Chapter 6 - Ryan is a Prick

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Alex's Pov :

Back to school again. Why couldn't the weekend be longer than two days? I hurriedly get dressed into some jeans and hoodie, brush my teeth, grab some change for school, grab my bag and off I go. Mondays are the worst, even more so as I have work after school. I managed to get a job at a Diner not that far away, just in the Blood Cross pack. It only pays the minimum wage but that is enough for me. I work about 4 hours, 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have already been able to save £600. It may not sound like a lot but it all adds up. I came here with only £400.

It takes me about 15 minutes to get to the school as I had not bothered to shift. When I found my locker I saw Lucy waiting there for me and she seemed pretty eager to tell me something. I wonder what. Ohh... that. I had almost forget about that event. Once I had put my stuff away and closed my locker door and turned to look at her, one eyebrow raised she was off. Talking at incredible speeds and not even stopping for a breath, she recalled everything that had happend yesterday. "Hold your horses, talk slowly." I spoke acting like I was talking to a toddler. She huffed at this and was about to start again when the bell cut her off. "I would love to stay and chat but I gotta go, tell me this at lunch, okay?" "Fine, see you then."


The first 4 lessons passed agonisingly slowly and after what felt like an aternite the lunch bell rang. I grabbed my bags and headed of to the canteen and got a sandwich before sitting at my usual table. When I was half way through my chicken and sweet corn sandwich Lucy entered. As soon as pleasantries were over she began to tell me what happend.

"Yesterday, I was walking through the forest when I picked up on the most putrid stench ever, rogues. " Suddenly, she stopped and put her hand over her mouth. Almost as if she was shocked at what she had said. Or did she work out the connection, please Moon Goddess don't let her. "I am so so sorry." What? "I don't mean you smell cause you're a rogue, in fact you don't smell of much." Oh.. that makes sense. How am I supposed to explain why I don't smell of much, I guess I have to try. "Its probably because I am not in a pack but am not a savage like a rogue."

Please buy it. "I guess that makes sense, anyway. 7 rogues jumped out of the bushes. I was petrified so I mind linked my brother to tell him what was happening. Then they all began to stalk towards me and when I thought one of them was going to hit me.... a massive, like I mean massive, easily over 6ft tall wolf stood in front of me and ripped them all to pieces. Once it was finished it disappeared of into the clearing.  My brother thinks it may have been the wolf from the legends, you know the one about a wolf as dark as night and can single-handedly take down a pack. "

"Wow, that is something. You were so lucky. Did they ever manage to track down the wolf?" "No, but they have made security tighter as they aren't going to risk any more rogues including that wolf get in. I personally don't think it would hurt anyone but you cant take risks." "I get your point but I get what you mean, for some reason I don't think it would hurt anyone from your pack."

We continued to talk more until the bell went but just before we dispersed Lucy asked me "Do you want to hang out at the pack house tonight?" "Sorry, but I have work tonight.  What about tomorrow? " "Yeah thats fine, you can come at 6 and stay for dinner." "Thanks, bye." I guess I have something to do tomorrow. Time for last period and work. Then its off to home.


Its 6:00pm Tuesday and I am currently at the pack house and am about to knock on the door. *Knock* *Knock* It only took a few seconds before, I am assuming Ryan's Mum answered the door. "Hi Mrs Landon, I'm Alex. Its a pleasure to make your aquatance." I whispered looking at the floor. It took a second before recognition flashed across her face and she opened the door wider and let me in. " Ahh... I have heard a lot about you Alex. Don't worry all good things. I believe you have made yourself  quite know around here. Please, call me Tess." She seems really friendly,  I can see where Lilly got it from. "Thank you Mrs.. I mean Tess." Tess directed me to Lily's room before going of to make dinner.

For the next half an hour,  we had a little gossip about people.  Come on you can't blame us everyone does it at least once.

Until Lucy's Mum, called us down for dinner. Everyone was there Ryan, Mr Landon, Mrs Landon, Lily and me. I felt pretty awkward as I'm  a rogue and I am surrounded by an Alpha family. They seemed to avoid any topics to do with packs. Ryan kept glaring at me from across the table and decided now was the time to open his mouth. "Alex, do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Yes "No, not at all."

"Why is such a young, weak she wolf as yourself a rogue? I can't help but wonder." You can stick that question where the sun don't shine.'Why does out mate hate us?' Calm down, he doesn't hate us. He just doesn't like rogues. "You don't have to answer that Alex, dear." Mrs Landon said. I might as well give them a vague answer. "I left." "Really?" "Yes" "What is your surname?" Ha, at least he wont recognise this "Burn." He looked deep in thought for a moment before he responded with. "From the Water Glaze pack?" How the hell did he guess it?!

"That is correct, how may I ask did you know that?" "I visited them not that long ago and my personal assistant was an Omega there called Blaze Burn." My Dad, how I miss him. "I didnt know he had a child. Anyway back on track. How can a 17 year old Omega survive as a rogue?" This is getting tense and personal. Time to lie. "I have always stayed close to pack territory as most rogues tend to avoid those areas." "May, I see your wolf after this meal as I would like to see how weak you truly are." I want to strangle him right now. 'He can't talk to us like that, he's even getting on my nerves.' I agree sky. Anyway, its time like these that I am thankful for my white wolf. "Yes, you can. If you must." I gritted out.

The rest of the meal was silent and in no time at all I was outside and standing behind a tree pretending to strip. There was no way I was going to strip when I don't need to as my clothes don't rip. I she no idea why, but they don't, he doesn't need to know that though. After a few seconds I shift into my white wolf, its coat reflecting the moons light, creating an erie glow.
Double checking my scent was camouflaged before walking out, I don't want him figuring it out now. I try to appear as small as possible as to look as small as a perfectly normal offspring of 2 Omegas. I use my Earth element to make were I walk a little deeper than everywhere else just to make me look even tinier. He seems satisfied and tells me to change back. Thank the Lord. I went back behind the tree and changed back.

"Why did you want to see my wolf?" "Because we have had a few rogues trespassing and attacking my pack and I want to make sure you are not one of them." "Feeling the trust. Anymore questions you want to ask." Please say no. "Actually, there is one more question." Great "How long have you been a rogue?"

I am definitely lying now, I am not telling him I left at 12 because I would have died, no wolf, an omega. That would just make him suspicious.  " Since I was 16, I have been a rogue for just over a year." "Yeah but I still don't get why you would leave?" Cant he just shut his fat gob and say he has asked enough.  I hate lying but that don't mean I'm gonna tell the truth. "Didnt like pack life, especially as an Omega." "Did your parents know?" "No." "Okay I think I have asked enough,  for now." "Okay, bye then." Finally, it is over. Should I shift to leave? Yeah why not.

And with that I change and start running into the woods at a fairly slow speed but once I am out of sight I go to maximum speed. Arriving at home in a matter of minutes.  I light a fire with a click of my fingers, have a shower and go to bed. I decided to keep the fire alight as it's cold. Ryan is such a prick. I went to sleep wondering if he would act like that if he knew we were mates?


Authors Note :

Hi ya, this chapter was a bit longer than usual and I will try to keep them this length.  The mystery of Alex is starting to be revealed. She chose to leave her pack but we still dont know why. She left at age 12 and was an Omega, so how does she have such a strong wolf? Many questions are still unanswered though they may be answerd soon. See ya later alligator.

- Spongeboblaugh

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