0.6 || Semi-Automatic

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A/N: Credit to the original artist, who by the way, has some pretty cool stuff on Deviantart! Lol, I forgot their name. You just don't have any scars on your face, but other than that, change the paints on to what you like! Also, pretend whatever Airachnid did in Armada never happened.
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PART 0.6
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"I'm never what I like, I'm double-sided."
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   Electrical wires and cables were connected together, and attached to their patients as well. The man at the computer filled with strange information pressed a button, causing an electric current to run into their test subjects. The energon from the two tanks the men stored was running through a tube into their patients, giving the the duo a new lease on life.

   Another button was pressed, and the electric currents began overloading their systems. Smoke rushed in from the heated systems, but it quickly faded out. The agents stared up at their leader as his offlined optics turned into a stunning sunset yellow. The femme beside him was awakening too, and her optics became a radiating, diamond blue.

   "Welcome back, sir." One of the agents addressed the busted-up Breakdown. Silas lifted his servo to his faceplates, and he examined what happened. You were almost too bewildered to speak!

   "What have you done to us?!" You cried out. They had given you restraints, knowing you would want out.

   "We needed to, in order to save you, Silas." The same agent, answering your comment to him. While they talked, you wondered if they had forgotten to disable any of your weapons? Everyone seemed to have them (all the cybertronians at least), so why not you?

   "I'm . . . one of them." The MECH leader continued to stare at his servo.

   "The logical evolution of MECH's progress in biotech." The agent replied, glancing at his computer for a few seconds. "Your donor's brain fused with your nervous and skeletal systems. It's not nearly the same for our creation, especially since she had no donor." Well, it was nice to know you weren't some half-dead human in a puppeteers corpse!

   Luckily, the men had forgotten to shut down your weapons! Without them noticing (thank Primus), you made your servo into a sword simply by thinking about it, and you began to hack at your restraints. You were already getting the hang of this, and you hadn't exactly been awake very long!

   "The perfect meld of man and machine. Exquisite." Silas mumbled. He was acknowledging you, he just didn't bother to look at you.

   "Thank you all, for your dedication of lifetime service." He announced happily, tearing the thick wires from his bulky frame. "But I now seem more suited to keep the exclusive company of titans." An energy cannon came out of his shoulder, and the psychopath shot down all of his former agents until they were nothing but a stain on the walls and floor.

   By now, you were free, but the massacre traumatized you. You were too late to save them! Unfreezing yourself, your processor reminded you that it was your top priority to find your best friend! You ran as fast as your shining legs could carry you, and you watched as Silas drove right out front. He probably thought you wouldn't live past Day One!

   He checked out of the base while you stealthily snuck around and out the back. How he did it, you weren't sure at all! But, it wasn't anything you were going to concern yourself with. You were panicked, and just watched your very first mass murder. That was a memory you needed to get out of your poor head-helm. You mean helm.

   Being a cybertronian would prove to be a real challenge.
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   Without a vehicle mode, finding your guardian was rather difficult. You had run into a forest. That was it. You had no way to tell where you were, and it was killing you from the inside.


   Your energon levels had already been kind of low when you woke up, and now, they were dangerously low. Sooner or later, you were going to pass out, due to your lack of fuel. You were at the point where you were barely even walking anymore, you were simply standing. You had begun to support yourself with a tree, they world swaying back and forth in your double vision.

   Suddenly, an unnoticed log came into your path. You tripped onto it, and hit your helm on the ground hard. You were out cold! All alone. In the middle of nowhere. Unconscious and dying.
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   "Optimus!" Ratchet yelled for him. The medic returned his attention to the monitor as soon as the Prime was finished chatting with the new recruit.

   "What is it, Ratchet?" The Autobot leader lakes up behind his old friend.

   "Is it another relic?" Arcee came in beside the Prime. Ratchet shook his helm, clicking a few more buttons on the keyboard.

   "No, it-it seems to be a cybertronian life signal! It's very faint though." He told them. The usual frown had graced the medical bot's facial features.

   "We should probably get to it before the 'Cons do." The two-wheeler said.

   "Agreed. Arcee, Bulkhead—"

   "On it!" The two announced in unison, grouping around Optimus as the ground bridge was activated.

   Unbeknownst to them or you, they were coming to bring you home.

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