2.3 || My Love

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PART 2.3
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   "Tonight, you will sleep good. You will wait for me, my love."
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"I've done everything I can, considering the limitations of my equipment, and less than ideal spare parts." Ratchet announced sadly, moving aside to show Ultra Magnus' new, hook-like servo. "It remains unknown if Ultra Magnus' new appendage will be fit for battle, though it should prove functional." He said some other words to Optimus Prime, but you were too worried to care what they were.

"That is all we can hope for, old friend." Optimus replied to the medic. The old mech's face became solemn looking once again.

"You doing okay?" Arcee asked the Wrecker beside her softly. Wheeljack rubbed his arm.

"I'm still two-fisted." He replied to her.

"So is Magnus." The two-wheeler told him with confidence. They kept talking, though all you could think about was the replacement servo that had been attached to your commander. You hadn't really known any amputees in your human life, so you didn't know much on how to comfort people in a situation like this. You did all you could to help Ratchet with the injury! And it was the both of you that could only hope what you had done was enough.

You felt so empty. Airachnid didn't even know what to do to help your with your own pain.
^ ^ ^

"Prime! We have trouble brewing. The 'Cons staged a smash-and-grab at the Los Alamos nuclear plant late last night, and made off with twenty tons of control rods." Agent William Fowler notified the the team as he stood on the walkway.

"What are the Decepticons looking to build?" The Prime asked no one in particular. A little while later . . .

"Prime! It's Cons again, in progress this time!" The Agent told them through a call on the computer.

   "Coordinates received, Agent Fowler." Ratchet reported, before activating the ground bridge.

   "Let's roll!" The commander said, but was promptly interrupted by you and Ratchet. You were the old mech's part-time medical student after all.

   "Ep ep!" The medic stopped him from going any further.

   "Your ability to roll remains predicated upon further exploration of your manual dexterity." You scolded the lieutenant. It made you feel a little frightened inside that you did so, but it was for the best. Magnus tried to move his claw and turn it into a fist of sorts, but was immediately saddened by not being able to do so.

   "I'm afraid Ratchet and Y/D's authority proceeds my own in medical matters." Optimus told his second-in-command. The mech sighed in disappointment.

   "Understood." He answered watching your leader walk to and through the ground bridge. You put a servo on Ultra Magnus' right shoulder plate in reassurance.

   "Don't worry. With a mech of your experience, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time!" You said cheerily, giving him a smile filled with hope. Your commander almost smiled in return at your optimism, but his optics quickly returned to being downcast.

   You wouldn't be going on this mission, as Ratchet needs assistance in cleaning up the makeshift Medbay, as well as watching over the solemn SIC.
^ ^ ^

   "Because we had the foresight to shield our new base, our captive will be unable to transmit his coordinates to the Decepticon warship." The old medic said as soon as Soundwave woke up. The rest of the team had taken the Con's third-in-command as a prisoner in hopes of getting an advantage over their enemies. Airachnid was staring disapprovingly at the masked mech as she leaned on you. Her faceplates looked as if she had swallowed something sour. She obviously wasn't happy with him being here.

   "Nor will they in turn be able to pinpoint his location." Optimus added onto his friend's announcement. You were extremely uncomfortable with silent TIC in the base, with all sorts of scenarios running through your processor. You loved your team and all that, but was this really the best and brightest idea? You were probably being too pessimistic for your own good.

   "Guess we have all the time in the world to make Mr. Personality tell us everything he knows." Wheeljack grinned and smashed his fist into his palm. Your spider-like friend shook her helm and scoffed.

   "Trust me when I say you won't be getting anything out of him anytime soon." She grumbled.

   "Why is Megatron stealing human technology?" The Prime questioned the captive. You observed Soundwave quietly, noticing that he seemed to be doing a scan of some sorts on your leader. "What is he attempting to build?" His inquiries went unanswered as Soundwave continued to silently list information that he assumed was hidden from them. But not form you. You didn't point out your observation as you didn't want to be thought as crazy.

   The silent, purple Decepticon played a remixed version of Optimus' voice. A smiley face was displayed on the visor. You could tell that angered many of your comrades, but it didn't do that to you. You were interested by the TIC's unique tactics.

   "Oh yeah? Why don't I whip that smile right off his face?" Bulkhead offered as his servo transformed into a hammer.

   "I wouldn't mind assisting you with that." Cobwebs hissed, her sharp talon-like legs raising themselves a little. Your optics widened at their comments, wondering if the Prime would actually permit that.

   "Soundwave, we have treated you fairly. For the sake of the natives of this planet, tell us what Megatron is attempting to build, before we are forced to rely upon less civil methods of interrogation." Optimus growled threateningly. Ao he would permit it, but only as a last resort. An alarm sort of sound played at a super high-pitched frequency from Soundwave's visor that pained all of your audio receptors.

   "Scrap this!" Ratchet swore. "Soundwave is no ordinary cybertronian, inside or out, so I would strongly suggest opening him up so we can have a first-hand look at the information recorded on his drives." Your teammates stayed as silent as your captive and exchanged glances. Information suddenly flooded the screen on the Con's visor!

   "Uh oh." Arcee said. She knew what was going on.

   "Alright! He downloading data!" Bulk cheered. You shook your, knowing quite well that that was not the case.

   "No! Soundwave is erasing data!" You cried out.

   You had thought your love was the biggest problem that had been going on, but now . . . that didn't seem right at all.

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