Chapter 18 - Joining The Pack?

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Alex's Pov:

The next morning I wake up and I tried to get up as I desperately need the toilet, but I find an arm securely around my waist. I froze, why am I in bed with someone?! I looked around the room and realise it isn't my room and that explains why this bed is literally a cloud.

Suddenly, all of my memories of the day before come flooding back to me. How I revealed myself to the entire pack and now I am in bed with my mate. 'And it is amazing' 'I can not disagree with you on that one.'
However, that doesn't mean I don't need to pee. Carefully, I unravel my mates arm from around my waist and tip-toe to the bathroom.

The bathroom is massive, I have never been in a bathroom which is even half the size of this. Clean marble slates line the floor, a pristine bath in the corner with could fit at least 3 people in it. Ahh... Oh didn't I tell you I was admiring the bathroom from the toilet. Well, I am. After finishing my business I wash my hands and leave the bathroom.

"Good Morning, Alex. Did you sleep alright?" His voice is smooth like silk only slightly hoarse, having just woken up. Under my breath I mumble "Best sleep in years." This makes him chuckle and he gets up from the bed and comes and gives me a peck on the lips. God, I will never get used to that.

When he exists the room I awkwardly sit on the bed, I just noticed that I was wearing the same outfit as the day before. Thankfully he is quick and no sooner had he left was he back out. "Come on, let's go get something to eat." "Okay." I then proceed to follow him into the kitchen. I have a million questions running through my head on what is going to happen but I decide to say quiet for now as I hate uncomfortable situations. Doesn't everyone?

Fortunately, we were the first ones up and so I didn't have to face his family yet. "What would you like to eat?" He asked me as he ran his hand through his dishevelled hair. The question caught me off guard, I'd never really had a choice of what to eat. It was normally meat or anything else that was simple and nutritious. From what I could see though, he had a massive variety of foods that I had never even heard of, some like cereal I have eaten before but others like poptarts were a mystery to me. 0

"Umm... Can I just have some cereal?" "Yeah, which one?" I randomly point to one and hope it tastes nice. He grabs it from the shelf and puts it into a bowl followed by milk. Once he gives it me I say thank you and scoff it down, not caring that Ryan is watching me with a smirk on his perfectly sculpted face. After amusing himself he sat down and ate his own breakfast.

Just as soon as we finished our cereal his parents and sister came into the room. I can see that they are talking through the mind link and Ryan scratching his neck nervously whilst glancing at me. I already know what they are talking about, whether I will join the pack or not. I was hoping I could have put this off for a while longer but I guess not. 

Once they have finished their conversation Ryan turns to me, looks me in the eye and says "Alex, I need to talk to you about something important." I only nod in response and go with him outside. We sit on the front steps and he sighs. He opens and closes his mouth, not sure how to put his question. So I give him a helping hand...

"I already know what you are going to ask me, whether I will join  the pack since we are mates." He blows out a breath and replies with "Well, are you?" I hadn't really thought about my answer so I just replied with how I felt.

"I'm not sure. This is all going so quick for me, I've been on my own for so long, 5 years. It's hard to just give up that. I want to be with you, you're my mate. I just need time to adjust, before I do anything serious. Can you wait for me? Please."

"Of course, anything for you." I don't understand what I did to deserve someone like him. I mean my head on his shoulder and we just stare into the distance to what seems like hours. We spend most of the day together before we part ways.


It was evening now and the sun had began to set. I was perched on top of my home as I watched it's show.

Golden rays of light swept across the landscape, an extrodinary scene I could have watched forever. The sky filled with an array of colours that I couldn't have had the pleasure of experiencing at any other point of the day. Lightness filled me as I breathed in, fresh air seeping into me. I felt serene, I was alone here, it was my place of serenity. But I now feel as though I may have begun to find a new one - my mates arms. It seemed like a painting - too good to be true, a masterpiece of ones mind. An illusion. It didn't last anywhere near as long as I had wished, darkness spreading across the sky , forcing the light back until it disappeared over the horizon.

It represents the constant battle between light and dark around us, how the sun falls but still rises again. Not one side truly ever winning the war. It shows how no matter how many foes or demons you defeat, there will still be evil lurking in the darkness, waiting to rise again. It's a vicious circle we will be forever trapped in as long as their is day and night.


Author's Note:

Hi, I'm back. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed making it. At first my updates might not be regular but I hope and plan on updating once a week if possible. I will update you if that changes. So I'm glad to be back as I really enjoy writing, so that's that. Sorry it's not the longest chapter I've written, they should get longer though again.

- Spongeboblaugh ♡

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