Chapter 30 - New Beginnings

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Alex’s P.O.V:

Mahogany wood was the buildings structure, it looked over the water, a balcony placed precisely over it, giving you a stunning view. It had vast windows, lighting up the interior, I noticed it was an open floor plan, the living room and kitchen merging into one, I could not wait to explore the cabin. A cobble stone path led to the entrance, the log cabin also had hints of cobble in the structure, contrasting perfectly with the dark wood. Moreover, the chimney stood out on the roof, fitting in perfectly.

I looked in awe at the place, I was only just witnessing. It appeared to be in the middle of nowhere as I took my time to study the surroundings, woodlands, we were in the middle of a forest. But not the forest I was accustomed to. We were away from everything and everyone, it was just us for a change.

 The sun was glowing brightly, illuminating the cabin, I stepped forward. Wanting to prove it wasn't just a part of my imagination - it was real. Turning, I glanced at Ryan, who I only just observed that he was waiting for me at the door, now open. I raced towards him, gave him a quick peck on the cheek before dashing off into the house; I felt like I was a child all over again. Eagerly, I ran around the area, taking all of it’s beauties in. A lopsided grin was glued to my face, the walls were either wood or painted a light cream. The floor throughout was polished marble, decorated with thick, warm rugs.

Everything was simple and elegant, but also old-fashioned, the combination created a masterpiece, which I had the pleasure of experiencing. In the living room there was a massive log fireplace, a shelf placed above it, delicate ornaments decorated that shelf. A leather couch, love chair and coffee table were all positioned towards the fireplace, the centre piece of the stage.

Next, I turned to the kitchen, the theme was similar to that of the front room, stylish yet modest. There was a counter placed a foot or so away from the appliances, the smooth top was the spot-on size for a family of four, meaning we had plenty of room for ourselves. A couple of bar stools were placed impeccably around, but if we fancied sitting at a table we had a splendid one for that.

The bedroom was just the same – faultless. The bed looked like a cloud and I was not disappointed when I leapt on it. As I did so, I heard muffled laughter, quizzically I gazed up to see Ryan in hysterics, covering his mouth with his hand. Playfully, I grabbed his arm and he toppled onto the bed beside me.

Unfortunately, we only had the pleasure of this vacation for the weekend, but I had a feeling this holiday would be special. The day passed by ever so quickly, and I walked down the stairs to Ryan in a suit and the room lit solely by candles.

My makeup had been wiped off, I was in my comfortable, lazy outfit. I stopped. I had no idea we were supposed to drees up for the evenings meal, I had made no effort at all. I continued towards the table, sitting down awkwardly, memorised by the transformation. “I didn’t know this was supposed to be a romantic dinner, if you want I can get changed?” I said, but I couldn’t help smirking, I found the situation hilarious at heart. “No, my fault anyway. I forgot to tell you. Actually, if you don’t mind, can I get changed? This suit is a bit itchy.” I couldn’t hold it in, I started laughing loudly, nodding. He hurriedly changed into sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, he looked, and I bet no doubly felt more comfortable.

The entire scene was still romantic, but I felt more relaxed. There was no stress and I felt as though I had none this man all my life, that we had been together for years, for how relaxed I was. Ryan excused himself to get the first course, indulging in the feast that was the three-course meal, I complemented Ryan on the food as I gobbled it down.

Eventually, we finished the delicacy almost two hours later. Burping louder than anticipated, I went to apologise until Ryan burped as well, I guess that’s another thing we have in common, a lack of table manners. Giggling, we apologised in unison. That’s when I noticed a change of attitude in Ryan, he became nervous for some reason and I studied him cautiously.

Ryan’s P.O.V:

The evening had not started out how I had already planned, but in the end, it turned out better than expected. It still had a love filled aura, with romance, yet I was in sweatpants instead of that uncomfortable suit, I couldn’t find another one in my wardrobe to pack. This holiday was originally a spur of the moment idea.

All together everything had been going amazingly and I was getting myself pumped up for asking the biggest question of my entire life so far. I feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest as I sit in my chair, trying to get comfortable as my palms sweat. Alex looks at me, trying to work out what I’m thinking. I fiddled with the petite box inside my pocket, wondering what her response would be.

I’m ready.

Alex’s P.O.V:

Ryan got up from his seat, turned my chair towards him and got down onto one knee. My heart leapt out of my chest and I started to sweat profusely. I thought the temperature had turned up to a hundred degrees. He began to talk as he pulled out a ring box from his pocket, and I knew it was real. “Alex, I know we haven’t been together for that long, but my feelings are undecided. I love you. And I know those feelings will not change for years and years to come. Before I even knew you were my mate, I felt an attraction to you. Thank you for staying, I don’t know where I would be right now without you. So, Alexandra Rose Burn, will you marry me?”

For a second, I couldn’t think of what to answer, then it came rushing back to me, what he had asked me. I smiled widely, excited and yelled my answer, “Yes!” He heaved a sigh of relief, gently grasped my hand and slipped the ring onto my finger. I really looked at the ring now, it was silver and had a large diamond in the centre, the design was intricate and simple. Highlighting everything that made it stunning, it had no imperfections. Next, I kissed him and proceeded to wrap my arms around him tightly, holding him close. I whispered in his ears, “Thank you, for everything.”

I celebrated my engagement that night, it was magical, and I fell asleep content.

The last day of our mini vacation was just the same as the day before – amazing.

The entire morning, we stayed in bed, watching TV and lazing about, just bathing in the glow from the day before. Only dragging ourselves out of bed to have a relaxing bath, followed by a delightful breakfast; an English breakfast, consisting of sausage, bacon, beans, toast and other delicious foods. It needed to be a lot, seeing as it played both my breakfast and lunch.

The afternoon was whimsical, we went on a slow stroll into the depths of the forest, only turning back when the sun began to sink over the horizon. We made it back at precisely the right moment, in order to witness a breath-taking sight. The sunset. The colours, mixing together to form an ethereal hue astonished me, I rested my head against Ryan’s chest, listening to the melody of his heart. Slowly, the sun disappeared before me, whilst I sat at the water’s edge, the new diamond ring on my finger glistened.

It was at that moment I knew, saying “I love you.” Once again, as I fell asleep hearing at the back of my mind him replying, that I was thankful. I thought about how lucky I was, that my life had managed to become this surreal. Almost perfect. That I knew. For the first time in forever, that I had everything I could have wished for. I accepted, something I had struggled to accept since I ran away all those years ago. That everything was going to be just fine… 


Authors Note:

Well, this is it. This is the end of the Wolf of Legends. Thankful for reading this book, it has been a pleasure writing it.

- Spongeboblaugh

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