Chapter 1 - Getting settled in

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Alex's Pov:

Right where to go? Where to go? I don't want to move too far as the weather here is pretty nice and it is really annoying.  I need to go somewhere that any sane rogue would be petrified to go to... Thats it! The blood cross pack! The largest pack in all of America, they wouldn't dare be within a 10 mile radius of it. I've heard they have a school at the edge of there territory where anyone can attend... even rogues but I am gonna guess they don't. I just have to hide my smell as it gives of power and I want to look as harmless as a butterfly. Just keep my head down and it should work.
I can stay in the woods just outside the border and create a den with my Earth element, just like usual and only shift when necessary. Perfect! Time to pack up... oh wait I don't really have anything to pack ... at least it makes it quicker travelling light.

If I shift into my true wolf until I get about 1 mile from the border it would take about 30mins as it is about 50 miles away if I sprint and set up camp then on monday (today is Sunday) I can get myself introduced but I will have to go on foot, no shifting on there territory. Okay then I guess it is time to go.

I start running into the forest, with my backpack in hand then I chuck it into the air with great force leap of the ground and shift, when I land I catch my bag in mouth and let Sky take over, my feet pounding on the grass letting them lead me to my destination.


After about 30minutes of running I start to look around, I can sense I am close to the pack but not too close, just right. I find a clear stream passing under a fairly thick canopy of leaves and decide to follow it. When I reached a clearing I was mesmerized by the view, there was a waterfall that seemed to sparkle under the rays of the sun. It was a sight to behold. 'I agree with you for once.' This is the perfect place for me. I can hide behind the waterfall, noone would ever think to look there.

I changed back to my human form, fortunately with my clothes still intact and stepped onto the water and let it take me to a cave behind the waterfall, it was a decent size and it would be the perfect space to live. I put my stuff down and shaped the rock and earth into something that resembled a sofa and bed. I put my blankets on top of them and placed my only photo on a little table like thing. Now I just need to get some firewood and go hunting. 1 successful hunt will probably last the week, if I am lucky. Now that's one thing crossed of the list, a place to stay. Now I just need to get a job in the town nearby and get enrolled into highschool.

By the time I had caught a deer and 3 rabbits and collected a decent amount of firewood the sun was beginning to set. The sky was filled with a mixture of pinks, yellows and oranges and I knew it wouldn't be long till it was night.

Lighting the wood with a click of my fingers I snuggled up to the blankets and drifted off to sleep wondring what the week would have in-store for me.


Great, school, first I have to get registered and permission from the pack to attended. How much fun - note the sarcasm. Right what to wear? I know, my black hoodie and dark blue skinny jeans and converse. Now I just need to hide my scent then I am set to go.

I am just a few meters away from the border and I can sense some guards on patrol I am pretty sure they are heading my way, I guess I wont have to wait long to get escorted to the Alpha or wherever. Ahh.. here they are.

"What are you doing here you  rogue, didnt you know this is the border of blood cross pack?" guard one said, he seemed to be fairly mature, probably 30 and had brown hair and blue eyes, his body packed with muscle . "I am here to ask the Alpha for something." "Ha the only thing you will ask for Is for him to spare you!" Guard two said, he had brown hair and eyes, his features sharp and his eyes calculating, he was lean and a powerhouse and by the looks of it only a few years older than me. Damn it stage 2 of looking weak flinching and maybe a bit of stuttering to look scared. "I-I d-don't mean any-y harm, I just wish to speak with your A-Alpha." "Why he has no interest in rogues such as yourself." Guard two spat at me with venom lacing the word rogue. I flinched to make it look like it scared when I really wanted to yawn. " Please" I whispered.  "No, scram!" Guard two shouted but then guard one whispered something into his companions ear and he visibly relaxed. " Come on then, but this better not be a waste of our time." Guard one said and I mentally breathed a sigh of relief when they escorted me to the pack house.

It was massive, it was more of a mansion than house, with a vast field surrounding it, it looked like it came from a movie. Little children were playing about with there parents running about all over the place. I was taken into the lavish place and led up to a mahogany door, guard one knocked twice and then somone called enter. They shoved me inside and followed suite.

"Well, what is it you wish to discuss with me..." The alpha I am presuming said, he looks to be in mid 40 so I am guessing he will be passing down the title soon. "Alex" I replied looking down at my feet as it is disrespectful to look an alpha in the eyes and it  can also be seen as a threat. "Get on with it I don't have all day." Here I go "I w-would like to attend the school that is at the edge of the pack as I have heard anyone is allowed to attend." "Yes, that is true but we have never had a rogue interested before so, why?" "The reason is because I am on my own and am scared of being attacked or kidnapped by savage rogues and I thought I would be safer if I attended a school in pack territory Alpha, sir." "I see... You don't seem as though you could harm anyone but if me or Alpha Ryan, my son here catch you making any trouble, you will be excluded and banded from entering the Blood Cross Pack or if I find out you are a spy, I will kill you. Do you understand? " "Y-yes, sir." "Good now I will ask you a few questions like your full name and then you can start tomorrow. "

1 hour later

Finally, everything is ready for tomorrow and I can start my new school. 'I wonder who we will meet, maybe mate,' I doubt we would be that lucky sky 'or we could just find some friends we will probably be here for a while' maybe, but they might not be quite that welcoming to a rogue they know nothing about, well maybe we might be able to with the humans but I don't think there will be many.

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