Chapter 10 - Football Fiend

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Alex's Pov :

I woke up and it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I had slept for almost an entire day. I guess I really was exhausted. Well, there is no point in going to school today, it's a shame I can't miss work today but I need the money really bad.

My shifts have gotten longer over the past weeks. I work at The West End Diner, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. From 4:00 to 8:00. My savings are starting to get to a reasonable amount of money, about £800.

Let's see if my powers are back yet. I try to open the passageway so I can exit and to my suprise it opens with only slight more effort than usual. Normally, if I exhaust myself that much it would take about 2 days to 2 weeks, I guess I really have gotten stronger.

Work Today was just like normal nothing special happend.


What lessons have I got today? Ohh that's it : English, World History, Social Studies, Science and P.E.

Right now I am on my way to my first lesson English, which I have with Lucy. Recently we started to learn about Romeo and Juliet, personally I prefer Macbeth as it is more violent and less romantic.

When I enter the classroom about half of the class are present as it does not start for five more minutes. Lucy is already in her normal seat and waves me over.

"Hi, Lucy." I greet. "Hi Alex. How are you? You didn't come to school yesterday."
Oh I almost forgot I missed school yesterday. "Oh I am fine, just had a cold." "Okay."

We were interrupted by the bell, the rest of the class came in right before the Teacher entered. After she took the register she gave us an assignment, which we have to work on in pairs. Me an Lucy give each other a knowing look and then what does Mr Smith say, that he is deciding.

After a few names Lucy was called to be with a cute boy named Harry. Great, I wonder who I am going to be with. I zone out until I heard my name. " Alex and Ryan." I forgot to mention Ryan was in my class, why? At the same moment we both shouted "WHAT?"

"No arguing, I have already decided." He is officially my worst teacher. Once he had finished pairing everyone he said "You have 2 weeks to prepare your presentation on Romeo and Juliet. It is your choice how you present it. This is important and will account for 30% of your final grade." Wow, it just got even better, almost a third of my grade is in his hands. I could fail.

The rest of the lesson passed by quickly and on the way out Ryan stopped me to tell me
"Alex, do you want to start the project today? We can do it at my house seeing as you don't really have a house." Wait a minute.
"How do you know I don't live in a apartment?" This made him stop in his tracks and scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. "I didn't say that." "Yes you did, did you follow me back because you don't trust me?"
"No, that is not the case I was just in the woods and spotted you there." Ha I am not buying that but I will leave it for now. "Okay, but just respect my personal space."
"Yeah of course. Anyway I will meet you in the carpark so you don't have to walk."
"Yeah sure, bye." "Bye."

Next it was World History, we were learning about the Holocaust. It was such a horrific time.

Break and lessons 3 and 4 passed by really quickly and now it's lunch. I went to the library to do some homework as well as some revision.  Whilst I was doing it I had an apple for a snack. Then it was time for my favourite subject P.E.

Even better yet we were doing Football, I love football (I am English so I will not say soccer, no offense). It allows me to get away with not holding back as I can say I practise a lot, which technically wouldn't be a lie.

I get changed in the changing room and head on out to the pitch. I end up being on a decent team, on the opposing team is Ryan. I really want to estound him by tackling him, plus it's entertaining, anoying him. My preferred position is an attacker / a striker. 

He is coming down the field, I am sprinting towards him. We meet in the centre of the field, it's just Me Vs Him. He try's to get around me but I am not letting that happen. I use my inhuman speed to tackle him, which cause him to stumble from shock.

By the time he recovers it is too late. I am running down the pitch at incredible speed, but he is on my tail. I doge everyone that is in my path and score!!! 1-0 to me.

I do my own not so mini victory dance. My team high five me and Ryan just glares at me from across the field. If looks could kill I would be 6ft under. My team won in the end 3-2. I scored two of my team's and a boy named Jake scored the last one. He is the Beta of this pack so it only makes sense he would be good at sports. I was introduced to him about a week ago.


I was hanging out with Lucy at the pack house when a boy stormed in, there was a sense of power surrounding him. I automatically assumed he was the Beta. He had dirty blonde hair and hazel brown eyes. He had a sharp jaw line and was built like a God. He was really good looking but not as hot and well Built as Ryan.

Once he caught sight of me and Lucy he ran over and pinned me to the wall. I am going to presume no one told him about my presence in this pack.

I also knew he wouldn't dare do anything until he knew why I was here in the first place. "Can you please let go of me?"
I spoke as if he was practically strangling the living day lights out of me. He growled and spat "What are you doing here Rogue?" Lucy was going to say something but I spoke for myself.

"I was invited to hang out. I guess you haven't been here for a bit, out mate searching. Oh.. and my name is Alex. Pleasure to meet you." He now looked at me in suprise because I bit the nail on the head. As soon as he realised I wasn't a threat he sat me back on my own two feet. "Since when have we allowed a rogue on our territory?" Now Lucy spoke. "I think you need to have a catch up with Ryan about some things, Jake." She gestured to me, then shooed him away.

"I am so sorry about him, he doesn't have a good past with rogues."
"It's okay." I reassured her.

Flashback over

We started off on the wrong foot, but once he wrapped his head around the idea he warmed up to me. He is a really nice guy after he warms up to you.

Now it is home time and I am going to the car park, waiting for Ryan. I can't wait for this, it is going to be so much fun! - please note the sarcasm which is oozing from that sentence.


Author's Note:

Hi ya, I hoped you enjoyed this new chapter. I wonder how the project is going to go. A new character has been introduced the Beta of The Blood Cross Pack, Jake.

- Spongeboblaugh

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