Chris POV

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Striding into the room I saw Xavier glance up from the couple in front of him. Recognizing Carmen and Dillon, I gave them quick nods before taking the chair next to Xavier.

"Chris, I don't think you want to hear any of this." Xavier tossed me a quick glance.

"I don't think you're going to be able to stop me from hearing it." I told him with a small growl. Hearing him growl in response I bowed up, until he consented and motioned for Carmen to continue.

"She was jumpy when people passed her room but she never opened the door. I could hear her pacing back and forth but she wouldn't talk to us and she wouldn't open the door. I can't say what happened behind the door other than pacing. I couldn't hear anything else." Looking at Dillon, he nodded his confirmation.

"When I found her she was clutching a knife, it had cut her hands and she had a hole through her lip, looked like she had bit it. When I ended up in the room she was angry and scared until I came close. I saw genuine fear in her eyes. Especially when I picked up the knife to look at it. Stupid, I know." He told me when he saw me getting angry at that statement. "Right now she is with Rachel, sedated since it doesn't look like she's sleeping. When she wakes up we are going to let her talk with Rachel and decide which treatment option will work best with her. If she doesn't pick one I will pick one for her. I want you to to stay outside the hospital wing, make sure she stays there until Rachel says she can leave and when that happens I want you to follow. I can't trust her to not hurt anyone and with the additional wolves from Greg's camp I won't take any chances of her hurting someone." Nodding they stood and left the room. Staring at him I waited until he looked over at me.

"Where did she get the knife?"

"She has a stash of weapons in her room. Mostly knives, few guns. Before you came in I had already told Carmen to get them out and put them in your room for now. Hope you don't mind."

"I don't. Why weren't they taken when we first thought she had PTSD?"

"Rachel thought her weapons missing could set her off. We were just trying to keep her safe Chris, I didn't think she would hurt herself with them. Even when Rachel said self destructive behaviors, it never crossed my mind. Lexi is one of the strongest people I know. No offense, but she went through Greg three times in her life, a mate rejecting her, what she considered her mom to die and watched her family get murdered in front of her and still she was always with a smile on her face. I made a bad decision, but I didn't do it for the wrong reasons." He kept swiping his hands through his hair. Reaching over, I patted him on the back.

"I know you didn't. I just wanted to understand. I'm going to camp out in the hospital wing. It may not be the best course of action but my wolf is going crazy. We may have two dangers on our hands if I have to keep staying away from her."

"Rachel already made you a bed up in the wing. She figured you wouldn't leave after this. Especially since you didn't want to leave her the first time. She did say to warn you that it is going to be hell to get her through this. You need to be prepared for a lot of tough love, Chris." Nodding I stood and walked out of the room and towards the hospital wing. Stepping in I saw Rachel stepping out of a room quietly before glancing up at me. Giving me a small smile she ushered me to follow her. Walking a short distance from the door, Rachel turned to face me. 

"She's awake." Nodding at the door, I glanced back at it.

"I thought Xavier said she was sedated?" I asked her confused.

"She was. She's fighting it harder than I've ever seen. I'd say that would be the PTSD though. I patched up her hands and she's doing ok mentally right now but she trusts me and I don't bring up any bad memories so I'm pretty safe to her. She's asking to see you." Surprised I glanced back at the door.


"I think she should be the one to tell you." Thinking for a minute, I turned back to Rachel.

"Did she pick a treatment?"

"I was just leaving her to find you and Alpha Xavier. We are going to try several types, counseling on a bi weekly schedule, medication for now and when she feels ready we will try and shift her off the medicine and into exposure therapy."

"She agreed to all that?" I asked shocked.

"She's scared but not dim Alpha Chris. She knows she needs help. I'll let you go in and talk to her while I go find Alpha Xavier. Don't stress her out too much. If you could also stay with her until I get back it would be appreciated. I was going to ask Dillon and Carmen but since you're here this makes it easier."

"Yeah, sure." Watching her walk away I stayed where I was stunned for a minute before collecting my thoughts and heading over to the door. Knocking lightly I could hear her scrambling to sit up.

"Lex, It's me." I called out softly. Hearing her breathing hitch up a few notches I waited until she had calmed down and yelled at me to come in. Walking in I saw her huddled on her bed. Knees pulled up to her chest with cautious eyes peeking out above them at me. Stopping I slowly turned and saw a chair near the door. Backing up to it I sat and looked at her again. Seeing her relax slightly, I smashed my pride and exposed my neck to her slightly. Seeing her relax more, I sat back a bit and settled in to wait for her to open up and talk to me.

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