the shy one in the relationship!"

  "Trust me, I'm a lot more comfortable with the affection in front of you, rather than you and an audience."

   "True. . ."

   "Is something on your mind?"

   "Do you think the humans will think of us any different?"

   "Miko seems to like you and me, I don't see any reason why she wouldn't like us together. Jack and Raf will definitely be supportive, I know that for a fact!"

   "I know, you just can't really tell sometimes. I'm just so worried, especially about you."

   "I can take care of myself. Besides! I have a strong, handsome mech, by my very side."

   "You sure do."

   "Oh Primus! Haha!"
^ ^ ^

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait. You're what?"

"I know! This is amazing! But it's also. . . worrying."

"Why did this have to happen in the middle of the war?"

"You ask this like I know. Oh, goodness, I'm so sorry! This only adds more to the weight on our shoulders than we need!"

"It's gonna be okay. W-we just—we'll just wait till after to tell everyone."

"After what exactly!? What if we lose? What if I lose you? What if—"

"We can't think like that! We have to stay positive. When we win, we'll tell everyone the good news! Trust me when I say: Nothing will tear us apart."

"Yeah. I'll ask Ratchet give me a check up when we bring him home, and . . . E-everything is gonna be alright."

"That's the spirit!"

"Hee hee hee! I love you to Cybertron and back."

"You know I'll always love you too, Y/D."
^ ^ ^

You would love your newfound sparkmate forever. Nevermind your bleeding spark.

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