1.8 || Bad Machine

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A/N: This pic is so cute! :3
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PART 1.8
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   "You made me a bad machine."
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A certain human female came out of Wheeljack's chassis, gasping for air.

"Forgot you were in there, kid." Jackie apologized to the teen as he placed her on a rock nearby.

"At least I didn't heave on any floor mats this time!" Miko said before covering her mouth as bile rose to her throat.

"And what could have possibly compelled you to bring the native?" Ultra Magnus inquired angrily. The wrecker frowned, thinking back on the memory. "Are your circuits impaired, soldier?!"

"Prime told you to lead the wreckers on this one. I assumed you meant all of 'em!" The grenade-lover reasoned, flashing a grin at the human girl.

"Are you mocking your commanding officer?" The lieutenant asked, sounding more frustrated than ever.

"Wouldn't think of it sir. The kid's a full blown wrecker! Ain't that right Bulk, Y/D?" You froze at the mention of your designation. Even your partner did! You didn't want to be dragged into this slag! "Look, she may be small, but she saved my tailpipe. Snuffed an Insecticon! All on 'er own."

"Outside standard protocol, no doubt." Magnus grumbled at the mention of it.

"The point is: I can handle myself! Sir." The Japanese girl told him with a determined look in her eyes.

"Miko has been through worse." You pointed out innocently.

"And we've drawn out the enemy and cleared passage!" Bulkhead added on, motioning to the cave's dark gloomy entrance. The commander huffed, and frowned even deeper.

Was that even possible?
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You quietly listened to the conversation that went back and forth between Bulk and Jackie. It pained you to hear the big green wrecker so sad just because the rest of his team were too stubborn to work together. The small things that the renegade did could effect missions and have them pay the price.

"You did the smart thing Bulk, leaving the Wreckers when you did. While we were still bringin' our A-game, before the rust aet in."

You sighed. Stupid Y/D! Don't get so wrapped up in your own thoughts! The cave shook itself abruptly, and Bulkhead had to catch Miko as she fell off of her rock. This could only mean bad news!

"What was that?!" You asked in distress. A roar could be heard from the entrance of the tunnel.

"Whatever it is, its big!" Wheeljack commented. Ultra Magnus narrowed his optics as the beast came thundering in.

"The Predacon. Let's roll!" He shouted to your team. You transformed and did just that, trying to get as far from the Autobot-hunter as possible.

"It's back?!" The teenager poked her head out of Bulkhead's window as you sped past the bot. The Predacon charged up and released a breath of fire that illuminated the tunnel, of which you all carefully avoided. The team made a sudden turn when the lieutenant spotted a cave off of the tunnel they were driving in, and swiftly drove himself inside.

This tunnel was smaller, and made it more difficult for the Predacon to annihilate them. The beast belched out another breath of fire before their commander yelled, "Accelerate!"

"That rock won't hold it forever. We need to call into base for reinforcements." Magnus decided as he stared the entrance. You and the Wreckers had landed yourselves in a cave. Wheeljack transformed into his own bipedal mode a little after you did.

   "Wreckers don't call for back-up." He announced confidently, placing his fists on his hips. You bit your dermas once again, and Bulkhead just stared at his old pal with a wide-open intake.

   "What Jackie means is—" You try to excuse the rude mech's statement, and allowed Bulk to finish for you.

   "We won't be able to get a comm link signal this far underground." He said, holding Miko securely in his right servo. The lieutenant looked over at the renegade who was crossing his arms. Bulkhead went over to part of the cave that stuck out around his waistline. "Miko, I need to get you out of here. I'm gonna need you to climb." He looked up at the crevice with sunlight peeking through directly above him and her.

   "Now way," she answered defensively, "I wanna help!" The lieutenant walked forward slowly.

   "And you will. Your mission: Reach my ship so you can contact Optimus Prime." The Japanese girl stood straight and saluted the large mech.

   "Yes sir." She replied dutifully, before running over to the cave wall. She began her climbing, skillfully scaling the wall and ascending to the lit up crack on the ceiling. The cave began shaking, and the feeling in your tanks that said something was wrong came back again. You and the 'Bots turned around to face the entrance.

   "Don't think I like the sound of that." The wrecker commented, his optics widening.

   "So uh-um," you said awkwardly.

   "We make our stand, here and now." Ultra Magnus commanded, taking out the Forge of Solus Prime for hammer time. Your small team got out their own weapons, including even you. You were rather reluctant to even be fighting. Beasts could be tamed, why couldn't you try more peaceful tactics for the creature that was so used to violence?

   The Predacon roared again, striking fear in your spark as it came close and closer. It thundered it's way into the cave. The clone's claws created loud sounds of metal meeting stone, rocks being crushed underpede with a sickening crunch. When it entered though, the only Bot insight was the Autobot commander. But, that was good enough for the Predacon. Magnus took the hammer as the metallic dragon charged at him, nailing it right in the face.

   "OPEN FIRE!" He yelled at you three. You and the Wreckers stood behind the Decepticon pet and shot at it with full blaster power. It swung it's tail that only barely grazed Bulkhead's armor.

   You wouldn't let your concerns fail your performance in battle as you blasted rapid fire. After all, you were a bad machine.

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