1.4 || This Is The Best

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PART 1.4
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"I don't care, party anywhere. I'm broke man, possibly beyond repair."
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Ultra Magnus busted right through a wall and a computer, and successfully shot down all of the vehicons in the room. Unfortunately, the Decepticon warlord was able to shoot the cannon from the lieutenant's servos before more harm was done.

"Ultra Magnus," Megatron seethed,"Allow me to venture: You intended on disabling my fusion cannons by disabling their power core."

"Indeed Megatron, and you are standing in my way." Shoulderpads replied boldly, activating his servo blasters. "RAAAH!"
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Shockwave dropped down onto the ground. The dust from his impact cleared and he could clearly see you and the wreckers taking care of business. He transformed into his tank alt., and charged at the three of you. He loaded his cannon and landed a perfect shot at your pedes. The blast was much too powerful! You and the mechs were sent backwards and landed painfully on the ground with the load sound of metal greeting hard, cold dirt.

"Your mission was most illogical." The scientist growled at your trio, as you groaned on the ground. Well it wasn't a back try for your first mission, even if it would be your last.

Back with the stealth team. . .

Arcee landed a couple shots on the guards before summersaulting to the other side. The two femmes plus Bee glances over to see how many more were left. Much to their misfortune, more guards came rushing in from the hallways that were closer to them.

"Scrap." Airachnid huffed, getting into her more spider-like form. This wasn't going to end well.
^ ^ ^

"All invaders have been taken captive master, and there was no sign of Optimus Prime." Starscream reported to his liege as the warlord dragged Ultra Magnus' unconscious frame onto the top deck.

"So tell me commander, where might your leader be?" Little did either of them know, the Prime was about to make his choice in joining the Allspark. The lieutenant did not answer. "I will not ask again!

"If I knew," Magnus whispered, facing Megatron, "I wouldn't tell you."

"Very well. Execute our prisoners, and fire our fusion cannons at the nearest metropolis in sight. It is time to show the known universe that this planet belongs to Megatron." The Decepticon leader ordered the silver seeker beside him. The SIC began walking past him master, spotting something in the distance.

"Master! Something's coming!" He alerted Megatron. The large, silver mech turned his attention towards the golden sky. You and the team even spotted the unidentified flying Bot from down on the ground.

"The predacon?" Megatron asked Starscream.

"Mmm, not beasty enough." The head seeker answered his lord, backing away. Ultra Magnus lifted himself off of the floor to see the bot as well. It was Optimus! He was alive, and well, and flying!!

"Optimus! He's alive? But he can't fly!" The skinny second-in-command observed. The buffed up Optimus landed on the deck and skillfully began beating Megatron up with a series of punches, knocking him into his now broken throne. Guards started shooting at him, but they were no match for the sword-turned-revolving blaster of the Prime's. Screamer was knocked onto the steps leading towards Megsy.

"Commander?" Optimus asked in surprise, upon finding his student present.

"Sir! You're looking," he paused, "robust. It is paramount that we disable the fusion cannons below." Magnus went back to the mission, informing his leader of the objective.

"Understood." Optimus replied, his battle mask sliding right back on. He used his jet pack to jump off of the deck and towards the objective. Ultra Magnus commanded all of his units that Optimus had returned, something that they cheered at in happiness.

You and the team launched an attack on the drones surrounding you. You, Wheeljack and Bulkhead did your best to defeat Shockwave with your sparks. Meanwhile, Megatron was using the cannons in his alt. mode to shoot nonstop at his rival. Much to his misfortune, the warlord was thrown through the wall of the control room.

"Autobots! Clear the area!" The Autobot commander shouted through the comm. You all managed to have a clear getaway, thanks to Bee, 'Cee, and Hissyfit.
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Smokescreen watched the citadel get blown up as he transformed on the highway there.

"Aaaaaaawww! I missed it!" The Elite Guardsmech whined. He could only hope you were safe as he stared at the destruction. Later on, Agent Fowler thanked all of the Bots, including you and Airachnid, for saving the world.

"I'm only sorry that the world can't yet know if your undying dedication. Because I for one, owe you my life, my liberty, and my future." Fowler announced, ending the thanks with a salute.

"Sir, I am honored to relinquish command of the Autobots to you." Ultra Magnus told the Prime.

"Welcome to Earth, Ultra Magnus. And, to Team Prime." Optimus said, facing the rest of his team. You knew some of his gaze was also on Airachnid, making the femme feel quite misplaced. You knew she'd get used to the team.

"Okay, someone's got to say it." Miko jumps over to the mech happily. "Optimus 2.0 is rad! Imagine what the Forge could do for your bod!" She looked back at Ratchet.

"Is it true that the Forge was drained of it's power?" You questioned the Prime, getting all optics on you. Smokescreen's faceplates became downcast, and you patted his shoulder plating in reassurance.

"Then all hope of rebuilding the Omega Lock is truly lost." The old mech said.

"I . . . did what I felt was right." Smokes sighed, biting his derma.

"And once again, your instincts have proven to be quite sound." The medic complemented him, earning a surprised expression.

   Isn't this the best?

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