Chapter 17 - Explaining Everything

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Lucy's Pov :

Alex is the one who saved my life. Alex is the big bad wolf. She is my brothers mate. That is going to take a while to get used to. Everything is going to change now.


Ryan's Pov :

Alex is my mate! It's all starting to make sense now. Why her scent was so faint. Why she never let me touch her. Why she always knew when rogues where about. Why my wolf instantly trusted her and didn't mind her calling me Ryan.

'Mate, go to mate!' 'Okay, okay I am going chill out.'

She stood tense in front of my-soon to be our- entire pack. She seems a lot more afraid of this than the rogues. I slowly walk towards her looking at her in awe and pure compassion.

She looked up at me and she immediately dropped her head. "I am so sorry I didn't tell you at first, I just couldn't risk you getting hurt. If you're  going to reject me just do it already. " Her voice starts out strong but ends in a tremor.

I pick her chin up with my fingers and make her look me in the eyes, she shivers at the contact. I can see the tears in her eyes and one overflows, I subconsciously wipe it away. Forgetting about everything else, I whisper "Never." And smash my lips to hers.

It was a sweet and innocent kiss which was filled with passion . I savoured the taste of her lips and pulled away, she stared at me in shock, suprise and lust. Then she glanced to the side and her cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. "I think you have a lot of explaining to do. " I whispered.


Alex's Pov :

"I think you have a lot of explaining to do. " He whispered to me. I can not belive he kissed me. That was the best first kiss ever, not that I know if there could be a better one, but still it was pretty damn amazing.

I was about to say something but I stopped myself when I heard the sound of padding feet. I quickly kneeled down and caught the little bundle of joy before he fell. I scooped him up and placed him on my hip with my arm supporting his back.

"That was amazing!!" Harry squealed, excited. But then his expression turned to thoughtful.  "Does that mean I don't have to keep what happend a secret anymore?" I was about to reply when Ryan but in " What happend?"
"Nothing special and yes Harry, you can tell people you don't have to worry about keeping it a secret. Just don't make it sound dangerous." Ryan gave me a perplexed look but dropped it none the less.

"How about we all go to your Office Ryan and I can explain it all ther?" He goes over what I said in his head and answers with "Alright, I will gather the people I think necessary and we will meet you there." "Okay." I reply.

Turning back to the little boy I place him on the ground and say "Let's go then, I will assume your parents will want an explanation." He nods and scurries of towards his parents with me on his tail.
When everyone is in the office - by everyone I mean: Harry and his parents, Lucy, who looks like she is about to faint and is staring at me wide eyed. Ryan and his parents, Jake and his mate (the beta female) Holly.

I started of from the begining, not leaving any details out.

"Before I became a rogue I lived in the Water Glaze pack, my parents were both Omegas: Blaze and Carol Burn. I was living a normal life until a few weeks before my 12th birthday. Then I stared to show signs of shifting and things around me would randomly combust, or do strange things. I kept to myself most of the time so my parents were the only ones to see this. As it was unknown for an Omega to shift at that age they went to our Alpha Rick, for advise. He then sent me to the pack dodctor and he couldn't explain it so he decided I could be cursed. They brushed it of and thought it was rediculous.  But then the Alpha and Beta saw it and became worried. Not for me but for themselves, he thought I could be a threat to his future childrens position. The night before my Birthday I heard them talking about killing me, I was petrified. I went to my parents and they were equally shocked, I had to leave that night. I shifted on my 12th birthday. So that is how I became a rogue. Anything else you want to know?"

Questions were thrown at me left, right and centre. It was overwhelming, I couldn't focus on one pecific one.

"One at a time, please." Jake was the first to get a question in "So, you don't know why you have those gifts and how you got them?"

"No, I do not."

The next one was by Jack. "What really happend that day with my son?"

"Umm... I went after him and we got jumped by about six rogues not one." Charlotte gasped at the new information, I kind of feel guilty about not telling them the truth earlier.

"I shifted into the wolf most of you have seen before today and I couldn't take them all out. One was about to get to him so I had to shift again into my big bad wolf to take them all out. Sorry I lied, but I had to." They seemed annoyed but nodded understandingly none the less.

"So it was really you, that took out those wolfs?" This is the first time I have heard Lucy speak after the incident. "Yes, It was me."

"Are you going to join the pack as Luna now we know your secret?" This question from Jake made Ryan pay attention. "Yeah, if that's what you want? "

I directed that question to Ryan. "I think everyone would be delighted to have you as there Luna." I felt better after hearing that and the murmurs of agreement that followed.

The next question that Lucy asked made me stiff and tense. "What did Alpha Zack mean when he said all that earlier?"

Of course, they were going to find out sooner. I might as well come out with it "Over the years many rogues, like the ones that we saw a minute ago. Have been trying to kill me or use me as there own personal killing machine. Also to produce strong heirs if they found out my gender." That statement made Ryan growl but I carried on.

"As I went through or stayed near packs, the rogues always followed. Sometimes if they thought I was staying with a pack, they woukd attack. Wolves would get injured, sometimes even killed because of me. There bodies would be mauled and have messages on them. I couldn't always get there quick enough and they paid the price for it. That is why he hated me, he always had a suspicion I had something to do with the injuries of his pack members. He was right. That is also why I didn't tell you who I was straight away, I was scared. Terrified."

By the end my eyes were pooling with tears and one escaped trailing down my cheeck. I didn't notice straight away but Ryan had wrapped his arms around me and I found myself sobbing into his arms. He dismissed everyone saying that, that was enough questions for today.

After I had relaxed I said I was going to head back home but my stubborn mate wouldn't let me. I ended up falling asleep in my mates arms, it was the best night sleep I had, had in years!


Authors Note :

Sorry I haven't updated in a while and I might not for a while as it is my birthday in a couple of days. Anyway, I would like to say thank you so much for 10k reads. There moving quick, probably catching up on loss time.

- Spongeboblaugh

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