Chapter 15 - A Low Point

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Hi, I just wanted to give a shout out to my friend Jess. Please check out her wattpad account howlter_hugs. I have had this chapter ready for a while and I hope you enjoy.

Alex's Pov :

It has been a just over a week since Harry arrived and I have babysat him, it was so much fun. We have gotten really close and my and Sky feel super protective over him for some reason. I treat him how I would if I had a baby brother. I had the week of from work so I used it to my advantage. It's a shame I have to today

We had so much fun at the weekend, I did things I have never been able to do with anyone before. I wonder if this is what it would be like to be a mother. I remember all the fun we had...

Flashback :

Today I have to babysit Harry as his parents are out doing some work with Ryan. He pratticly dragged me outside to play with him. After a few minutes of the puppy dog eyes I gave in.

We went to a little forest about a mile away from the pack house. "Alex..." He asked, I could tell by the way he said it he wanted something. "Yes, what do you want?" "Can you show me your wolf again, the secret one?" He said the last part in a hushed whisper.

Immediately, I disagreed and shook my head. "Please..." He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist. What harm could it do anyway? "Fine." I stepped away from him and shifted. He seemed mesmerized by me. I sat in front of him and made a wolfy smile, my tongue hanging out of my mouth. He giggled and said "Can I stroke you? " I noded my head as an answer. "It's so soft."

He kept stroking me and then for some reason got all excited. I gave him a comfuesd look and he said "My Dad sometimes gives me a ride when he's in wolf form. Can you give me a ride?"

I debate the idea for a bit but end up crouching down and signalling for him to get on. I end up giving him a ride which he loves. After a bit I shift back.

"Can you show me how you got rid of those bodies?"
"Are you sure you want to see." "Yeah." "Like this."
And I create a small fire in the clearing. "I can control the elements. "What?! That is amazing, can you fly?" To be honest I haven't tried before. "Lets see." I cocentrate on the air and make it so it pushes me off the ground, I hear Harry gasp and I open my eyes. I am a few feet off of the ground. I slowly push if so I am walking on air similarly to how I walk on water. It feels amazing amd right.

I continue to experiment with Harry until it is time to go back.

Flashback over:

I can still remember that feeling, being able to fly. It was the first time I had tried to do anything like that before. I'll have to practise at some point, it will help a lot in scouting out an area.
Anyway enough of that, it is time to go back to work.

Something seems off, I can smell a new scent, one that I recognise. One that has power, it better not be him. The closer I get to the Diner the stronger it gets. Another one already, why can't Ryan warn me in advance at least once. I definitely needed time to prepare to see this familiar face.

I never wanted to see him again, we never got on, the jerk. Yep, it is him, Zack King. Out of all of the Alphas that could come, it had to be him didn't it. He always suspected something was off about me, when rogues passed through his territory just after I had left. The strange thing was they never attacked them almost like they were chasing something. That something was me.

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