2.5 || Down With The Fallen

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PART 2.5
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"Light the way and I'll follow where you go."
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   "Well whatever the 'Cons are after, Ratchet won't give it up!" Bulkhead said confidently, smashing his fists together. "Right?" You sighed, starting to shake with concern and fear. A little while later, the team was doing all they could to get Ratchet, or at least a lead.

   "Maybe Buckethead's after the techno-babble." Wheeljack stated, letting the clicks and beeps of the computer ring out as he typed. Arcee walked up to him.

   "The Synth-En formula?" She asked to be clear. The two-wheeler placed a servo on her hip.

   "Why would the Cons need the artificial stuff if they already control most of this planet's energon reserves?" Smokescreen inquired, standing next to the femme.

  "Greed, what else?" Bulk answered, as if it were obvious.

   "If Megatron is truly rebuilding the Omega Lock, as Ratchet surmised, synthetic energon might be a necessary component." Optimus explained to his teammates. You mulled over his words. You hadn't been born like your friends, so your understanding was rather limited. They had already explained what the Omega Lock was, but you were still a bit fuzzy on the topic.

"I hate to bring the lightning to the thunderstorm, but there's one thing we're all looking over here! The 'Cons found Ratchet, and now they know the location of this base!" Fowler shouted, letting the dreaded realization dawn on everyone.
^ ^ ^

"All aerial search patterns are coming up empty." Agent Fowler said as he walked in front of the giant computer. It was rather large to him, at least. Arcee walked up to the monitor.

"No comm-link chatter either," she listed off with a frown.

"And no ground activity." Wheeljack finished the list at the computer he was stationed at. "It's a little too quiet out there."

"Since the Decepticons no longer seek Predacon bones, or Earth technology, there is no activity to track." Optimus told you all. That was disappointing. You had nothing to help find the medic of Team Prime!

"So until Megatron makes a move, we're in a holding pattern." Bulkhead said with a heavy sigh. Then, the commander spoke up.

"Ratchet didn't think this new hand he built for me was good enough. But I'll tell you what truly isn't good enough: giving up." Ultra Magnus claims confidently, staring at his replacement servo as he spoke. "We have no choice but to play this old school, split into teams door maximum coverage!" The sound of a loud, annoying alarm filled the base.

"We have incoming. A whole fleet's worth! Air cover's holding for the moment." The agent warned them, glancing at the screen.

Minutes later, the fake Autobot base exploded into hot flames. The bots watched as the building burned bright in the darkness of the night.

"The mess hall sure is a mess." Smokescreen commented, trying to lighten the mood with a hearty joke. You sighed in relief, feeling extremely glad that you and your teammates were safe from harm.

"We're pretty lucky the 'Cons are so easily fooled by a simple paint job." Airachnid pointed out as she watched the fire dance and crackle. You let out a soft laugh, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"We really are!" You exclaimed happily. You were so worried that the plan wouldn't work! You weren't exactly ready for you and your friends to take their place down with the fallen just yet.
^ ^ ^

"So the kid clipped the business end of Laserbeak's transponder." Wheeljack said. Arcee walked up to the young mech with a smirk.

"You're not such a bad shot after all." She mused, the femme's usual sass still there after all these vorns.

"We thought you might be the best one to provide an analysis in Ratchet's absence." Fowler told Raf with his hands clasped behind his back. The young human boy was hard at work on his laptop as he did his best to analyze the torn fractional the minicon's wing.

Agent William Fowler was right not to have you analyze it. Though you did amazing under the medic's tutorage, you doubted you were as skilled with the sciences as he. Rafael was a much smarter choice, for the childhood prodigy seemed to exceed all expectations.

"It's trying to communicate with the warship." The boy said something at last.

"How do you know?" Miko asked him, taking a closer look at the screen.

"It's telling us!" Raf told her as if it were obvious. Jack stared at the laptop in absolute confusion.

"Uh, Raf, that's cybertronian code." The sixteen-year-old pointed out.

"Wait, first Raf understands Bumblebee, now he reads cybertronian?!" The Japanese girl cried out incredulously. "Are we sure he's not some kind of alien?"

"I've been learning for a while, when Ratchet had time to teach me." The twelve-year-old sniffed. He looked at the ground so the others couldn't read his saddened expression.

"Hey, Raf, we'll bring him back." Jack reassured the younger boy as best as he could.

"If it's the last thing we do." Miko added quietly with a smile.

   "If it's talking to its momma, can we triangulate the signal?" Agent Fowler asked bthe three human kids.

   "To a shielded warship?" Ultra Magnus turned around from the computer he was working at.

   "If the transponder were still attached to Laserbeak, we could follow it." Arcee explained. The team was gathering around her and Magnus as they spoke.

   "Maybe we should give it wings." Wheeljack suggested with his natural, casual smirk.

   "We can use spare parts from the machine shop!" You said excitedly. The gang looked at you oddly, except Airachnid of course. She knew you like the back of her servo! "What? I like to build things."

   "Then let's do it, for the doc." The Wrecker said. The idea was silently agreed upon, and the lot of you got to work.

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