1.2 || Enemy Fire

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PART 1.2
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   "Sweet words from a serpents tongue, it's like playing with a loaded gun."
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"Ultra Magnus, sir! I'm picking up two signals. One Autobot, one Decepticon." Arcee reports to the Autobot lieutenant.

"That must be Y/D, who's kicking 'Con tailpipe!" Miko cheered, before receiving a glare from Ultra Magnus.

"I shall set a course for the signals. We will take in the Autobot and deal with the Decepticon when we get there." Magnus declared. Team Prime let out a "Yes sir!" before continuing on. (that was short)
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"You know Y/D, I'm starting to lose faith that we'll ever find them." Airachnid sighed as she transformed into her bipedal mode. She leaned against a large boulder in the almost empty valley in exhaustion. The two of you had only been flying and driving since you woke up from unconsciousness once again, no pit stops whatsoever.

"Oh come on! You saw that energon explosion! Miko and Bulkhead have to be there! I just know it!" You told her. Unlike your good friend there, you weren't giving up hope! Not now, not ever! The rogue shook her head characteristically.

"Whatever makes you happy." She mumbles, pushing herself off the boulder. You continued to trek across the amber valley, watching the sunflowers and daisies sway in the soft breeze.

"Airachnid?" You said her name as softly as the breeze. The femme looked over at you as her pedes crushed the fresh grass. "I hope you know that you can stay with the Autobots with me." She scoffed at this statement.

"They'd never accept me! I'm a Decepticon. We're untrustworthy. Arcee would try to kill me this instant I entered her vision." Airachnid argues, suddenly going on the defensive side. She looked away and hugged in annoyance. You placed a comforting servo on the femme's shoulder playing.

"You're an ex-Decepticon, if I remember correctly. Besides, I believe any person can change if they just try. And I was lucky enough to witness it." You told her assuredly. You were also almost able to witness her flattered expression, completed with faint blue blush from the energon rushing to her faceplates.

"Thanks, Y/D. A lot." The former 'Con smiled at you gratefully. A large ship came out from behind some clouds and flew over the two of you abruptly. It parked itself right where you had previously been walking along.

"It's them! It's them! It has to be them!" You laughed happily. You found your friends, and they were alive! Your travel companion however, found that this was too good to be true. But, she wasn't about to say anything that might upset you. The doors opened to reveal two unknown Autobots, and the rest of the team, minus Optimus and Smokescreen.

"Y/D! You're alive!" Bee yelled euphorically. You rushed towards him, and he picked you up and spun you around. The scout put you back down as the rest of the team—including the humans—hurried over to greet you. You were hugged and smiled at. The appreciation was overwhelming and you were unused to so much of it.

"Where is Optimus? And Smokey?" You asked them, disappointed that they were not present. Ratchet sighed.

"We haven't found their signal yet," the medic huffed.

"But they're out there. I'm sure of it." Jack told you, full of confidence. You smiled at the teen boy's optimism. A cracking sound echoed throughout the valley, and the team looked over to find Airachnid silently backing away. Well, it wasn't that silent anymore.

"Y/D, or whose you are, get behind us." The new mech with the scarred face growled. His battle mask snapped on, covering the Bot's intake. The Autobots went on offensive, including the new, larger mech that was accompanying them.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" You cried out. You jumped in front of the femme in case of sudden attack. Some of your teammates immediately became confused at the sight of you defending the killer.

"Move aside Y/D!" Arcee shouted at you in anger. You shook your head and stayed right where you are. Even if she knew you better than anyone else, the ex-Con was still shocked that you were defending her.

"She's on our side guys! Relax!" You tried to reason with your friends and their newer comrades.

"She's a Decepticon!" Ratchet said.

"Ex-Decepticon!" You corrected. Why couldn't anyone get that right?

"She killed my partner!" The two-wheeler snapped. She didn't want to shoot you, but the urge was growing.

"She stopped me from killing myself!" You shot back. Your faceplates were saddened as tears threatened to leak from your optics. You remembered your nightmares from that dark day back on Cybertron, where you faced a situation not so dissimilar from this one. Bee and Bulkhead had been silent the whole confrontation. Glancing from you to Airachnid to each other, the scout and wrecker transformed their blasters and hammers back into servos.

"We will deal with this later." The larger mech declared. All attention was turned to him. His commanding atmosphere was strong and demanded respect. "For now, we must take down Megatron." That was it, before he walked towards the ship they arrived in, that was presumably his. Ratchet turned around, and was followed by the small blue femme that was feeling rather betrayed. Airachnid followed you as you jogged up to Bulk and Bumblebee. The humans walked beside their guardians in silence.

"So um, who are the new guys?" You asked shyly. The two couldn't be mad at you! You may have aligned yourself with the queen of Insecticons hives, but it must have been for good reason!

"That's my buddy Wheeljack! He's from the Wreckers I told you about, remember?" The green mech reminded you. You thought about it for a second, attempting to recall the memory.

"No . . . I-I don't. I'm sorry." You apologized softly at the sudden realization. Bulkhead raised his optic ridges in surprise before patting your back softly. Bee motioned to the commanding officer as you stepped on the ship's platform.

"That's Ultra Magnus. He was trained by Optimus himself and is very by the book. So watch out." Bumblebee tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

Hopefully, you didn't walk into enemy fire, because you just walked into your friend's line of attack. How would they forgive you?

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