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How could I let them get that close? Uhh... I knew I should have been more careful 'damn right you should have', shut up sky. Those blasted rogues have been on my tail for years and they have never gotten close but when I finally start to releax what do they do? Show up!

Where to now? I have already been to half the states in America. If I'm not careful I will end up on pack territory, even though they wouldn't be able to touch me I don't want to draw attention to myself. I just want to seattle down somewhere near the woods, graduate, get a job and find my mate. Maybe I will at least be able to do one with all this travelling.

Now, you might be wondering why I am constantly on the run? Well, the reason why is because I am different from other werewolves and no I don't mean everyone is unique stuff I mean I am as powerful as an alpha or more so. I have 2 wolf forms my white average sized one (5ft 9) that is a strong as a beta and as quick as alpha. Then my true form a massive black alpha wolf that is quicker and stronger than your ordinary alpha (6ft 6). There are many Myths and Legends which surround the werewolf community, myths of a wolf as dark as night powerful enough to single-handedly take down a pack. A werewolf with 2 wolves, a sly thing it is, diseaving even the most cunning of wolves, appearing weak then pouncing when you least expect it. And finally the one that can control the elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. They believe they are all separate wolves but there not I am all of them.

You may think that as I have 2 wolves I will have 2 wolves in my head but that is not the case sky is both of them.

Oh.. I forgot to introduce myself I am Alexandra Rose Burn and I am currently 17 years old. I have brown wavy locks that flow down to mid back and hazel eyes, I am 5ft 7inch with a slender frame but a six pack and hidden muscle. Now where was I?

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