Chapter 22 - The Dissaperance

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Alex's P.O.V:

We entered the clearing on high alert, growling and snarling, we circled the area. Eyes boring into everyone and everything, there was no rogues insight, but our warriors were injured, fortunately no one dead. I would have felt it, the tie that connected us severing, that would not have gone unnoticed.

Thats when I heard Ryan's panicked voice echo in my head "Where's Lucy?" I look around, Lucy nowhere in sight, I try to connect to her, I cant get through. No one answers. Until one boy, no older than 16 steps forward, he was still in wolf form, shaking in fear. In the mind link I heard his youthful voice "She got taken, I saw it and tried to chase them down, but I was outnumbered."

Ryan turned on him, eyes ablaze, and went to step towards him, growling lowly. Wanitng to blame someone for the disspareance of his sister. That's when I noticed the large and gruesome gash that ran down the small boys wolf. Not lethal but will defiantly leave a scar, vulnerable, that's why he was shaking, not in fear but of blood loss.

I step in the way of them, mind linking one of the warriors to take the boy, Josh, I think his name is, to the pack doctor immediately. I can tell Ryan is tempted to go around me but I put a stop to that "Don't even think about it. It's not his fault, instead of blaming it on one of your own pack members, do something productive about it."

This aggravates him further and he goes to answer me back but one look silences it, "Fine, my best warriors. You know who you are, follow me, we are going to get Lucy back, now." They stand to attention behind him, one grabbing a bag behind a tree, filled with clothes, it hangs out of his mouth. "I'm coming with you."

He sighs, "You need to stay here, in case they come back, then I won't need to worry about everyone else being in danger. I now you can take care of yourself and our pack."

I don't bother to argue with this instead I nod and they are off. I signal for the pack to head back, away from the border, telling them to be on guard until we know for sure those rogues are not coming back. Begrudgingly I go back, informing everyone of our situation and what we need to do about it.

The reactions of everyone varied greatly, ranging from stunned silence into raging anger. I don't blame them, there Alpha left them on a whim that he might be able to track down his sister, leaving them in the hands of, well, me. To most of them I am a stranger, but also their Luna.

I need to concentrate on keeping everyone calm, but most importantly, safe. I don't know how I'm supposed to do that though, with Ryan gone and Lucy missing. She is the best friend I have ever had, I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to her. I feel powerless, I could go after him, force Ryan to let me come. That wouldn't do anything useful - it would be selfish - everyone here needs someone they can look up to for guidance, a leader, and so that's what I will be.

Marching up the stairs, our best warriors and Beta Jake hot on my heels. I open Ryan's office and take my seat in his chair, I can still smell a faint trace for him, giving me the confidence I need to take charge. Then I get down to business.


Ryan's P.O.V:

A million thoughts are rushing through my head: was that the best way to handle the situation? Could I have done something different? The biggest one though is, where is Lucy? I can't believe I let those Rogues get her, I should have been there, I should have protected her. Guilt, anger and malice towards myself are making me confused and stopping me from concentrating.

I walk in circles, trying to think of a plan and catch her scent again, I lost it just a minute ago and I can't lick it up again. I don't know where they would have took her and why. My closest members are watching me, concerned. Not having the slightest idea if they should approach me or leave me be. Then I hear Kevin sigh in the mind link, he steps foward. I stop walking.

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