Chapter 25 - First Impressions

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Alex’s P.O.V:

I woke up, feeling whole and complete, I had slept soundly and peacefully for once. I yawned and felt Ryan stir beneath me, then his arm wrapped tighter around me, squishing me to his bare chest. “Morning.” I say, and he replies, his voice hoarse and delightful. I snuggle up further into him until I get a glimpse of the time, its noon already. I scramble out of bed and quickly go into our walk-in closet and put on the first outfit I lay my eyes upon. I’m almost dressed when Ryan joins me yawning, he comes up behind me and lays a sweet kiss on my bare shoulder making me lean into him. Memories of last night flood back to me, making me blush crimson. 
“I love our mark.” He speaks, his finger tracing a pattern on my shoulder blade, I almost missed what he said, hypnotised by his touch, but then I moved away and looked at it in a full-length mirror. It was both of our wolves, intertwined, it was beautiful, the sight took my breath away. The same mark was replicated on his shoulder blade. I quickly put my shirt on and brush my hair, he was still stood there, only with his boxers on, “Hurry up,” I tell him, “With already missed breakfast and maybe even lunch.” He snaps out of his stupor, puts on a smirk and as he put his trouser on says, “Sorry, I just couldn’t help thinking about last night. Did you enjoy it?” I almost choke on my salvia, regaining my composure I seductively walk up to him, stand up onto my tip toes and whisper into his ear, “The best night of my life, and your buddy. Well, you proved he was a senior all right.” I nibble his earlobe and twist out of his reach. “Now hurry up.” He stares after me as I walk out, flustered.

I check how I look in the mirror, deciding that I look presentable I wait for Ryan to get dressed. It takes him no time at all and then we make our way downstairs to the kitchen, starving from missing a meal and the energy we had burned whilst participating in certain activities. Everyone was seated at the table – by everyone I mean: Lucy, Jake, Jake’s parents and Ryan’s parents. A soon as we entered the room all eyes turned towards us, a few eyebrows raised, and other eyes widened. “So… that’s why you weren’t up earlier.” Lucy inputs and winks at me, she had the audacity to wink. Everyone knows we did the deed and I feel nervous, was we too hasty, did they think we rushed into things? “It took you long enough, I was starting to get worried.” Morgan – Ryan’s father – whispered not very quietly, Tess smacked him on the chest lightly and quietly chuckled. Lucy and Jake snickered as well, and it took everything in me to not go beet red.

I tried to think of a change of subject and ended up failing miserably, I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it, unsure to what to say or how to phrase it. My belly rumbled – I almost forgot I was hungry – and we took our places at the table and helped ourselves to the sandwiches in front of me. I ravished them in record timing until I was nice and full, once everyone was done we put our plates in the dishwasher and went our separate ways.

Lucy and I went out into the forest on a light stroll, we briskly walked across the forest, just making small talk and admiring the beauty of nature. It was pleasant, and I was enjoying every second, until the voice resurfaced.

Turn left

What? The voice had left me alone for the entirety of last night and all of today up until this point. It didn’t play its usually games, it was direct and straight forward.

Go left, if you want to meet the person who put this nightmare on you.

Before I had continued walking but this made me stop dead in my tracks. I had wanted to meet the werewolf that had cursed me, and kill him. The voice was male – that much was certain - and I have never wanted to destroy a person like now. I have been through torture listening to him for however long it might have been.

Don’t get your hopes up, just turn left and we’ll meet.

I turned left and stared ahead, I wanted to run towards him and rip him limb from limb, but it could be a trap to lure me in. I am not stupid enough to fall for that, I would rather wait than be reckless.

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