Chapter 5 - Blasted Rogues

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Alex's Pov:

It has been a month since I first arrived it and everything so far has been running smoothly. My friendship with Lucy has strengthened during the past month. It feels amazing to have someone I can trust, just like when I had a place to call home. No, don't go there Alex. But then again it will make it harder to leave this place 'I get where you are coming from Alex but we might as well enjoy it while it lasts'. I guess your right. Time to go on my weekly hunt. What form should I go in? Sky? 'Why not both I haven't been in either form for a bit' Okay, lets go.

I started running into the forest, gradually gaining speed as I went and as soon as I got a whiff of a herd of deer I shifted in milliseconds into my snow white wolf. It's prestine coat sparkling under the suns rays which managed to worm there way through the dense leaves. The smell got stronger and stronger until I spotted a clearing up ahead. I crouched and started stalking towards the herd, that was completely unaware of the lethal predator hiding in the shadows.

I picked out my prey and locked onto the target. A large buck, easy as long as I avoid those hefty antlers protruding from its skull.
I creep forward until its only a few meters from my clutches. I leap into the air and shift into my jet black wolf which almost matched its size and brought my jaws down around the beasts neck delivering the terminating blow. Around me chaos erupted and by the time the buck went slack in my vice like grip, the last of the deer were out of the clearing.

I drag it back to my home - for now - and put it in my pantry sort of thing. Then it went to the natural pool and cleaned the sticky substance of my snout. Once the blood was gone I stretched my long body out similarly to how a feline might. When a sound registered in my a cute ears, it sounded as though it came from about a mile and a half away. What followed it confirmed my suspicions. A rogue was on the pack land and it sounded as though they were attacking someone pacifically - Lucy. Oh no! Damn it. They targeted her in order to get to the Alpha as she is his sister and I hate to say this but she is definitely not the strongest werewolf I have met, if you catch my drift.

Without thinking I was off, speeding through the forest at an incredible pace. Passing the border in a mater of seconds. Within a minute I was entering the scene. 7 rogues were circling Lucy pushing her back into a tree. Before any of them could inflict any more damage to her shaking form, I leapt over the vile creatures and stood in front of her, protecting her from them. I could hear paws in the distance and knew I would have to be quick in order to not get caught by them all. One person is too much, to be honest.

I rip those worthless muts to pieces, reeking havoc to anything that gets in my path. 'Can I have a go?' Be my guest and I let Sky take control and let her destroy the last 3. Once they have been dealt with I check up on Lucy and when I realise she only has a few bruises, I sprint away just in time to see a few wolves entering the area. That was close.


Lucy's Pov (Just before the attack) :

I was walking near the edge of the territory when I heard some russling in the bushes just up ahead when the most putrid smell wafted up my nose. 'Rogues' Emma told me. Just then 7 rogues jumped out of the bushes making me scream in shock and fright. I fell over trying to get away but this just made them madder stalking me like I was there prey. I know I should have shifted but I was in shock. I mind linked my brother to tell him what was happening. When the first rogue was going to attack me I pressed myself further into the trunk and closed my eyes expecting a powerful blow which never came.

I opened my eyes and stared at the wolf witch was now standing over me and protecting me, its black coat glimmering in the sunlight. The magnificent beast was easily over 6ft and made the rogues look like dwarfs compared to its size and posture. I have never seen this wolf before nor have I seen one this big, the closest being my brother. For some reason I didn't think it was going to hurt me and I was proven right when it leaped onto the rogues and ripped them limb from limb. In what appeared to be no effort at all. In about 2 minutes they were all dead. It came over to me scaring me at first but it looked as though it was just making sure I was alright. It dashed of into the undergrowth just as my brother and packmates entered the scene.

Almost straight away Ryan dashed by my side and checked I was fine before running behind a tree to shift back. When he came back out the first thing he did was question me.

"How did you manage to kill all of them? I thought you never really kill. What was that I saw going into the forest? Did one escape? Guards chase that thing down and bring it to the cells I want to have a word with it." Just as the guards were about to go I cut in and stopped them. "Stop, that wolf saved me it killed all those rogues. I don't know how, I don't know why, I don't know why it was so big. I don't know anything." He obeyed my request and told the guards not to, then he turned to look at me and said "Tell me what happend and don't forget to mention a single detail."

"Okay." Then I told him everything that happened in the last 10 minutes and he kept opening and closing his mouth like he wasnt sure what to say on the matter before he finally spoke. "You dont think it could be the rumoured wolf. Powerful enough to take down an entire pack, coat as dark as night. I have never met a wolf bigger than my own and there is a reason for that. We will need to be careful if that is the case. It may have chosen to help us now, but I don't take risks." For some reason I don't believe that wolf would ever hurt us. Call it instinct but thats what I think. I could feel Emma nod her head in agreement at my statement.

A guard escorts me back to the pack house where I am enveloped in a bear hug by both my mother and father. They ask me what happend and if I was okay I just responded with a few words and told them Ryan would inform them of what happend, and made my way upstairs. Today has been a long, tiring day.


Author's Note:

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Alex's secrets are starting to leak and the plot begins to thickens.

- Spongeboblaugh

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