Chapter 28 - I'm Human

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Alex’s P.O.V

I stood there, in shock. What happens now? Everything’s changed, we might have won, but at what cost, I’m yet to find out. Knees shaking, I fall to the ground. I try to reassure myself, but I can’t. I’m lucky I even survived, I should have died…. No questions asked. Yet, here I am. Bruised and scarred for sure, wounds agape and bleeding, but I am alive.

Everything’s silent, I beg to hear something, to know my sacrifice worked. But all stays as it was before, silent. Then, I hear it. Noises. People scrambling about, I can’t hear as much as before, my sense used to be sharpened, the dullness such a change. Crying and sobbing, the mourning starts, the mourning of lost warriors, friends and for some, family. I hear a scream, a familiar voice, standing out from the crowd of sounds, Ryan. He’s calling me, primal desperation in his shout.

 I stand up and run towards the sound. My stamina is much shorter than before, and I find myself panting in a matter of minutes. The remains of the battle eventually come into view. Dead bodies littered across the ground, I must keep myself from vomiting. I travel onward, towards the voice of my mate, I can see him, but he hasn’t noticed me. I go closer still. My presence is still unknown. “Ryan.” I speak, that’s when he turns to look at me. He races towards me and wraps me in his arms. The he jumps away, as if I’m fire, “You’re human. That’s not possible. What happened?”

I go to explain everything; however, I turn away and throw up. I heave violently, and I see a trickle of blood drip down from my chin, my injuries are worse than I thought and without my quickened healing. I touch my side and feel a sticky warm substance, before I have time to think about my situation, my vision starts to fade, and I fall backwards, losing consciousness. With voices echoing around me, all merging into one, my world turns black.

Ryan’s P.O.V:

She falls backwards, heading towards the ground I catch her in my arms and bring her close. I try and get her to wake up but it’s pointless, instead, I race towards the pack doctors, placing her on a bed. Making sure her wounds are treated, and she wakes up as soon as possible. She looks the same, her voice was the same but she’s not a werewolf, she is human. There is no explanation for that. Unless… But that’s not possible, if she did that, she would be dead. That flash of light though, that wasn’t a natural action, it was forced, then every rogue died. It’s highly unlikely, it should be impossible… then again, a lot of things lately should be impossible but here we are.

Her injuries won’t heal like before, she is so much more vulnerable now. A human in a world full of werewolves, I don’t doubt she’ll find a way to become strong again, making it as a human. But for now… we’ll find a way.

It was about an hour later when I was told the news. She was in a coma. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but when I saw her, lying on the bed, frail and with so many wires attached to her, I knew it was true. No matter how much I tried to deny it, that image was real. I sit beside her, taking her hand in mine. I decide to call her Parents, they deserve to know the state their only child is in, I can’t wait to see her surprise if she wakes up… no. When she wakes up, she’s stronger than this.

I feel a tear cascade down my face, followed by another and another, I sob, begging for her to wake up, to not leave me, ever. I tell her she isn’t allowed to go, we haven’t had children, that we all need her. That I need her.

Eventually, I fall asleep, a million thoughts plaguing my mind. I awake screaming, I had a nightmare. My eyes immediately go to Alex, the heart machine beeping away rhythmically. I couldn’t fall asleep again that night, too many things lay upon my conscience.

The next morning the pack was in chaos and I had to drag myself from Alex’s side to try and answer their questions. I informed them of her condition and tried to calm them down. My Mum and Dad ended up taking over and I was able to go back to Alex, I spoke to her and told her of everything that was happening. Telling her once again how much I loved her, even though I knew I would get no answer, no matter how hard I wished to hear her voice.

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