Chapter 7 - Interogating Alex

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Ryan's Pov (Before Alex came round):

I don't know what it is but there is something fishy about that Rogue Alex. I really wish Lucy wasn't friends with her. For all we know she could be behind the attack on her. Then we have that huge wolf on the loose, I bet she was exaggerating on the size no wolf is bigger than mine. ' Well, I trust Alex.' ' Yeah, I still don't get that.' ' Call it instinct but I just do, like how I dont think that wolf will hurt anyone.' ' I get that, but I don't take risks.' And with that I blocked Jay out (my wolf ).

*Knock * * Knock * I am gonna guess and say that is Alex, great. I really don't want her here, I do not like her in the slightest. I cant get my head around the fact my Dad let her come on the territory. She is a rogue we are a pack. Even though she is a weakling, I still don't like it.

I went upstairs and to my room, when I went past Lucy's I could here the two gossiping like 5 year olds. Once I reached my room I listened to music until my Mum called us down for Dinner.

To say it was awkward would be an understatement. No one dared to even open there mouth incase they said something that may come across offensive to Alex. I just constantly glared at her across the table making sure she felt uncomfortable.

Eventually, I decided to ask her some questions that were on the tip of my tongue. " Alex, do you mind if I ask you some questions? " She seemed annoyed at this but still answered with "No, not at all. " Good, I thought, now its time for the Interrogation. " Why is such a young, weak she-wolf a rogue, I can't help but wonder. " She seemed to clench her hands slightly at the word weak, I wonder why. My mum quickly intervened before she could answer. " You don't have to answer that Alex, dear."
Dear, really has she made that much of an impression already. "I left." Well, that was vague. Next question "What is your surname? " I could see a faint smirk at this almost as if she knew I wouldn't have heard of it. "Burn." Now it was my turn to smirk, I have heard of it. But that only makes me more confused. Lets just make sure, we are talking about the same person. "From the Water Glaze pack?"

Ha, I almost laughed at her face. She was trying really hard to keep the shock in but it still showed a bit. " That is correct, how may I ask did you know that? " Now it was her time to ask a question, no point in lying. "I visited them not too long ago and my personal assistant was an Omega there called Blaze Burn. " A look of recognition flashed across her face and she self consciously mumbled the word 'Dad'. "

I didnt know he had a child. Anyway back on track. How can a 17 year old Omega survive as a rogue? " It was an almost instant reply. " I have always stayed close to pack territory as most rogues tend to avoid those areas. " Makes sense, but then again there is a big patch of neutral land that surrounds the pack. Wouldn't it take ages to cross it, leaving her vulnerable. I won't ask that though. Something more important. I want to make sure she isn't one of the rogue wolves that have attacked Lucy or the pack.

"May I see your wolf after this meal as I would like to see how weak you truly are? " That struck a nerve she almost bent the cutlery back. Once she had regained her composure she replied with. " Yes you can, if you must. "

The rest of the meal was again devoured in a deafening silence, but once we had finished me and Alex went outside. She went behind a tree and shifted.
I hate to say it but she was a beautiful snowy wolf. She seemed really small and weak. I guess she couldn't do any damage even if she tried.
She then proceeded to go back behind the tree to change back. As soon as she came from behind the tree she asked.

"Why did you want to see my wolf? " I might as well be honest, with her. " Because  we have had a few rogues trespassing and attacking my pack and I want to make sure you are not one of them. " "Feeling the trust. Anymore questions you want to ask. " She seems like she really doesn't want to answer anymore so I guess I will. "How long have you been a rogue?

" Since I was 16, I have been a rogue for just over a year. " " Yeah, but I still don't get why you would leave?" "I didn't like pack life, especially as an Omega. "  " Did your parents know ?" " No. "
Okay, I think I have asked everything, for now. "

We said goodbye before she shifted and ran of at a slow speed, probably her fastest, pathetic. I guess she didn't care about ruining her clothes.  But what happend next shocked me, once she thought she was out of sight she increased her speed and pratticly shot of like a bullet. I wonder what that was all about.


When I went inside my Mum and Dad were on me like a car bonnet "How dare you make her feel uncomfortable? " My mum said followed by my Dad " There was no reason in making her shift." Ha, do they really think I didnt see them watching the conversation and watching her wolf. "Oh, then why did you 2 spy on us and you know why I wanted to look. I am not risking her being a rogue that has attacked our pack." "You would have recognised her smell." My Dad cut in. "Well, for some reason she doesn't exactly have a distinct smell nor does she smell like a rouge or  a pack member." I responded with. "Don't tell me you weren't curious either." "We was but you could have been more subtle.  Or asked Lucy to ask as she is her friend." My mum said, wait did she really do that. "What question?" "Just about her smell, her answer was vague though. Apparently it was because she didnt have a pack but didn't act savage like a rogue or something." That doesn't really make sense, rogues should still smell similar.

"We will talk about this more tomorrow. " My Dad said signalling the end of the conversation.  I said goodnight to both of them before going upstairs. I will find out all the answers to my questions. Just you wait Alex.


In the morning we had a Family Conference to discuss the topic of Alex. Lucy suggested asking her to join our pack. My Mum and Dad agreed especially since she was only an Omega at her old pack and we need some more Omegas we only have 20 when most packs 25. Depending on how big the pack is, the Blood Cross is the biggest pack so we should definitely have more. But other people tend to help out that aren't Omegas. And if she works well we may put her up and give her a different job. At first I was against the idea but then I thought about it. I would be the boss of her and I could always use my Alpha voice to make her answer my questions. I guess it does have its perks. The only thing I need to do is ask her today at school.

I bet she is gonna be so happy that she is being asked to join the biggest pack in the whole of America. That has got to be better than being a rogue, right?


Authors Note :

Hi ya peeps, I wonder what Alex's answer is going to be. I hope you enjoyed Ryan's Pov.

- Spongeboblaugh

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