Chapter 29 - Living

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Alex's P.O.V:

It’s been half a year since the incident. Over the past months I have been training to make myself stronger, I’ve successfully learned how to use a gun. A weapon that means I stand a chance against werewolves in a battle, it means I can still fight alongside my pack, leading them like I feared I would never be able to since I turned human. Thankfully, I did not need to earn their respect back, they treated me just the same and I am eternally grateful for it.

My parents have permanently moved into the pack house. Everything is going well, and I am spending a lot of time with them, trying to make up for the lost time that I know I can never truly replace.

I turned 18 a couple of months ago and school has finished, I passed with flying colours and I have just started an apprenticeship with the pack doctor. I may struggle to fight alongside werewolves so I’m making sure I can do at least one thing for my pack, take care of them. Moreover, I hope I don’t have to worry about fighting with them for a long time, we have only just won one battle by the skin of our teeth.

I feel the recoil as I fire the hand gun, hitting the centre of the target, I smile lightly, it seems all that practise has paid off. I fire it again in rapid succession until the magazine is empty, swiftly reloading and placing the safety on. Next, I move onto knives, my skill set is broadening over time and I have practising for hours on end. Condensation forms on my brow, I wipe it off, heading back to the pack house an hour later.

Before I went back to the house, one of the pack members, Alice, came up to me and asked me if I could teach her how to fight. At first, I was confused that she would come to me for training, of course I still trained the pack, but it had been a while since anyone had asked me for private lessons. Let alone a fighter as profound as Alice, she was one of our best, no doubt better than me now. “Why?” I asked, stumped. “You have always been an amazing warrior, you still are. I may be good with other werewolves, but if someone had a gun or knife and could use them as well as you do. I wouldn’t stand a chance, a lot of us wouldn’t.”

I was amazed at how highly she thought of me, and he words gave me a revelation. Most warriors were still unsure how to use or defend themselves against weapons. I thought about it for a moment and replied with, “There won’t be a need for private lessons, I’ll be putting that sort of training into practise next week.” She smiled, and we eventually went our separate ways.

Quickly, I got in the shower and got dressed. Afterwards, I greeted Ryan and waited for him to join me. He made a cocky remark about showering together, but I declined, tired from training. Surprisingly, he didn’t take long, getting into his boxers and joining me under the covers, spooning me against his hard yet cosy chest. I told him about my latest idea and he agreed with me on it, afterwards we settled into a calm silence.

Out of nowhere, “Do you want to go away somewhere with me?” Ryan asked me, whilst me were watching TV in bed. The question left me stumped, “I think I need some more details.” I replied. “Well, you will have to wait until we get here. It’s a surprise.” I contemplated the idea, it would be fun to go somewhere new, relax. I answered, “Alright, but what about the pack?” He seemed prepared for this question and was swift in answering, “Jake will manage, everything has been fine for a while.” I only nodded in response.

Little did I know he planned on us leaving the very next day.

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