Chapter 26 - They are coming

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Ryan's P.O.V:

"Alex, what happened?" I say, the strength of her emotions pouring into me and making me fell queasy. I felt those emotions earlier and that's why I came running back to her, chasing Roxy away easily as her plan to put a voice in my head failed.She doesn't answer my question but clutches me and I hold tight onto her, keeping her standing straight. "Alex..." I repeat. This time she looks up at me and I wipe the tears from her face. "He...I almost..." She shakes her head, trying to shake whatever plaqued her mind. "I need to think. Please..."
She steps away but I don't want to let go, she seems so vulnerable, she shouldn't be alone right now, in this state of mind. "You shouldn't be alone right now." I tell her.

She stops squirming, instead going limp in my arms. This concerns me further but then she comes back to life, going stiff and standing tall. "They are coming, preparing their army and then they are going to attack. We must be ready." She commands, "What?"

"The rogues, they are coming lead by their King and Queen." She growls and turns around, "We need to prepare, we only have a week at most." I don't even question how she knows this, I just mind link out warriors to be outside quickly and ready.
"Well we better get ready then haven't we?" I say, smirking.
"Yes." She replies and we are off.

Alex's P.O.V:

Never again will I let him control me. Never. I am stronger than this and I will prove this to myself and everyone! I don't feel pity anymore for myself, I feel anger and adrenaline. I'll make them regret ever messing with me when the time is right. For now though, I need to train and prepare.

This is war.

Ryan and I race back to the pack and meet all the warriors standing to attention before us. Urgently, we tell them the news and speak that training hours will be doubled in preparation and everyone needs to be on their guard.

After that Beta Jake takes a medium sized group off to train and watch over, whilst me and Ryan are left with the rest of the pack. I rub my hands together, my first proper training session with the warriors, they won't know what hit them.
That's when I hear a murmur in the crowd, almost unaduiable to my ears - almost. I hear it, a question on all of their tongues, why is the Luna still out here, they rarely teach us, the Luna usually just comforts, not trains, they aren't normally warriors, she shouldn't be here.
Ryan goes to condemn them, to chide at their disrespect. I give him a look though, this is between me and them.

"Silence." One word I spoke and silence rained down upon them. "Who thinks I should not be here? Beside my pack, leading them like any Luna should, supporting you all in this dreadful time, preparing you for a war, a war that will bring death and destruction. I will not hide again and if you think I should not be here, then you should not be here either."
All look down - at least the ones who spoke -, ashamed at the way they mistreated their Luna, all but one. "You." I stare directly into the eyes of the strongest warrior of this pack, apart from me and Ryan. "Step foward." He does, one large stride in my direction. "Speak up, why don't you think I should be here?"
Defiantly, he takes another step forward, "Because you are a rogue at heart." This makes Ryan growl and step in front of me, daring him to speak further. I admire his over protective behaviour, that he won't let anyone say bad about me. "She has protected this pack just as I have and proved herself. She is your Luna, how dare you."
I place a hand on his shoulder and he relaxes slightly, I lean in and whisper into his ear, "Please let me handle this, I want to prove myself." Reluctantly, he nods and steps aside for me, watching my reaction with pride, pride at me for wanting to prove myself, for caring about how our pack sees me.

"That show you put on, fake. You aren't strong, you only pretend to be. I have worked all my life to become a warrior, a good solider. You haven't."
He spits. All lies, if I don't train, my powers would be out of control and I would be able to use them for nothing.
I laugh. "You think it's fake, it's truly not. And you have the audacity to think I didn't train. Lies. If I don't train, push myself to my fullest my powers would be out of control. I most certainly wouslnt be able to do this." I use all the emotions traveling through me and the concentration I always need to light up like a torch.

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