Chapter 3 - Friends and Bullies

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Alex's Pov :

Today is Wednesday and I am in English, listening to my teacher give the class an assignment to do for the rest of the lesson. What fun. We have to write about William Shakespeare and what makes him so memorable. I get straight to it, until I hear the door open and a girl walks in with blond/brown hair and blue eyes. She looks kinda similar to Ryan but she gives of a more gentle fild aura than him.

"Miss Lucy Landon, welcome back! Please take a seat." "Thank you, Miss Bull." I guess she hasn't been at school for a bit then, thats probably why I didn't see her yesterday. She went towards the back of the class and she went and sat right next to me. Seriously. "Hi, my name is Lucy." She said cheerfully, aw well I guess It wont hurt to reply then. She seems nice enough. "Hi, my name is Alex." "Cool, are you new, because I haven't heard of a rogue here before, no offence. And I heard my Dad mention something about an Alex yesterday to my brother." "Yep, that's me and by any chance were your brother and father arguing over the topic." "Yeah, they were. I don't know why because you seem really nice." Omg that is hilarious, ha I know why. It is so hard to not burst out laughing. I guess he didnt take it well then, the fact he was wrong about me. 'I can't believe our mate doesn't want us here' Sky, that's only because he doesn't know we our mates.


Thats how the rest of the lesson went and now we had to go in different directions. She has art whilst I have science. On my way I looked and realised I had forgot my science textbook, great. U-turn, I guess I am gonna be late. Wait. What was that? I swear I heard something. There it was again, it sounds like someone screaming in pain, but its muffled. I walked towards the sound until it became clear. "Omg I can't believe you have alpha blood in you, you are so weak and pathetic. " Lucy. Oh.. No... they didnt. 'Let me at her, for some reason I want to protect her so let me at her.' That's because he's our mates sister and yeah, I agree they are gonna wish they never layed a hand on her.

Really, the toilets, okay. Here we are. "Stop, please. I haven't done anything wrong." "Shut up slut!" *Kick* *Kick* 'let me out now' No I can deal with this. I reached out for her collar and slinged her back like she was a rag doll. What do you know? It was Miss cake face. "GET OUT BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I WILL PROBABLY NOT REGRET!" I practically roared. The whole school could probably hear but I didn't care right now. I made sure to mix it with a bit of my alpha voice so hopefully there are no problems and plus its fun to see people quiver in there boots or in this case heels. " You are gonna regret that, rogue!" She spat pathetically. Then she quickly stumbled out of the exit. Then I turned back to Lily and helped her to her feet. "H-how, w-why?!" She questioned me and choked back a sob. "No one deserves that kind of treatment especially somone like you." "B-but you don't even know me" "I know you well enough, now let me help take you to the nurses office." "No! Sorry, I just don't want anyone finding out about the bullying. My Mum and Dad would go crazy." "Okay, but we need to get those cuts cleaned or else they will become infected as some will take time even with your quick healing." "We can go to my house we have all the stuff." "Thats fine, as long as your parents don't go berserk with finding little old me in your house." I joked. "They wont don't worry, now lets go." She tried to stand but stumbled "Be careful, let me help you." I said and then we were of.


After about a 20 minute walk, well me walking and Lily leaning on me and limping. Miss Cake face really did a number on her. We reached the pack house. I helped her to a leather coach in the living room, I am assuming. "Thanks" Lucy said and I replied with "No problem, do you know where I could find a first aid kit?" "Just through there and in the first cupboard" She pointed to a short hallway with a door at the end of it.

I walked down it and ended up in the Kitchen. I went to open the cupboard, when someone came in through the door at the other end, Alpha Morgan. He was fuming, and when he caught sight of me it probably doubled. He almost looked scary, I mean absolutely terrifying. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP IN MY HOUSE AFTER WHAT YOU DID!!!!!??? I SAID I WOULD KILL YOU IF I FOUND OUT YOU HURT SOMEONE?!!!" He roared it laced with a tone of authority. 'Boring I could have done it so much better', stop boasting. I just stared at him blankly, I know I should have cowered back and begged for forgiveness, but... he has no right. I stopped someone from hurting his daughter. I am pretty sure he should be thanking me. Some people these days. Whoops, I don't think he likes this reaction. I really hope he doesn't shift here because that would cause a problem. "Stop, Dad!!!" Lucy came rushing in and screamed at the top of her lungs. "WHY!??" His wolf is about to come out, come on lily work your magic here. "SHE HELPED ME AND SAVED ME!!"

She almost matches the volume of his voice, I think my ear just popped and it was a bit of an over reaction, but at least it worked. He now spoke in a reasonable tone of voice "What do you mean?!! What is that, did she do it?!!" God damn it. He just had to spotted the marks. Great, just great.
I probably shouldn't intervien but aww well " May I just ask who told you I hit someone?" "Britney, the future lunar." ' What she is not his mate we are, that is 3 reasons to kill her and we haven't even known her for a week' 'Deep Breaths Alex deep' breaths. "Platinum blond hair, lots of make up." "Yes, why!?" "How dare she?!! Do you have any idea what she has done?!" "Excuse me, she has done nothing unlike you!" Lily now would be as good time as any to talk pretty please. Thank god.

"Dad, thats not the case. Alex hurt Britney as she was trying to get her of me." She said in barely a whisper. "What do you mean 'get her of you' you almost sound as though she was hitting you." "She was" "What!?" "Britney has been hurting and bullying me for weeks and Alex saw her kicking me and chucked her away from me." His jaw almost fell of. "So much for Luna." I spoke. "Ha, I never even liked her any way. She wasn't even his mate. I will be having a word with her soon" "I know she wasn't." I murmured, I don't know if he heard it and ignored it or didnt. "Anyways, I believe I owe you an apology, thank you for helping my daughter, I guess you will fit in around here." "Your welcome, she is the first friend I have had in ages, she is a lovely person. "I guess I will take her from here, goodbye Alex. May we see again on better circumstances. " "Goodbye Alpha Morgan and Lucy. I will see you tomorrow. "

And with that I hastily exited the building and went home. A few hours later I built a fire and sparked it with a clap. I love doing that and cooked a rabbit to eat. My diet mainly consists of meat if you didnt know. Then I had an early night after a quick shower and putting out the fire with another clap of my hands. That will never get old.

Authors note:

Hi ya, viewers. I hope you are enjoying the story so far as there is still a long way to go. This is my first book so I am sorry for any mistakes you may find.

- Spongeboblaugh (I love that name unique right?)

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