Chapter 23 - New thoughts, bad thoughts

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Alex's P.O.V:

Ryan has been gone for ages, his parents are panicking about the safety of both their daughter and son. I'm trying to keep relaxed for everyone's benefit and not just mine, I have double the amount of people in patrol until Lucy returns safely with Ryan and the warriors: Kevin, Liam, and . They are taking it in intervals whilst I stay awake, standing outside the pack house, ready to go to any of the borders at a moments notice. I have not had a moments rest and it is starting to break down my resolve, the voices and anxiety for their safety begin to creep in. I shake them off, not having the time to waste on something so petty.

I stand alert in wolf form, every muscle constricted and my body filled with tension. My eyes are wide open when I really want to fall asleep, I won't allow anything to distract me though. Think positive Alex, only positive thoughts.

Isn't this boring, why not just cut someone's throat, it isn't that difficult, just one swift motion.

Positive thoughts. Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it. I would never harm anyone in my pack, never. I swore an oath to protect them and I will follow it until the day I die. Ryan said he wouldn't let me hurt anyone either, so he doesn't trust you, maybe you should reach him a lesson. No!

I growl, wanting that evil, pesky voice to leave me alone. Thinking of ways to get rid of it I almost blocked out the incoming mind link. I remember not to and listen to what they have to say. 'Aplhs Ryan has just been spotted near the eastern boarder, everyone, including Lucy is there.' I breathe out, feeling at ease now. 'I will be there in a minute.' As I say this I am already running, the voices long forgotten about.

It takes me no time at all to reach the eastern border, I pick up on their scent and I arrive at the scene. Ryan is at the front of the group and I run towards him, I shift back and put my arms around him. He seems weaker than usual and I step away, still with my arms around his neck. "Are you okay? Where's Lucy?" I look around and see her standing shakily with support from Kevin, he gives me a nod telling me to go to her and I was off. An explanation for what happened could be given later.

"Lucy, what did they do to you?" I grab her arms gently, checking her over for any bruises, the only marks noticeable faint, as is they had been done ages ago and not recently. I had never seen them before, so surely they were new, but they didn't appear that way. I look at Kevin as Lucy looked unsure of how to answer the question. "Its been really confusing, the main thing is, everyone is okay. We all just need a sleep and we will explain everything later, Luna. Is that alright?" He questions.

"Of course, let me take Lucy for you, you and the others can have a well earned rest." He breaths a sigh of relief thanks me and sets off along with the others towards the pack house.

We arrive shortly after them - me, Lucy and Ryan that is - there parents early waiting for them. They hugged each other in turns and spoke about how happy they were to see that they were safe and sound. Eventually, we headed upstairs and went to bed as the sun rose into the sky.

Well, at least everyone else went to bed. I stayed awake, not being able to fall asleep even though I was exhausted. Wrapped in my mates strong arms, the most safest place I could be and yet sleep evaded me.

It's just a bad day, I remind myself, the voices echoing in the background, not a bad life.


(Warning: Themes of self harm and suicide)

Kevin's P.O.V:

I toss and turn in bed, restless for hours until I give up on sleep and decide to clamber out of my lonely bed. I still haven't found my mate, I wonder if she even exists, if I will ever be given a chance to love somebody with all I have to offer.

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