Chapter 9 - Protecting the Pack

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Alex's Pov :

It has been roughly a week and a bit since being asked to join the Blood Cross pack and the whispers and rumours have finally stopped. Word sure travels fast and Lucy kept trying to convince me to join. But eventually she realised it ain't gonna happen anytime soon, nomatter what she says.

Today is the 4th of June and it has been exactly 6 weeks since my arrival as I arrived on the 23rd of April.

In the past week I have sensed a few rogues going near the border, and I am not the only person that's noticed. There are now more people on patrol and I normally go past some on my way in. They are actually really nice, well the majority of them.

I am looking forward to today as I have been invited to attend a pack avent, it is a spring/summer barbacue sort of thing. I am excited but also nervous, I just have a feeling something is going to happen. Unfortunately, my gut instincts are normally right, just another reason to go. I don't want anything to happen to my future pack. What? I do plan to become Luna in the future, hopefully.

It is going to be held behind the pack house and suprise, suprise I am the only person who isn't in the pack that is attending.

I need to get changed now as it starts at 2:00 and I only have half an hour. I want to look at least semi decent.


There is about 500 pack members here and that is not everyone, only about a quarter as I have been told. That is a lot of werwolves normaly packs only have 250 to 750. If a pack contains more than 1,000 wolves it is clased as large. That's double it.

Everyone looks as though the are enjoyimg themseleves and it brings a smile to my face. It is only half hearted as I am tense and ready to face anything. I have my ears tuned in to hear anything at a reasonable volume up to the border on the east (The area the rogues have been spotted). I should be able to hear if anyone crosses over in wolf form.

After a bit of searching I finally spot Lucy and I jog over to her. "Hi, Lucy. " I chirp, "Hi Alex." Lucy says but by the sound of her voice she was glad I was here. "Thanks for the invite. "

"No problem, your praticilly part of the pack. You know you could still join." Really this again.
"Can we talk about something else, please?" I say not wanting this conversation to become awkward. 'Wait... what was that?' 'Don't worry it was just a guard' 'Okay Sky, I will take your word for it'.
"Alex are you okay? You seem kind of tense." I forgot she was her for a second. "No, no everything's alright." "Okay.." Thank the Lord she bought it.

We continued talking for an hour before I heard another sound again, it is a lot louder than the previous one and quicker. ' Sky please don't tell me it is what I think it is.' 'Alex, it is and there are around 200 of them and they are all coming here.' 'No, there is mainly children and women here, if they get here it will be a masaca.'

I am about to warn people of Rogues, not caring if it's suspicious but Ryan beats me to it "Everyone listen up. Rogues have gotten past the border, women and children go to the bunkers and warriors get ready." He says in his Alpha tone, whilst he said that I slipped off into the bushes as Lucy would try to make me go with her.

I can't go all savage on them as there is too many. The only thing that can do enough damage are my elemental powers. I have never tried to do anything on this scale before and I will probably only be able to kill half their numbers but it will have to do.

Before the pack members can even move 10ft they emerge from the bushes in wolf form with there leader in front. He shifts back and I can work out he is not the leader but second in command. He is only leading the warriors. I guess I will take out his flanks first and leave him for last, like they say ' first impressions count '.

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