Chapter 14 - Can you keep a secret?

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Ryan's Pov :

Over the duration of a couple of weeks my pack will have many Alpha's coming to stay. I hope they go better than the first. The second pack's Alpha family should be arriving today. Alpha Rick is the only one who, as far as I am aware should come alone. I just beg they all go smoother than that incident, he tried to strangle a defenceless she-wolf. It doesn't matter that she is a rogue, she did not agravate or show any signs of being a threat.

Today (Tuesday) should the representatives of the Lunar Paw pack. The Alpha, Jack, his mate/wife, Charlotte and there 6 year old son Harry.

Now that I think about it, I need to warn them about Alex and Alex about them. The last thing I need is Jack going all Alpha on her, I don't know if I would be able to live knowing her death could have been avoided. Oh Moon Goddess, I sound down right stupid now. There is no way that would happen.

I inform her about them at school and she just says okay. About half an hour after I arrive back at the pack house, I sense them enter the territory.


Alex's Pov :

When I had got back at my home I could smell the family of 3 Ryan mentioned. I go towards them to make sure they arrive at the pack safely, as I don't want them to get ambushed.

For some reason, they haven't shifted but then I notice the womens barely noticeable bump. She must be pregnant. Wolves unfortunately, can not shift once they become pregnant. I bet that is extremely annoying, at least are pregnancies are shorter than humans, lasting only 5 to 7 months.

Then there is the 6 year old boy, he is growing really well and will probably be an amazing Alpha in the future.

The only problem is, is that they seem a bit lost. I guess they haven't been here before. It would be even worse if they got ambushed now, with only one able to shift.

Luck is not on any of there sides, nor is it on mine. I can smell the faint trace of rogues in the area they are passing through, they must have been here a matter of hours ago.

I now have limited options a) just let them make there way be them selves, risking the rogue finding them or b) say hi and show them the way, risking my neck. I guess that the latter option is really the only one. Wish me luck, here I go.

I turn around the bush, scaring the life out of then as they can only now smell me (I made sure my scent was fully hidden whilst I was hiding). "Hi."

Once those words left my mouth I was pushed up a tree and being strangled to death by, I think his name is Jack. "What do you want rogue, because you have just messed with the wrong group of wolves."

Should I say his first name or title? Well, thats obvious, come on it's me we are talking about. Breathing, normally despite what he is doing I say in a calm voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you Jack." I look over his shoulder toward his mate "And you too Charlotte. Oh.. and I couldn't forget about you Harry."

This makes them all tense up and his hand to squeeze tighter. "Who are you and how do you know are names?".

Wow, I guess Ryan didn't tell them about me. "My name is Alex and Ryan, the Alpha of the Blood Cross Pack. The pack you are going to told me. Didn't he warn you about a rogue named Alex and maybe to not kill me on sight." This makes him think for a moment and say "No."

"Unbelievable, I will have a word with him in a bit, Anyway would you like some help to get there. There have been some rogue sightings recently and I didn't want you to get ambushed. If you want I can lead you there, whilst you strangle me so I dont do any funny business. Just lets not do this here, where, if you can tell, rogues have been."

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