Chapter 2 - Another New School

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Alex's Pov:

I woke up growning, wishing I could have 5 more minutes but unfortunately knowing that I couldn't unless I wanted to risk being late on my first day at my new school. Thankfully I don't need to have a shower as I had one last night. Now lets have a look at my bright and colourful varied selection of clothing, as if. I probably have 7 or less outfits in total. I just want to blend in soooo some baggy joggers and hoodie will be just fine, however I doubt that will be possible with being new and all. Ohh... and lets not forget the part that I am rogue or a lone wolf as I would prefer to call myself as it sounds less vicious and vile.

Now that is done I guess I should leave my little haven and head towards the border. The man I met yesterday, Alpha Morgan, informed me that I do not need to worry about patrol as they are aware of my arival, thank god. One less thing to worry about.
I leave the cave via a door I created leading to the back of the waterfall so I dont have to try and get across without getting soaked. I run into the forest towards my destination, not bothering to transform as the journey ahead is but a short one.


Once I see the highschool in the distance I double check everything and make sure nothing seems out of order, now I just need to get my scedule and my textbooks.
Entering the school I feel many eyes upon me, scanning me and watching my every move. I swear you could have heard a pin drop. But as soon as I turn the corner to where I assume the reception is, the whispers start and the rumours begin. I tune my accute hearing to focus on what some of the pack members are saying in hushed whispers. The things I heard where along the lines of 'Omg I didnt know they would stoop so low as to let a rogue attend' and 'I bet she payed them, dont ask me how or with what cause I couldnt tell you, but by the looks of her clothes I dont think it was money' some people are disgusting.

By the time I had listened to around 10 conversations I had managed to find the reception and retrieve my things. She kept staring at my with her biedy eyes which makes me think she doesn't trust me one bit, how kind. Whilst I was on my way to my locker, the bell rang and the hallways drastically thinned, many people rushing to get to class. By the time I reached my locker the hallways were empty exept for the odd person here and there. I put the unnecessary items in my locker and headed towards my first class, which was World History, as I had missed homeroom/form.

When I entered almost the whole classes eyes landed on me and I returned the jester with a weary glance in there direction, whilst for the majority of the encounter I stared at my feet. This is hard work I thought. "Are you new?" The teacher asked, I could tell he was a werewolf by the slight edge to his voice. "Yes, my name is Alex, Sir." I responed, only looking up for a split second. He had short blond hair and a slight stuble, probably in his mid thirties by the looks of it. "Okay Alex, please take a seat." Straight away I walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat in a corner away from everyones view.

Mr Shaw, the teacher, was going on about WW2 when the most intoxicating scent wafted its way up my nose, it was heavenly with a woodsy smell and a hit of aftershave. It screamed power and authority and I liked it. Then the door burst open and the most handsome man I have ever seen walked in. With piercing blue eyes, shaggy blond hair and a jaw line you could cut your finger on, his body holding muscles which buldge out of the shirt he is wearing. 'Mate' Nooooo and NO! I can't find my mate yet, I can't put him in danger. "Please take a seat Mr Ryan" No and more No, why the alpha. He strode to a seat surrounded by people who I am going to assume are his beta and third in command. Wait, he hasnt noticed me. Sky, do you know why? 'It is because we masked are scent and I agree with you I dont want mate to get hurt but what if they find us.' Then we will have to leave and come back when it is safe, we cant expect an Alpha to leave its pack for us. 'I know but I dont want to leave mate.' Hopefully we wont have to. And with that I severed the link.

I really dont know how to act, all I know is I definitely can not make eye contact or be around him. He can not and will not figure out we are mates!


Finally, lunch is here! Every class was more boring than the last. At least I have PE to look foward to, its a shame I can't run at my full speed, I would pay money to see there faces.

Currently, I am on my way to the cafeteria. I saw it when I rounded a corner, I opended the door and... Everyone turned to look at the newcomer aka me. As I was walking towards the line I saw someone stick there leg out in order to trip me, to be honest you could have seen it from a mile away but I prerended to be clueless and get tripped up. Almost everyone started laughing at my expense and annoying would be an understatement as to how it made me feel. I glanced up to see the person who did it and it was your tipical mean girl: platinum blond hair and a cake full of makeup. "Watch where you're going you filthy rogue, scram." 'Let me at her HOW DARE SHE disrespect us!!!' Carm down do you really want to ruin are disguise this early on in the game 'fine' good. "S-sorry I didnt mean t-to." I said in a mere whisper. Then I walked away. God damn it, how I would have loved to rip her throat out. I got my food and went to sit outside in the shade behind the school. After I had finished eating, someone came around the corner and judging by the smell it was Ryan Landon. Great. I carried on looking down ignoring his presence until he coughed and I looked slightly up. "What are you doing in my teritory rogue, answer me?!" Did he seriously use his alpha voice. Now I really dont want to answer especially since it has zilch effect on me but I must as I am just a poor weak rogue, sigh. "Your f-father said it was okay to." "What?! He never informed me, of such a thing. You better not be messing with me else you will regert it." "I'm not Alpha Sir."

With that he stormed off probably because he was in the wrong and I am gonna guess that doesnt happen often.


Now I am currently doung PE and suprise, suprise who is at the front in the laps. You guessed it Ryan. I am about centre as I am not prentending to be stupidly unfit but also not upfront and winning unfortunately. Finally, it is over. I place about 18th out of the class of 28 and none of the were human. I say pretty inconspicuous that palce if I do say so myself. HOME TIME YASSSS!!! First day accomplished. I guess that is another thing ticked off the list.

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