Chapter 16 - My Greatest Secret

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Lucy's Pov ( Just after Alex left ) :

What On Earth just happened? I am quite literally stunned into silence. Over the past months I have never once seen her so scary and fearful. She looked so dangerous and yet somehow vunerable. Her eyes were swimming in a million varied emotions.

Why did what he say hurt her so much? He looks so smug right now, the little shi-. He can sense me glaring daggers at the back of his head and turns around. "What? She had it coming. You should be thanking me, she could have killed you." Is he kiding me right now.

"Your joking, if she wanted to kill me I would be dead more times then I can count. That was uncalled for." He shrugged his shoulders amd acted nochalant. "It is when I belive she is the reason some of my pack members were injured. She's lucky none of them died." This made me gulp, there is no way that could be her fault, right?

I go to sleep restless that night, thinking something big is going to happen tomorrow.


Ryan's Pov :

What the hell just happened? And since when was there a wall here? I scratch and whine trying to get Alex to open up to me.

Something always goes wrong every visit, I just hope this all blows over soon. Yeah, I think thats a bit too optimistic. She just seemed petrified. It felt as though I could feel it. I can feel my wolf wining quietly for her at the back of my mind. This just makes me try harder.

I continue to search for a crack in the wall for another 10 minutes, knowing she shouldn't be alone in this state of mind. She could end up hurting heself or somebody else.

It might be easier if I am in human form, I think to myself. The only problem is, I don't want to be walking around stark naked.

I make a quick trip to get some clothes and continue to investigate on 2 feet instead of 4. I swear it has gotten taller in the time span I wasnt here.


Alex's Pov :

He seriously isn't giving up is he? That flying/walking on air trick is seriously coming in handy right now. I am watching from above spying on him, making sure he doesn't get over that fence.

He is very persistent about finding any weaknesses in my armour, I mean my walls armour. No matter what he will come up short, I even made it taller when he departed. Then he does something that is actually clever, he starts to climb it.

He manages to climb it, I feel like it symbolises something. How he has managed to climb the walls of my heart and made his way inside it.

I might as well talk to him and say goodbye rather than having to waist all my time playing cat and mouse.

I fly to a tree just behind him and sit on top, I could just tell him I am here but I feel like making him work. When he reaches the top I start to clap "Well done, it's a shame it was all for nothing." He almost falls from the shock of hearing me. "W-what I thought you was in there?" He starts to make his way towards me wearily, as if he is scared I will run of.

"I was, but not anymore." He scoffs "I can tell." By now he is just opposite of me. The atmosphere suddenly turns awkward. "Umm... do you mind explaining what happend back there." Him just mentioning it brought tears to my eyes.

He goes to wipe a tear from my cheek but I flinch away. I didn't hide it all this time for him to ruin it now, with only one day left before I leave. I quickly wipe it away like it was never there.

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