Chapter 11 - Project Buddies

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I thought i should let you know, this chapter will be switching from Ryan to Alex's point of view a lot.

Ryan's Pov :

How!? How did a Rogue tackle me, an Alpha and score?!! That is an insult to me and to make matters worse, I have to act civil towards her, all because of that stupid project.

I am completely lost about 2 main things:
1. How did she tackle me?
2. How did she out run me?

It may have only been a short chase but I swear I should have been able to catch her up. Even if she did have a head start as I was stunned at fact she managed to tackle me. 'Can you please shut up about this? Yeah she bruised your ego I get it, but get over it.'
'Don't you care about it?'
'Normally, I would but she looked sexy whilst she did it so not really.' 'She isn't even that good looking. '
'You keep telling yourself that.'

I ignored him and blocked him out because I really don't want to talk about Alex, he never pays attention to girls. Alright I will admit she is beautiful but still, anyway shouldn't he only be like that with his mate?

Whatever, it doesn't matter right now. There she is. This is going to be really awkward.


Alex's Pov :

I can sense him coming towards me and I turn around to say hello. "Hi Ryan." Normally, an Alpha would think it as disrespectful not to address them without their title. However,  I am not in his pack and I know his wolf doesn't mind as I am his mate. Even if he doesn't know it.

"Hi Alex, come on we don't have all day." He can only be polite for 10 seconds, he also doesn't have any patience if you can't tell already. "Okay, I'm coming. Shesh, don't get your knickers in a twist."
"Just hurry up and I wont."

I followed him to his expensive looking car. I haven't been in a car for what feels like an eternity. The seat was so soft and comfy, it is nicer than my bed, but then again I am not shocked. He is an Alpha and Alpha's tend to be filthy rich.

You could cut the tension in the vehicle with a knife.

The entire journey was in deafening silent, no one said a single word. He went up to his bedroom to get his laptop whilst I waited for him in the living room. That was the first time we had communicated with each other after the awkward silence.

Whilst I waited for him, I got my notes out of my bag and my Romeo and Juliet book. I wonder how he will want to do it, probably a simple essay or leaflet.

If you didn't know Romeo & Juliet is about 2 Star crossed lovers, who can not be together because of their families hatred for one another. There are many obstacles and they fall in love... yada yada... then they both kill themselves because of love. Devastating!

When he comes back he basically tells me we are doing a PowerPoint, end of story. The pig. I honestly don't care what we do as long as it is good, but it is so tempting to annoy him. Its a shame I can't be bothered right now.

We get straight to work, apparently we are going to do a slide per scene, that is 24 slides and a slide for the prologue. Plus other additional slides we will probably have 30 something slides in total.


Ryan's Pov :

I can't believe Alex didn't argue with me about doing a PowerPoint, it makes a change. I got to work taking notes and typing them up on the computer for Act 1. Meanwhile, Alex is writing notes for Act 2.

Everything is going well and we are only talking to one another when it is of the up most urgency.

Now that I think about it with my Alpha duties we wont always be able meet up all the time to do it.
"Hey Alex, do you have a computer so you can do some of the project at your place?" She stops what she is doing and tenses. "Um... I don't but I can write notes and get information at the libary. It doesn't really matter." Let's see her answer to this question, then. "Would you like me to give you a laptop or anything? I have the money."

Now this is priceless, her jaw clenched and she gritted out "No, I do not need anything from you." "Okay, if you insist."
"Yes, I do." This is fun.
"What abput a phone? I might need to call you to organise things." She almost snapped her pen in half from holding it so hard. "I have survived this long without one, I think I can last."


Alex's Pov :

He seriously needs to learn to shut his mouth. I really, really want to strangle him right now and he loves it. I know he knows I don't have any luxuries, it doesn't mean he has to milk it though. "Just leave it, okay. There is no point in asking a question you know the answer to."
Please listen to me, else I will do something I may or may not regret. "Maybe, maybe not. I was only trying to help, seeing as you have no money what so ever." That pig and that is not true. "Excuse me I do have money I just chose to save it and spend it on items I need not want."

He thinks about what I said before saying "Oh, like on food."
"Actually not really, normalnormally I just hunt some deer or rabit in the forest." He looks a bit disgusted and shocked by this revelation.  "What, don't you ever tear the flesh of a still breathing animal?" Okay that's an exaggeration but its called payback. "No, I can't belive you do."

He pulls a face and I can't help but laugh. We both end up in a ball of hysteria. Until I smell something that makes me instantly stop laughing and my eyes to flash black.

He's Here...


Authors Note :

Hi, sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter than usual but the next chapter should be longer. I wonder who made her that mad, when she was getting along so well with Ryan. Found out next time.

- Spongeboblaugh

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