0.4 || I Walk The Line

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PART 0.4
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   "I keep a close watch on this heart of mine."
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Airachnid was freaking out. You were gone, but who took you? She knew it wasn't the Autobots, and as far she knew, none of the Decepticons were aware of your existence. Still. She couldn't exactly go up to Megatron and tell him how she was hiding a human in her room the entire time. He would tear out her sorry spark in an instant!

The huntress thought of countless scenarios as time flew by. When her ambition got the best of her, and she tore apart Breakdown, Airachnid realized how much you affected her. She realized she almost missed the stupid nicknames you called her, and that she had broken her promise-of-sorts to not kill. She hoped you would let it slide, though for someone that wanted to let go of the world if they got the chance, you were stubborn!

After the events that came with taking control of an Insecticon, almost scrapping Megatron completely, she found an even larger hive of Insecticons (after a small scuffle with Arcee). Airachnid swore that she would find you, and you could live a happy life together, once the Decepticon warlord was gone.
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"Prime! Have you flipped your metal wig?!" Agent Fowler yelled, as her speedily drove his car. Optimus Prime, or so it appeared, was attempting to run him off the road. Though it was unlike the Autobot leader, Fowler couldn't help but feel angry.

Meanwhile, the Autobot's human companions were racing toy cars with paint jobs that matched their guardian. The competition was on, and nothing could ruin the moment! Except the sound of an incoming call by the Agent in distress.

"PRIME!" He shouted. "Do you read me?"

"I'm sorry Agent Fowler, Optimus isn't here at the moment." Ratchet apologized to him as he walked towards the alien computer.

"Then I'll take that as a confirmation, that he's presently trying to run me off the road!" Fowler growled at the team through his phone. Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bee's faceplates held surprise; Why would their faithful leader ever want to do that?

"Agent Fowler, that hardly seems likely." The medic argued, shaking his head.

"Tell that to my burning treads!" He yelled. His bumper was dangerously close to the front of 'Optimus', who was continuing to try to murder the agent in his vehicle. They swiftly rushed into a bridge, and nothing good ever happens when a car chase gets mixed with a bridge scene!

The truck began to drive on the right and rammed him into the side of the illuminated bridge. Sparks flew, but eventually the supposed Prime stopped. Fowler's car went spinning out of control, and the next thing he knew, his car was teeter-tottering on the edge. The ground below looked like a dark abyss from his angle, and the agent would be joining it if something didn't happen soon.

"Prime, no!" He called out, in a desperate attempt to reason with him.
^ ^ ^

The Prime's doppelgänger drove into his base, controlled by nine other than Silas. He drove the perfectly working copy in, transformed him, and shut him down. One of the workers walked up to him, with questions of course.

"Sir, any parallax or latency issues?" In response to the inquiry, MECH's leader stood up from his control chair.

"The telepressor's interface program performed flawlessly, in vehicular and robot mode." He announced proudly, a grin present on his face. He turned to face you, deliberately taking slow, almost eerie steps towards the table you were strapped down on.

"Liking the show, Y/N?" Silas taunted you. You were absolutely frightened beyond belief as to what they were going to do with you. You knew the ideas that flowed through their heads were sinister, and you most definitely did not want to have any part in this.

"Not really." You grumbled, looking away from him. Because you were strapped down, you had limited movement. You suddenly felt how poor Breakdown did when MECH was trying to take him apart! Silas forced your gaze back to him with his hand, a hearty chuckle leaving his mouth.

"Oh trust me, you will. As soon as your surgery is done, the fake Prime will not be my greatest creation. You will." Now you were certainly deathly afraid to pose the question you had in mind.

"Why might that be?" You choked out. The man looked more than eager to explain.

"Due to our lengthy knowledge of cybertronian life forms, and what makes them tick, well . . . Let's just say, you're going to love the makeover." Silas explained, clasping his hands behind his back.

"You are walking the line here!" You shouted out, surprising yourself more than him. The man turned around, and strolled back to his chair.

"Believe me," he said back to you, "I know."

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