Chapter 8 - Being Asked to join a pack

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Alex's Pov :

Apparently the 20 questions Ryan asked yesterday wasn't enough. At lunch Lily told me to meet him behind the school after school as he wanted to ask me something. For some reason she had a massive smile on her face when she mentioned it, when I questioned her about it she quickly changed the subject.

I am currently making my way towards the back of the school, wondering how this encounter is going to go. I really don't want to do this, the more encounters we have the more chances Ryan has of figuring out that I am, in fact his beloved mate. One single, solitary touch could undo the blindfold, metaphorically speaking, and allow him to put the pieces together. That can not happen, at any costs! 'But it's not fair, I want mate' 'I know you do Sky, just be thankful we can be near him and have found him' ' I guess I will have to do with ogling at all his glory.' I decided to block her out as I really need to focus on whatever he has got to say this time. And most certainly not here about Sky's fantasies with him.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, I looked up and saw Ryan staring at me with his bright blue eyes. My breath almost hitched at the sight of him, he looked stunning.

No shut up brain, stupid hormones!

Not wanting him to see the small fault in my composure, I quickly spoke "Hi ya, why did you need to see me?" It was an almost instant reply, " You have been invited to join The Blood Cross Pack, you will be given the same spot you had at your last pack, an Omega. But you will be given a chance to be put in a higher category once you join." I was about to but in, however I wasn't given the chance as he continued "You will come to my pack house at 7pm to be given a room, then at the next full moon, you will be bound to the pack."

By the way he spoke it almost sounded like he expected me to say yes. I couldn't help the chuckle that broke through my lips must to my protest. That is the most hilarious thing I have heard. He looked at me in complete disbelief. Hold up... he isn't joking. "Are you serious? " His jaw clenched at the disrespect I had shown by laughing at his proposal. "Yes."

How can I answer this without sounding suspicious, my mind has been used to much. This trick always works, I hope, at least. "Thank you very much for the offer. I have wayed the pros and cons of your proposition and have decided that I, with the upmost respect, must deny." Sound posh and like I know what I am talking about when I just ment nah.

Great now he looks like a replica of a fish out of water. Opening and closing his mouth as though what I had just said was popostrus. Once he had collected himself he said in a tone of voice used with a toddler "You mean to say, you do not want to join the strongest pack in North America? " He's hit the nail on the head. "Yep." I say popping the 'p'. "If that was all you had to say then I bid you adue." And just for the hell of it I curtsied before strolling off leaving him there gawping at where I once stood.

I think I might have bruised his ego as Alpha since turned his offer down. To be honest I think he needed someone to do it, especially since no one likes a cocky sod.

Time to go home after that eventful school day.


Ryan's Pov ( Just before Alex came ) :

How long is she going to take? I am sick of waiting, not only that there is also the microscopic fact that I don't want to be here in the first place.

Finally, there she is. She looks as though she is in a deep conversation with her wolf, by the looks of it. Her eyes are slightly misted over but it is barely noticeable maybe even less than how it is supposed to be. I don't overthink it as she come out of it and almost seems taken aback by me somehow. But In a blink of the eye it disappears almost as if it was nothing but a mirage.

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