1.3 || Unstoppable

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PART 1.3
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   "I'm unstoppable, I'm a Porsche with no breaks. I'm invincible, I win every single day."
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"Autobots." Ultra Magnus grabbed everyone's attention. "We remain vastly outnumbered, and despite our munitions, we do not currently possess the fire power to compromise the Decepticon citadel."

"Uncle Sam's military does. I just can't let him make a move as long as his ray guns are pointed at Washington." Agent Fowler spoke up.

"Then we must infiltrate Darkmount in order to nullify it's fusion cannons." Shoulderpads concluded.

"Unfortunately," Ratchet butted in, "it seems the fortress is heavily shielded against unauthorized ground bridges. Even those originating from Decepticon technology."

"Guess we'll have to sneak past enemy lines. Wrecker style." Wheeljack bashed his fists together.

"I couldn't deal with wrecker style back on Cybertron, and I refuse to deal with it here." The larger mech told Jackie off, pointing his digit at him. The wrecker grunted in response.

"Now we require a way of getting into the Decepticon ranks to even the odds, if we're to have any hope of completing this mission, or surviving it." He announced, his faceplates solemn and expressionless.

You gulped as you listened to his speech in the back of the room. Airachnid was next to you, listening in on the conversation while pretending not to. The spider-like femme looked at you in worry, knowing that you had yet to accompany the team for a mission. This, infiltrating the Decepticon base of operations, without Optimus Prime, would be your first. Though it'd be her first mission with the Autobots, she was more concerned about you. And you, were only slightly concerned about how the ex-Con next to you would work with the team.
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Jack walked into the area where the abandoned gas station was.

"Because it worked so well last time. . ." The teen sighed, flipping his cellphone open. He sent his text message, and his signal was found almost immediately.

"I knew the humans couldn't resist using their telecommunications, that is all they seem to do." Starscream said with a smirk. He turned to a squadron of seekers behind him. "Seek and destroy!"

"I have five bogeys converging right on top of Jack." Raf announced as he stared the computer screen.

"Not anymore." The medic stated as he pressed a button on the keyboard. The ground bridge opened up and the 16-year-old came jumping right through. He gave them a thumbs-up and the old mech signaled for Miko to take her turn.

"Hello? I need two large pies, sicilian! You deliver, right?" The girl chatted over the phone in the alleyway. Her signal popped up on the Decepticon monitor as well, and the SIC let out another satisfied chuckle.

"Humans. . ." He turned over to more seekers that waited behind him. "Stand by to ground bridge!" Soundwave tapped the head seeker's shoulder and pointed back at the monitor. Two signals, that was too good to be true!

"So what Soundwave, why can't you except a little good fortune?" Starscream asked, scoffing at the silent mech in front of him. "The Autobots can't stay hidden forever."

The Japanese girl came charging through the ground bridge. She mumbled, "I really could've used that pizza." But you ordered pies Miko.

"I've tapped into the Decepticon's communication network. Are you ready Jack?" Ratchet asked the human. Jack tried his best drone impersonation, but it was decided the call should be run through some static to enhance the performance. The 'Cons acted as soon as the call was received, and Insecticons were sent out to take care of the job.

The humans were getting ready for the Autobot lieutenant to give the signal they needed to attack. Starscream, meanwhile, was giving out orders to destroy the Harbinger to an armada of eradicons. His small army was in place, but the SIC's announcement was interrupted by a sort of earthquake.
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"Fire in another hole!" Wheeljack snickered as he tossed another energon grenade at the citadel. Him, you, and Bulkhead ran towards it with the head seeker's armada shooting at your tailpipes. While you weren't thrilled to be on your first mission without Airachnid, at least you knew she would try her best not to do anything you'd deem stupid in your absence.

Bulkhead shot his cannon at the incoming 'Cons, Jackie used his electrical energon whip at the jets. You used a grenade launcher and shot down any Decepticons with a bright blue explosion. The three of you continued sprinting towards their base, using your servo blasters while on the run. You transformed into your vehicle modes and continued on from there. Bumblebee and Arcee took out some of the guards for you all.

After a little bit of driving, the two wreckers and you transformed back into your bipedal mode. The seekers returned to their base, going up above the clouds. The one thing you could see clearly up there though . . . was the Predacon.

"So uh, that's what it looks like, huh?" You laughed nervously, your optics widening in fright. Bulkhead's optics reacted the same as your own.

"Yup." Was his short reply. The beast growled and roared at you before lifting it's wings and soaring in your direction. The three of you looked at each other before looking back at the mechanical dragon. Using your servo blasters once again, you and the mechs shot at the raging predacon again and again. Ultra Magnus landed a hit on its faceplates before flying away, towards the Decepticon's dark, towering base.

Thanks to Ratchet though, when the beast got on the ship's tailpipe, a ground bridge sent it plummeting into the Antarctic! Shockwave watched the video feed from the monitor. He would take care of things himself.
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"Ultra Magnus to stealth team. Status report!" The mech commanded over the comm link.

"Having a little trouble reaching the objective." Arcee said. "Security it tighter than anticipated, sir." Her, Bee, and Airachnid were trying their hardest to shoot off the remaining guards. Though both femmes were doing their best to tear the 'Cons apart and not each other, they both still worried for your safety. Well, one more than the other.

"Keep them occupied."

How ever were you to complete the mission?! Who cares! Why, you're unstoppable.
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A/N: Sorry the last part is short! I'm trying to load up on chapters because the place I'm going doesn't exactly have Netflix. So, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to delay the next scenario on Waiting For Love.


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