2.2 || The Fear

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PART 2.2
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"I don't know what's right and what's real anymore. I don't know what I'm meant to feel anymore."
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   The Predacon badge flashed on the giant Decepticon's chassis.

   "He's the Predacon you idiots!" You shouted at last. The optics of Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus widened in surprise. He didn't seem to care at the moment that you labeled him as an idiot, but oh well! The explosion finally reached you, and you Autobots jumped for cover. Your fellow Wrecker was covering you so the same injuries wouldn't be on your bruised body like when you had been protecting Bulkhead.

   The Predacon stared as he watched the entrance to Shockwave's former lab rats burned along with the cave. The anger that grew in his lemon yellow optics frightened you more than you were already. You knew what the repercussions would be; it didn't mean you had to like them.

   "What have you done?!" He roared, facing the area where you Autobots had taken cover. You came out from hiding and got into fighting positions, ready for battle. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" The beast machine shouted again, charging at you with only pure rage. You let out a shriek before the three of you shot at the mech rapid fire. You had to dodge out of the way though as he kept up and landed on the ground, inches away from your original position.

   He used one servo to slam Magnus high onto the far away wall with a sickening bam! The bipedal beast then ran at the renegade, doing the same thing to him, but in a different direction. The grenade-lovers battle mask snapped on, and they began furiously wrestling with each other. Does that sound weird?

   You watched the fight go on, mesmerized. You shook your helm and decided it would probably be better to help Wheeljack than anything else. So, you did just that. You stealthily charged at the last Predacon and attacked him from the back. You delivered a perfect kick to his back after he slammed Jackie's face into a wall and repeatedly punched him. Whoops. Your commander swung the Forge at the Predacon's back, attacking from behind as well.

   This knocked the beast mech back some distance! Ultra Magnus pursued him while you ran over to the Wrecker. You kneeled down to check if he was okay. He waved you off, but the pain reflected in the renegade's optics as he attempted to get up. You reminded the both of you that you needed to get to the lieutenant, and fast! He was an amazing warrior, but even he couldn't battle the Predacon for too long without major consequences.

   The two of you transformed and attacked the 'Con once again! With the Wrecker using his awesome energon whip to steal the golden hammer from him. Wheeljack hit it in the face of the evolved creature and let it collide with the rocky wall behind him. The Decepticon, I mean. Jackie let you borrow his whip after that, getting you a little excited inside to use something so cool!

   The move you did next with Ultra Magnus was just as spectacular. It even shocked the Predacon, for the giant mech hadn't seeen that coming just as much as you. Punches and hits from the Forge were thrown at the enemy by all three of you, making it one epic battle. You only hoped to get out of it alive!

The next thing you knew was that you and the two other Autobots began shooting your blasters at a large, stone spike up on the ceiling. It looked like it landed on the Predacon, and you cautiously approached the area where your comrades were. A sudden rumble came from the spike, and it rolled over to knock you and your friend's back some distance. The Predacon charged at you three, using the giant spike to crush you against the cavern wall.

You and Wheeljack slumped powerlessly and unconsciously against the rubble.

You were barely awake as you sadly stared at the Autobot second-in-command getting his servo absolutely crushed by the Con's pede. It was so bad, the servo was crushed and came off entirely. The Wrecker beside you leaned his helm against your shoulder plating, watching all go down, just like you.

"And here I thought I was just beginning to tolerate you." He joked, his optics barely online.

"It's been an honor serving beside you soldiers." Ultra Magnus said. It was quiet but loud enough for the two of you to hear. You tried to smile, but the pain was too much. The fear was too much, the fear that you managed to push down, deep inside of you every mission.

"It was great to finally have friends, especially you guys." You three watched hopelessly as the beast machine tore the Forge of Solus Prime in half.

"Prepare to perish." The blow from the Predacon never came upon Magnus, as the Decepticon was hit far from the disabled mech. By who, you may ask? It was none other than Optimus Prime. You didn't see much besides a blurr of colors, for black spots dotted your vision and made it difficult to see. It was difficult to stay online.

Optimus grabbed you and your teammates before using his jet pack to fly the Pits out of there. The beast yelled out in frustration. The Prime did his best to outfly the mech as he transformed into his dragon-like alt. mode. A ground bridge appeared in front of him, and it closed behind him before the Oredacon could follow.
^ ^ ^

You and Ultra Magnus woke up on medical berths back at the Autobot base. Ratchet was working on the lieutenant's lost servo. For now, it was simply a trorn stump at his wrist.

"Ratchet will take good care of you." Your leader said. Neither of you doubted his words. The rest of the team surrounded you. Airachnid was by your side, holding your servo in concern. You had no idea how relieved she was to see you awake all fine and dandy.

"Magnus fought like a Wrecker." Wheeljack told them as he watched his injured commander.

"Optimus," the commander turned his helm to his superior, "when we spoke earlier, what could be greater than an army?" You knew the answer to this one as you looked into Airachnid's caring, purple optics.

"A human concept, one I have learned since coming to Earth." The Prime looked over his team. "Family."

There was nothing your fear could do to effect this moment.

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