Chapter 27 - War

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Alex's P.O.V:

It's time to fight. I will defend me pack to the death if necessary. Rayn and I are at the front of our warriors, standing our ground, waiting for the presence of the enemy to cross the border. Then it's war. I am ready and waiting, the fur across my body standing straight up, my eyes; one black, one my natural brown. Sky and I in perfect unison, having split control of our body. Breathing heavily, adrenaline coursing through our veins, anticipation tickling our nerves.

We are ready and waiting, teeth bared, uncontrollable fury seeping through us. They hurt, killed, our own. Now it's time for us to kill them. I hear the voices pound in my head, trying to throw me off, but they just add fuel to the fire. I feel powerful, feeling no emotions except pure hatred. I look next to me, my gaze softening by a miniscule amount, Ryan. His eyes glowing an electric blue, channelling his powers to their fullest. Our eyes meet each other, no words are spoken we just nod and concentrate back towards the forest just in front of us.

As I sense the Rogue King and Queen cross the border me and Ryan let out one deafening howl, signally the start of the ultimate battle. We charge, running forward as fast as our legs will carry us. A howl of equal volume comes cascading back at us, them. We meet at a large field in the middle of the forest. Everyone stops, the leaders of both sides stepping forward. Roxy being the only one in human form, eyes glowing red and fangs peeking out from her lower lip, a gruesome smile on her face.

Logan in his wolf form, one eye missing and a scar running through where his eye would have been. A dark grey wolf, with black tips, dominating and a vicious a snarl printed onto his face, his eyes fully black showing no signs of wavering. His wolf is fully in charge of his fight for now. In a nearby tree his trusted spy, a snow-white owl surveying the battle field.

Ryan next to me, he also looking out a bird's eye, surveying the scene. An even battlefield if there ever was one. I snarl, followed by Ryan, then our pack. They replicate the exact same thing we did, Roxy hissing instead.

The surroundings were silent, no signs of life anywhere, the small creature’s primal instincts telling them to run far away. That this was no place for those who wanted to survive. Yet, here we are, standing still, no signs of moving anywhere but forward, towards the enemy, not away. Sluggishly, the sky that was once bright and blue turning darker with every second, the clouds casting us in their shadow.

Roxy speaks first, "Hello all of you, oh I wonder where that, what was his name again? Kevin. Where is he? I almost forgot... he ran away didn't he, like the weak little wolf that he was."

Ryan growls as do I and other members that were close to Kevin. Ryan creates a connection to them and speaks in everyone’s head, "You have no right to speak of him hybrid."

Logan interjects though, "He's a thing of the past now," he turns towards me, "How are you? The last time I saw you, you were putty in my hands. About to walk..." I almost lose concentration, my brain betraying me to those memories, but I feel myself back in. "I won't let you ever control me again." I speak.

You sure?

Those words ignite the flame inside me and make it roar higher than ever before. I howl the command, attack.

I charge forward, feeling the muscles in my legs contract and relax, it's time to show them what I'm made of.

We clash with the opposing side like fire and ice. Everyone's ready. I claw my way through rogues snapping their necks, I don't want the minions I want the big one.

I feel a jaw clamp around my hind leg, I stop and growl lowly. I look at the wolf, who's as good as dead for that, I kick him of and set him on fire, moving on. Not even looking at the body, I prowl onward.

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